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Exactly what I was thinking...

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posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 05:30 AM
What I am thinking right now, is being pondered upon by you, and everyone else that you think is pondering upon it as well. Stop thinking and know, that you were right, that I am thinking exactly what you are thinking, because you are thinking exactly that which I am. That thought that almost didn't process, that thought you disregarded in disbelief, is in fact the most important thought of your life, you have just been given the key to all knowledge...

The knowledge that we are all thinking the same thing... "There is no way anyone else would think that, would they?"

Yes we would, and we do, so before you think your thoughts are isolated to your own just remember that everyone else is thinking that their thoughts are isolated, and therefore everyone is thinking the same thing.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 05:50 AM
Well i was thinking which route to take on my bicycle, Shall i cycle to Bangor or to Carrickfergus ? And what sandwiches should i make up, Cheese and and ham with mustard or chicken with beetroot ? Its to nice a day to sit in front of the computer so i am off out to get some exercise and enjoy the fresh air.. Bet you were not thinking that

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 05:51 AM
Well put...I work with troubled folks so to say and they often ask me after some "crazy" thought who would think that way? I consider myself more sane then most and some of the thought s that have passed thru my mind are far from sane...So, as I like to tell folks..."everyone is crazy it just all depends how you react to your crazieness" In other words... I am mad at a co-worker and I think man I would love to beat his @ss, i dont cuz that'd be crazy? Another person has the same thought but reacts differently and beats up the co-worker...This is a watered down example but I am sure you guys smell what I am stepping in.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 06:50 AM
I understand what you are trying to say and that there exists within all of us an ability to travel inwards and all meet up at the same point, a universal consciousness if you will. But what about free will / choice?

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 07:03 AM
It's not a collective consciousness as much as it is a collective mood if you will...

The next time you feel deep down inside of you something must be said, make it heard.

That feeling in your stomach that sends a warm tingle to your heart is your subconscious telling you something you already understand but deny knowing.

We have freewill to make any decision we like, our subconscious sways our decision towards what we already know is the proper choice, we can strengthing this moral muscle by trusting true to our intentions.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 07:13 AM
reply to post by raj9721

I totally agree, the problem we have is the hustle and bustle of everyday life, if we could all tone this down we could find ourselves changing over night, unfortunately though the strong powers of this world stop us from achieving this constant higher awareness by forcing unecessary illusions in our life which according to society we must all chase for the rest of our lives.

Some of the most poorest people in this world have the most wonderful experiences of this higher state of awareness.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 07:47 AM

Originally posted by franspeakfree
reply to post by raj9721

I totally agree, the problem we have is the hustle and bustle of everyday life, if we could all tone this down we could find ourselves changing over night, unfortunately though the strong powers of this world stop us from achieving this constant higher awareness by forcing unecessary illusions in our life which according to society we must all chase for the rest of our lives.

Some of the most poorest people in this world have the most wonderful experiences of this higher state of awareness.

It is against our nature to blame ourselves, there are no secret cults running the show I am afraid.

As much as all the "facts" add up towards this belief of a "them" or "they" that manipulate the world, it is in reality a human defense in that a "You know what THEY always say" is actually a "You know what I always say"

The they and them, is sadly just us.

If there were really 200 elite people with all the wealth ruling the world, they would have major issues controlling 30,000,000,000 normal people, especially if they planned on relying on a few of these normal people to police the rest.

Unless they can get robots to enslave us all, while keeping the robots in check...

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 08:04 AM
reply to post by raj9721

Too bad collective thoughts and moods don't translate into actions then. I understand your reasoning but I have to ask why it matters. Actions are what create reality for individuals - even if those individuals are in the collective.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 08:56 AM

Originally posted by Iamonlyhuman
reply to post by raj9721

Too bad collective thoughts and moods don't translate into actions then. I understand your reasoning but I have to ask why it matters. Actions are what create reality for individuals - even if those individuals are in the collective.

We are in a new state of interaction, inbetween thought and action, we post our thoughts but with the opportunity of experiencing a reaction from others.

That thought/action hybrid is the social network we call the World Wide Web.

Without it this original post would just be a thought stuck in my head, and this post here is a 3rd generation reaction to a 2nd generation thought you had about my 1st generation post.

This exposure to reaction leaks off into the real world where people are now realizing that all along we have had similar thinking processes to one another, and that more than often your instinctual decision of action to a thought is the same decision many others would make if they knew what I have just described.

It is the isolation of a universal thought that compromises ones decision on how to handle the thought, even though the only obstacle isolating the universal thought is the mindset that the thought is isolated and unique.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 09:43 AM
Actually I was thinking the following, and I'm pretty sure you were not.

I was thinking exactly how much more time my raider was going to take to finish before I had to send it on to the proper department, and exactly how much time before my coffee was going to finish brewing.

Also that I have awful cramps....

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by raj9721
If there were really 200 elite people with all the wealth ruling the world, they would have major issues controlling 30,000,000,000 normal people, especially if they planned on relying on a few of these normal people to police the rest.

Erm, are you aware of the ibroamerica elite? 200 of the most richest people in the world live in those parts. They are the big hitters they own nearly 3/4 of south america. Whilst ordinary citizens live in complete poverty .

I am wondering now if you have done research raj9721?

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 05:43 PM
Somehow, I get what the O.P. is saying. Maybe I'm crazy.

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 01:58 AM

Originally posted by Bananarama
Somehow, I get what the O.P. is saying. Maybe I'm crazy.

Your not crazy, you just proved my point right, I am not talking about a single thought here, I am talking in general; when people are put into situations they will act towards that situation more than often in the same manner.


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