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bursting fat causes inflammation/immune disease

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posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 06:44 PM
Here's and article I saw on USA today which links being overweight to a variety of inflammatory, immunologic and heart diseases.

Researchers are beginning to understand the ways in which being overweight or obese contributes to a downward spiral of inflammation that can trigger heart disease, diabetes and other ailments. TopStories+%28News+-+Top+Stories%29&utm_content=My+Yahoo

It seems to be suggesting that human fat cells can cause inflammation in a very direct way, which as most of us know is a factor in many chronic and progressive illnesses. There may be an action wherein the fat cells themselves burst or leak and cause an immunologic response but there are still question and more research to be done. As you know becoming fatter in adults does not mean that you have more fat cells - it means that, as a rule your fat cells become bigger.

I don't recall this being discussed here before and hope I've put this in the right topic section. On a personal note, in the last two or three years I have greatly reduced the severity and frequency of my arthritis pain and fibromyalgia by eliminating wheat products and all corn syrup products since I had read many articles suggesting that such a diet might eliminate arthritis pain. Well, it's made a huge difference for me as far as pain goes but also resulted in a weight loss of about 15 pounds with no other changes to my diet.

I'm wondering now if it was the weight loss itself or if it was the elimination of those specific food products that resulted in my new found pain-free life (relatively speaking). Or if in fact, as suggested in this article it's because my fat cells are less enlarged and the hormonal and immunologic phenomena described in the article is indeed a reality and this is no longer a factor dragging me down and aging me prematurely. I'm 57 years old, again, relatively speaking! It feels great to be in an upward spiral, let me tell you.

Dealing with weight issues isn't easy and I should still lose about ten more pounds so wish me luck. Maybe someday I'll be completely pain free. Good luck to you too.

Thoughts on the article? Other information?

[edit on 7-3-2010 by ChrisCrikey]

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 06:54 PM
Yes you are right over porcessed food and GMO foods no only aid in weight gain but also the many chemicals that is used in the process create an array of side effects on people that eat them.

I also found out that when I eat certain processed foods my body aches and pains increased.

Also it is been already pointed out by independent studies that inflammation is what cause most hart attacks no direct cholesterol numbers.

That is why even if you are using statin drugs it doesn't mean that you will be saved from having a hart attack, actually statistics shows that is not actually different on those taking statin and those that do not when it comes to hart attacks, but only that cholesterol numbers do goes lower while under statin drugs.

But still inflammation is present.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 06:57 PM
When i have been eating processe food over, i have been running to the toilet, feeling sick and my body is now refusing to even eat anything that is not competly fresh, its also refusing the water.

what do they put in processed food to make people be sick and have diaerra etc? why dose it look and feel so cardboard ?

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 06:57 PM
When i have been eating processe food over, i have been running to the toilet, feeling sick and my body is now refusing to even eat anything that is not competly fresh, its also refusing the water.

what do they put in processed food to make people be sick and have diaerra etc? why dose it look and feel so cardboard ?

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 07:01 PM
reply to post by anonymousproxy

That sounds like food sensitivity brought up by processed foods.

It will take a food allergy test to point out exactly what is causing your problem.

The only thing I can tell you is stay away from processed food and GMO foods as much as you can.

It takes time and a lot of research and trial and error but you can live a healthy life and enjoy foods the way nature makes them.

[edit on 7-3-2010 by marg6043]

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 07:02 PM
It was in the news today that vitamin D plays a role here. Loosing weight and cutting out a lot of sugar and salt is a good thing. Everything has HFCS in it so it's hard to avoid. Getting out in the sun will help. A lot of people have been spending to much time inside. Me included.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 07:07 PM
reply to post by ViperFoxBat

ViperFoxBat, thank you for that link. I recently read that somewhere else too. I'm going to start supplementing with vitamin D3. Makes me wonder if people could lose weight and feel better by just getting more sunshine and/or supplementing vitamin D...with such a large percentage of overweight people measuring low in vitamin D it's certainly compelling evidence that there's a link. It's such an easy fix too!

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 07:09 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
reply to post by anonymousproxy

That sounds like food sensitivity brought up by processed foods.

It will take a food allergy test to point out exactly what is causing your problem.

The only thing I can tell you is stay away from processed food and GMO foods as much as you can.

It takes time and a lot of research and trial and error but you can live a healthy life and enjoy foods the way nature makes them.

Dose many bodies react in the same way to been that sensetive over food? it happend as soon as I started to eat good fresh food.

