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Slow typing when posting?

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posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 12:17 PM
I've noticed in the past week that, mind you only here on ATS, I cannot type as fast as usual. What I mean is I can type a word and then watch as it is "magically" typed slowly on the screen. Almost as if someone were taking my keystrokes and reading, then retyping (And being a REALLY slow typist) what I type. The same is true for mouse movements. I can click on the scroll bar and move the page normally, but the wheel slows me down to a crawl, I can click to add a word in and it will take a "1 Mississippi" for the cursor to relocate.

Again, this is only on ATS. I frequent many other user forum type sites and have no problem, be it a phpbb site, a Yahoo group, ning networks, Simple Machines Forums, etc..

Also, It makes no difference if it is Linux or windows, FF, opera, IE, or a different IP location.

Any Ideas here?

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by pyrael

Is this all on the same computer? Do you have high-level security? Even when just using Peerblock, I get about 10-12 hits every time I click a page here. Check your internet traffic and see if a lot more is going on than should be. Sounds like you know how to use a computer. Which means that military will think you're probably a terrorist, and it's possible you're being actively monitored. The traffic check will let you know if this is the case. Check it from DOS or a DOS box.
Another good possibility is that it's the advertising. Firefox with NoScript and Adblock Plus does a good job taking care of this for me.

Edit to add: Actually it's behaving well today, but normally I do get quite a few anti-p2p or simple monitoring attempts. But ATS as a website itself may very well not be causing this at all. Probably the advertising isn't hand-selected either, so they may not even know what people are putting up on their site.

[edit on 8-3-2010 by IceOwl]

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by pyrael
It could be a browser issue. I'm not a techie, but suspect ATS pages run at a higher kb than a lot of other sites due to the amount of scripts and information on them. It only happens for me on ATS and Hall of Maat.

Open task manager (assuming windows) and see the browser gains in memory usage. I use FF and find that when it starts acting up...memory usage is around the 300,000k mark. Closing the browser returns it to normal again. Much of the memory is used to store previous pages so back-button clicks generate the page quickly.

There's a couple of hacks that help to keep FF memory usage lower for longer.

Check your task manager and see what application is using the memory. Apps like McAfee and Norton can really add lag when they update. uTorrent holds things back if you haven't set it up right too...

It's either that or ATS watches back

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 02:31 PM
That's the problem. it seems to be only ATS that it is happening on. And it makes no difference if I do any of the above suggestions. Also, to clarify, this is not just a windows problem. It happens on linux also. which leads of to believe that if it's not a script from ATS, perhaps a hidden proxy? I'm not home at the moment but when I get home I think I will run some tools on my connection. I have another computer that I have never used the internet to read any sites relating to the scope of ATS.I figure if it is afflicted also, then the issue is somewhere between ATS and my connection. If not then I must assume government involvement. How else is spyware and the like to end up on a linux based pc? not that they are infallible, but they are quite secure. And being that a portion of the security was written by the US DOD, it wouldn't surprise me.

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posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by pyrael
I'm not sure there's any reason to believe there's some Govt involvement. It's an open access site. Any posts can be read without using proxies. Have a look at 'Echelon,' a number of agencies can trace your ISP and IP and look at your net history without needing to add lag to your internet connection to ATS.

I checked yours earlier and your history gives me no cause for concern

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 03:06 PM
I have run ATS the past few days on 3 PCs without any problem at all.

1. Desktop with Vista Ultimate
2. Desktop with Linux Mint
3. Laptop with Vista Premium

Again, no problems at all


posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 03:51 PM
I've been having the same problem, even when I close all other windows and am solely on ATS. I've closed any apps that looked likely to interfere via task manager, but even then it seems to slow to a crawl every now and then.

Not sure what the issue might be. I do run Opera, and a lot of sites that are optimized for IE give me problems unless I pretend to be IE, Mozilla, or Firefox. Generally speaking though I won't mess with trying to visit a site that can't support my choice of browser, too many others to visit that do.

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by pyrael

Interesting. gheybaten mentioned a similar problem a few days ago. Maybe some of the advice on his thread could be helpful to you.

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 12:11 AM
Reply to post by jeanvaljean


I don't know if this will help or not since I am getting a 404 not found from the main site (I'm on my cellphone at the moment). Is there a server maintenance going on or something?

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