posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 06:06 AM
Any type of flu is a lung flu as thats where the virus burries itself.
Anti-biotics only work for bacterial infections, they have not affect at all on virual infections. IN fact there are no medications which can cure
viral infections. There are anti-virals which when taken as a precautionary measure can prevent a viral infection or if taken at a very early stage
of getting a viral infection can cure it.
The medications around for viral infections only help to manage/stabilise a condition.
The reason for this is bacteria attach themself to the outside of a cell, thus they are easy to get at and destroy when taking anti biotics.
virusses actually enter a cell, thus the only way to destroy a virus is to also destroy the cell which wouldnt be a healthy thing to do.
I wouldnt get too concerned about you being ill and your flatmates being ok, maybe you have a weaker immune system, maybe they have a stronger one,
maybe they have had this virus when they were younger and their immune system knows how to deal with it.
Not all virusses spread the same, some need very close body contact or someone actually coughing in your face for it to spead. (in so far as
influenza virusses are concerned)
Of course if symtoms persist, need to consult your doctor asap.