The most foods i only know to eat is fresh meat and fresh veg and fruit

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 07:11 PM
reply to post by ViperFoxBat

Yes sugar also plays a role in obesity, but not sugar in the natural state but since the introduction of high fructose corn syrup and the so call sugar free fruit juices and sodas.

You still can eat sugar but no processed one or chemically made.

Since the introduction of corn syrup people has actually gotten bigger, also watch out for MSG that is also highly damaging to the body, and because its known to be so damaging manufactures now use different names to be able to still added to foods.

Anything in the label of food that you purchase in the markets that have names you can hardly read is no good for the body.

Also stay away from imitation butters and fats, use real butter and real fats that are no processed.

Environment D is another subject, since the big deal about the introduction of sun blockers by big companies the sun is now an enemy, the sun is not the enemy actually since sun blockers are in the markets people are actually having more problems with skin cancer than before they were available.

The best source of environment D-3 is the sun rays, most people are deficient in it because the scare of skin cancer .

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by anonymousproxy

Any time you do a Major change in diet without going into a body detoxification, the body will react to the introduction of new foods or foods that are not what you used to eat in a natural way.

But the problem will go away eventually, then when you eat something again that is not part of the new established diet the problems will start all over again.

Is better to start introducing foods one at a time and give yourself time to see how your body reacts.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by anonymousproxy

Sounds like a great diet to me, anoymousproxy, but you do need to find some water that agrees with you and drink lots of it. Can you handle no grains whatsoever? I feel that good quality rice is good for me but I worry that the price is going up and this is a staple for so much of the world. I'm getting so I don't miss wheat at all but it's hard to shop and dine out....or eat impulsively.

I hope you can find some good water!

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by ChrisCrikey
reply to post by anonymousproxy

Sounds like a great diet to me, anoymousproxy, but you do need to find some water that agrees with you and drink lots of it. Can you handle no grains whatsoever? I feel that good quality rice is good for me but I worry that the price is going up and this is a staple for so much of the world. I'm getting so I don't miss wheat at all but it's hard to shop and dine out....or eat impulsively.

I hope you can find some good water!

I can handle rice, pasta. I cant stand frozen meats such as burgers, chicken ( southern fried chicken for example), chicken kiev. Body can't stand cheese, to much milk, chocolate, tin bake beans. i use to eat all this without any problem, and like marg6043 said a drastic change in diet can make your body do things you rather not feel.

I forced my body to become bigger, i was 7 stone now 12 stone, i am 5 foot 5. My body wont take any extra fat or any rubbish, including choc. For some reason i walk past these's types of food and i feel sick

I drank evian spring water and it tasted even worst than my tap water. I cant find any good spring water and i hate the water from my tap because i know what in it and it makes me feel sick even more.

[edit on 7-3-2010 by anonymousproxy]

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 08:02 PM
I did not become overweight until after the inflammation/immune disease started.

You have to watch research like this because many doctors go by the date the inflammatory/autoimmune disorder is diagnosed not when the symptoms started.

My symptoms started in april 2002 but i was not DXed with sarcoidosis, neurosarcoidosis and fibromyalgia till 2006.

Any researcher looking at my medical records would see that i was overweight in 2006.
But i was not overweight in 2002 when the symptoms became so bad i was disabled.
During that 4 year period i put on 60 pounds because i was in so much pain exercise was imposable.
I also have metabolic syndrome caused by the sarcoidosis and that did not help.

Then you add that they treat the inflammatory/autoimmune disorder with Prednisone and the neurological pain with Gabapentin both cause weight gain.

I have seen this in many other cases as a EMT.

The actor comedian Jerry Lewis had the same thing happen when he was on prednisone for pulmonary fibrosis,

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by ANNED

Thanks for your post, ANNED. I really feel for you having sarcoidosis and fybromyalgia. These autoimmune illnesses are so hard to figure out...and I fear sometimes they are ultimately progressive. I was first diagnosed many years ago and for the most part things had been getting progressively worse. My anti-wheat, and corn syrup diet has helped tremendously but I still fear it's no cure. Eliminating all the nightshades helps me too but not as dramatically as the elimination of wheat and all HFCS products.

I have been diagnosed in the past with several other related illnesses including Sjogren's and autoimmune thyroiditis with elevated RH factor but that is gone now...I was convinced I had sarcoidosis at one time too but I have gotten frustrated going to doctors. I was offered steroidal treatment but passed on it. Good luck to you, I know how awful and elusive these illnesses can be.

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