posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 01:14 PM
Originally posted by Dromadus
We are trained by our society with expectations and tasks that cause people to engage in behaviors that are less than ideal, as you point out. It
only means they have adapted to the world as they found it. Allow me to point out the following which greatly fuels behaviors and the expectations in
life that you find difficult to appreciate. On a soft blue world in space...
Yes, I wrote this series of limericks while I was at work testing dot matrix printers so I had a lot of time between tests LOL.
For each of these limericks I thought about what was wrong with society, things I didn't like, or was disappointed in. As I did so, I came to think
about how we let society's demands and expectations drive our need to fit it, to get places in our lives and careers instead of just following our
dreams. How we turned our wisdom into folly for short term success, and then doused our pain and disappointment with drugs or alcohol. How we did
things that were not good for ourselves as a species (war), each other (greed), or our planet (pollution). But that is from us reacting to society as
we found it, rather than taking action to build our lives as we want them to be.
That soft blue world in space is still ours, and we have within our imaginations and our hands the tools to make changes to things. To come back to
life inside if we are struggling. To keep hope alive always.
Glad you liked my limericks friend.
[edit on 7-3-2010 by Dromadus]