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The Hippies were right allright! Scam an more scam, ask me what i think of 9/11 ect..

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posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 05:45 PM
Im going to stick out an arm an a leg about this, but im just an old Hippie who tried to bring a little Peace an Love to the Planet! my Generation were the first to ask questions about TPTB we knew the Vietnam War was a scam, we also new whats behind it an everything these evil few are up to, the thing is what iv noticed now is it was definitely a seed that's grown to a massive tree!
So im going to set up a Question an Answer about 9/11! an im not even American, but i know when i smell a Rat! an this crime has efected my People in Ireland as much as anywere else! so ask me about the truth on that faitfull Day! but in a nice way! im not into Heavy People!

[edit on 8-3-2010 by DCDAVECLARKE]

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 05:56 PM
Have you heard of Dr. Judy Wood? Did you know she has been researching 9/11 since 2001 and has already filed several law suits against NIST and Congress demanding a new investigation and requesting that NIST’s false data gets reexamined?

Dr. Judy Wood has received many threats due to the research she has done and evidence she has gathered, and 2 of her friends that were involved in Cold Fusion / Free Energy research were murdered.

Have you heard of her by chance? I did not until a few weeks ago, but her research is very interesting.

Let me know what you think,


posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 06:08 PM
Now everyone who looks at this thread knows who She is,

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by DCDAVECLARKE Generation were the first to ask questions about TPTB...

I would respectfully have to disagree with that statement.

Socialism, Anarchism etc., came about as direct opposition to TPTB and their system of private ownership of resources (capitalism).

The peasants revolt of 1381 was direct action against TPTB.

There was mass opposition and protesting during the two world wars, just didn't get much if any media coverage. Mass protests against nuclear weapons in the 50's, there was London-Aldermaston anti-Trident march.

People have been questioning TPTB since TPTB were TPTB.

You weren't even the first generation to be 'hippies', there were 'hippies' long before the media coined that term and the media educated followed the medias version of 'hippie'.

Maybe the first generation to get mass media coverage and all the mess that the media creates with it.

Anyway, nice sentiment though...

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 06:31 PM
Yay!!I/m a Hippie and I called 9-11 as it happened.I was on a radio talk show and was bumped from previous topic,but was allowed to blurt out that it had to be an inside deal.Asked why,I answered no way a plane could have been allowed to do that without being intercepted.

We're right about other things too,food,fuel and fibre,pantagruleon.(sp?)

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 06:34 PM
What would be the point of killing your own people? What would they gain from it?

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 06:41 PM
Okay....what is the truth behind 9/11? I have done as you have instructed.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by ANOK

Originally posted by DCDAVECLARKE Generation were the first to ask questions about TPTB...

I agree entirely because they inspired the counter-culture in the first place! all im saying is we pushed it more an more sometimes on TV because they couldn't ignore us, We had a strong Political view an pushed it in there faces, plus the Music scene an the Art world we got the message across to every thinking Person on the Planet!Peace

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by Phlynx
What would be the point of killing your own people? What would they gain from it?

Power, control, resources. The usual three. History is full of events of this nature for those reasons.

Do you really think America joined WWII to save the Brits from Hitler?
All the money made, and the land and resources claimed were just lucky extras?

War is about power, control and resources, always had been. If there is no good excuse to go to war then god dammit they'll make one.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 06:47 PM

Originally posted by Phlynx
What would be the point of killing your own people? What would they gain from it?

Im sorry I have to tell you this but TPTB dont give a Rats Arse about the People off the World! never mind just the USA!

[edit on 7-3-2010 by DCDAVECLARKE]

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 06:58 PM

Originally posted by budaruskie
Okay....what is the truth behind 9/11? I have done as you have instructed.

The truth is you have been taking for a ride! I know it an i think deep down you know it to! peace. PS I See you have an Alien as a referance to were your at, you belive in Aliens? well that must mean you have an out of the Box mind, so im surprised yea had to ask me in the frst place!

