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How to destroy a nation!

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posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 03:14 PM
Well how would one go about destroying a strong and powerful nation?

How about these 10 easy steps.

1. Make sure the dumbest and the most irresponsible out reproduce the smartest and most responsible. How do you do that?

Convince the smart that the sky is falling, so they won't reproduce.

Create a competition to see who can have the most stuff. Then convince people the less you have the less happy you are.

Create a debt environment where both people have to work to support their family, and so have little time for kids.

Keep raising taxes and fees so that the you have to work even more just to break even. So basically, punish you for being responsible.

Create entitlements to support the lifestyle of the irresponsible so they have more free time to create offspring. So basically, reward you for being irresponsible.

2. Create a growing subset of the population that thinks they have a RIGHT to have everything everyone else has regardless of their level or personal resonsibility, skills, or talents. Then grow this population by teaching kids that everyone wins in sports, everyone is equal at everything, and if you don't have everything equal someone else is not sharing.

3. Dumb down a nation by giving them an expectation that they must be constantly entertained. Give them all a couple hundred channels of tv, some video games, radio, ipods, computers, etc....

4. Make people think they are the center of the universe by creating things like Facebook and Twitter, so they can let the world know how important it is that they are having a bowel movement problem at this very moment.

5. Destroy personal connections by people by over inflating their self importance and their need to be constantly stimulated. See points 3 and 4. If you need more detail just text me and I will get right back to you.

6. Elect politicians who don't look for the good of the entire nation, but just whatever is good for them to get elected/reelected. Make sure they lie a lot and justify their actions by saying they did it for our good, because we are too dumb to know what is good for us.

7. Convince people that those who are successful got that way by robbing them like a thief in the night and that the only right thing to do is to punish them for their success.

8. Make the successful run to do business in other countries, so they take all the jobs and their now non-taxable money with them. So make sure to tax the hell out of them and create tons of useless money and time consuming regulations. Even better create a massive tax code so they have to hire lots of people just to figure out how much they owe.

9. Convince the people that even though you have ran off all of the comanies that create jobs that they DESERVE to be paid more, even though they are competing against people in a global economy. Heck, tell them they must unionize and demand more benefits, because even though they didn't risk capital to build the business they DESERVE to take as much as possible. We all know that the benevolent shareholders don't want a return on investment.

10. Pay the government workers a premium over the very people who pay their salaries with their tax dollars. Make sure you give them lots of unfunded benefits that are worth 5 times what the average private worker gets. Don't forget to hire more government workers while you are running a deficit and the private tax payer is loosing their jobs.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by Mr Sunchine

heck I agree with most less 7 and 8 -

Good points for the most part, still need to work on the distinguishing


posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 03:56 PM
The excess of liberty, whether in States or individuals, seems only to pass into excess of slavery.

Yes, the natural order.

And so tyranny naturally arises out of democracy, and the most aggravated form of tyranny and slavery out of the most extreme form of liberty?
- Republic, Plato

To escape the regression of our civilization, we need to introduce quality control again and stop being afraid of the reality that all individuals are created unequal and different. Not all people can lead and therefore we need leaders to handle state affairs. We must design a social system that allows for intelligent men and women to breed intelligent children, and see to it that people of low intelligence either breed few children or none at all. We need to introduce new values that transcend the crass materialism of today and promote only the excellent in humankind.

So am I angry at people, angry at society? Not really. Hate has nothing to do with this. I like most people, but I realize that it's insane to disregard this development, only because we've grown afraid of a decline that not even our pretentious morality can save. We cannot correct this through dogma, emotions, or social control. If humankind declines genetically in intelligence, we will not - despite what deluded Leftists claim - be able to continue producing Mozarts and Platos. We will be soulless animals, watching TV, slaving for large corporations, living among trash and human filth, making it nearly impossible to distinguish man from animal. Is that humanism? No, it's the final bus stop for humanity; the beginning of the end.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 04:16 PM
That noise you hear in the distance? That's the bestial roar of the crowd. There are still a few people out here that haven't been dumbed down, and if they decide to lead a revolution, no force on Earth will stop them.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 04:31 PM
Excellent thread !

I kind of recognize every point you make !

Why don't all those people see it ?

To uu it is so obvious. I S & F for ya.

[edit on 06/03/2010 by Sinter Klaas]

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 05:02 PM
I agree totaly, and this is an excelent topic. It used to be that people were rewarded for their success and achievement. Nowdays it seems like those of us who have worked hard, studied and made something of our lives should cower in a corner and subsidise the rest of the population.

Its about time that the needs of the few stopped taking president and natural selection kicked back in!

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 05:08 PM

Its about time that the needs of the few stopped taking president and natural selection kicked back in!
reply to post by blackrabbit1

Elaborate on your natural selection kick in statement. What is it, exactly, you'd like natural selection to do?

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 05:55 PM
Oh, You are really pushin em.

I find a connection to this clip to be relevant to a couple or your points.

edit to add, I looked for a clip with the Repubs and the idiocracy connection but I could not find one. Still looking, if I find one I will post it.

edit to add

Okay, I found a couple Republican members of the idiocracy-


[edit on 3/6/2010 by endisnighe]

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by endisnighe

OMG that video is classic. I busted a nut. One of my favorite movies is idiocracy. It pretty much sums up the current state of affairs.

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