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 07:11 PM
reply to post by DCDAVECLARKE

Well I have to agree with what you have said, I just didn't see any reference to the events of 9/11 in the posts before mine.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 07:25 PM
Thats cool man, an if your a Woman all i mean by man is huMAN!peace.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 09:12 PM
Mossad is a good choice but I go with the KPMG theory. Because one of the recorders showed the cockpit door did not open, that in itself opens up another can of worms. The number of people involved shows that a LOT of money was involved. The EPA, the last bastion of the environment, obeyed and never said a word about the fouling of the air & water (oh those poor birds). That right there is MONEY. The Mossad may have been hired for part of it, who knows. The FBI, who have the other recorders hidden away will not say anything. That is MONEY. BO, who stands on the Socialist bulwark, could have broken the Bush agenda which he now follows. That is MONEY.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 09:54 PM
Hippies: We want the individual rights upon which America was founded! Equality, freedom of speech and action, and goodwill toward all humans. We want equality for women, gays and Negroes. We want an open society.
Establishment man: And how to do that?
Hippies: Through strong government protection, and incorporation into ... the economy! Establishment man: Well, that's not far from our plan, so we can work with you. In fact, we'll assimilate you, since our idea is a grandfather version of yours, which is that each individual be free to accumulate wealth and thus have whatever life he or she desires. Not only that, but we'll use your Other-ness (self-defined, of course) to market products for the next forty years. We make out like bandits and don't have to alter our course at all, although we do feel a sneaking suspicion that society is breaking up... well (heh heh hehe) I guess the best will rise, and be able to afford gated communities, air filters, water filters, organic foods, and private medical care. The rest of you... well, I guess you're the Negro now. These expenses will be absorbed by society resulting in not only higher taxes, but higher bureaucratic expenses as we adopt layers of expensive government to fund them. Even more, the internal division in our society is going to require that we replicate structures... different products for different lifestyles... constant conflict mediation... there's endless possibilities for profit here. That's always been our model. In fact, we don't actually get inducted into The Establishment through a blood ritual... all you have to do is get the picture, and then start piling up wealth for yourself. It's social breakdown but we're gonna come out on top. Nothing to sign!

And so what happened? The hippies had their day of protests; token changes were made; government got stronger and business got stronger, and after another ten years, almost all of the hippies figured they were up against a force stronger than they and bowed their heads and joined. Now they run ethical coffee shops and pay their workers $8/hour, own stock portfolios, drive SUVs and pay for the fourth wife with salaries padded by corporate excess.

You cannot fix a broken system through division, because whatever value is a step up on the pyramid from where you are assimilates you. You have to invent a different kind of society, and that may mean giving up comforting concepts like economy as defining your place, pleasure and personal happiness as the goal, or even that equality is possible. These concepts are the basis of the American (liberal democratic, capitalist) system and if assumed in any form, will become the top of the pyramid and over years of conflict and debate, will return as a default. Every society which has embarked on individualism as the top of its pyramid has followed this course and while it may take some years, as the hippies found out, ultimately there is no deviation within it.

No, I don't believe that the CIA was behind the Sept. 11 attacks, and yes, I like living in America."

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 12:41 AM
concerned citizen,
What? a lecture on the up's an downs of Capitalism and the failed American Dream i think your talking to the wrong man, yea the Hippies are Middle class! so what! im a Champagne Socialist myself! you should go to India it would do you good! PS you certinly get to know your arse there, O and i think youll find there are a lot of people who never heard of 9/11 let alone America!

nobody can take your freedom

nobody can take anything from you the real you

because everything comes from within

the greatest battle lies... within ..........peace.

[edit on 8-3-2010 by DCDAVECLARKE]

[edit on 8-3-2010 by DCDAVECLARKE]

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 12:44 AM

Originally posted by Doctor G
Mossad is a good choice but I go with the KPMG theory. Because one of the recorders showed the cockpit door did not open, that in itself opens up another can of worms. The number of people involved shows that a LOT of money was involved. The EPA, the last bastion of the environment, obeyed and never said a word about the fouling of the air & water (oh those poor birds). That right there is MONEY. The Mossad may have been hired for part of it, who knows. The FBI, who have the other recorders hidden away will not say anything. That is MONEY. BO, who stands on the Socialist bulwark, could have broken the Bush agenda which he now follows. That is MONEY.

Always follow the money what, what!

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 07:39 AM
Heres an old hippie singing about freedom.....

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