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Climate change human link evidence

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posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 02:15 AM

Climate change human link evidence

A review from the UK Met Office says it is becoming clearer that human activities are causing climate change.
It says the evidence is stronger now than when the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change carried out its last assessment in 2007.
The analysis, published in the Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Climate Change Journal, has assessed 110 research papers on the subject.
It says the earth is changing rapidly, probably because of greenhouse gases.
(visit the link for the full news article)

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Related Discussion Threads:
fossil fuels, global warming
Oh About Those 32,000 "Leading Scientists" Against Global Climate Change.
Ten Facts & Ten Myths On Climate Change

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 02:15 AM
Perhaps, yet again, futile, but more scientific consensus on global warming due to fossil fuel combustion.

Not only that the planet is warming, but that it is specifically due to the burning of fossil fuels.

This collection of over 100 studies looks at a variety of topics relating to the issue of global warming and fossil fuel combustion including ocean salinity levels, global temperatures, changes in the atmosphere(!), changing rainfall patterns and the reduction in arctic ice formations.
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 3/5/2010 by Hadrian]

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 02:51 AM
reply to post by Hadrian

Perhaps, as you say, it is futile to try to change our conspiracy-loving conservative fellow members' minds on this.

However, it should at least be clear now that climate change is happening. The evidence is rather egregious.

Who cares whether it's caused by humans or not? The thing is to save our species from catastrophe if we can. There is only one way to do that: stop pouring carbon into the atmosphere.

The days of guzzle-guzzle are over. The guzzlers don't want to hear it, but facts are stubborn.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 03:50 AM
The conspiracys not that climate change is happening. Its that they all bitch 'what a terrible thing this is' while hypocritically flying to meetings in individual private jets and owning factories which provide the wealth and exploitation of resources which lead to private jets.

The world was wayyy hotter centuries ago, well proven in the Greenland sagas, not to MENTION millions of years ago for cold blooded REPTILES to roam the earth. It didnt magically change due to human pollution then, it happened NATURALLY. Of course pollution may speed it up and is terrible for health. But they shouldnt have to lie about the reason to stop it.

Global warmings not bad for nature, its good for business. So youll continue to hear about it.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 04:07 AM
well, even if humans are responsible for global warming, it's quite clear a global consensus on action to reverse the damage is virtually impossible.

In stead we will be told that cap and trade policies will help us in the west to do our bit, but this is just another trading econonmy that will do little to help the environment.

I'm afraid it's a lost cause, in my opinion.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 04:14 AM
Yes. I personally think it no longer matters what is causing global warming. In Aus, the government is trying hard to put in a cap and trade system with a huge budget.

This just reeks of the government's attempt to capitalise on global warming. An alarming trend that is prying cash and control away from us.

Global Warming is real.

Trying to slow global warming may or may not work. My bet is probably not as it would take the whole world's combined effort to make it stop - do you want a one world government?

Taxing carbon is just an excuse for extra government revenue!

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 05:08 AM
Pretty pathetic how people can take the side of the corrupt Govts. that uses the climate change as nothing but a tool to steal our money, that is all it is..

If the situation is that frggn dire, the Govt. should walk to work, then the people will follow, not drive limo's and drive private plans..

I aint giving Al gore one frggn penny until he starts using a Bike, or walks to work..

The law most be clear too, that people in politics or have been in politics, are not allowed to take part Ever in any such activities and/or agencies/corporations, at all.....

And if the change is us breathing, let us just kill our selfs, prove you belive by doing that, or else, shutit with the Humans cause Warming.. What about the animals ? they exhale carbon too ? Kill all of them also ? Lets remove all life from the planet, that will reduce the co2, then the trees dont get co2 so they too will die ! GREAT PLAN..


posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 05:22 AM
Its a Scam. Period.!!!

I see this crap on tv here in Norway too, it isnt co2 anymore, no, it is greenhouse gases, why? because we are on to them,that's why..

The plan is to use lots of money on building tanks to bury the Co2 in the atlantic ocean, that is a great idea, what about the future ? an earthquake and the tanks start too leak, would'nt that be real bad since the Co2 is a Killer gas ? Let us rather shoot it out in space, deplete the earth completely of Co2..Ohh, I keep forgetting that the Trees and Plants Need that darn Co2 to exist..

Anyways, who is going to pay for that useless idiotic plan ?? ME, my tax money is going to be 'wasted' on the plan by increase in taxes everywhere, gasoline is already $2 here, a chunk of cheese is $12 almost, and it is redicolously idiotic prises...

And when they raise the prizes after the meeting in Bali before the meeting in Brazil somewhere, I cant afford Cheese lot less fill up my car, and guess who is getting the roads by them selfs ? Yea , the corrupt politicians, driving the limo I pay for thru Carbon Tax....

no one sees this ??

[edit on 5/3/2010 by ChemBreather]

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 05:59 AM
I see nothing in the article which points to any evidence whatsoever of a "climate change human link". Remember folks, the Earth has been warming ever since we came out of the last ice Age about 25,000 years ago. Global Warming is an undeniable fact. The theory of Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming is bogus science.

Here is the summary of "human link" evidence in the article:

It says the earth is changing rapidly, probably because of greenhouse gases.


In 2007 the IPCC's report concluded that there was "unequivocal" evidence that the Earth was warming and it was likely that it was due to burning of fossil fuels.

We've gone from "likely" to "probably". Looks like the science is settled. Probably.

"What this study shows is that the evidence has strengthened for human influence on climate and we know that because we've looked at evidence across the climate system and what this shows very clearly is a consistent picture of a warming world," said Dr Stott.

Here is the logic, in summary:
Phase 1: The Earth is warming.
Phase 2: ...
Phase 3: Therefore human activity is causing the warming.

Or alternatively:
Phase 1: Collect underpants.
Phase 2: ...
Phase 3: Make profit!

Notice anything missing?

Your underpants, perhaps?

[edit on 2010-3-5 by wecomeinpeace]

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 06:16 AM

Where a conclusion is reached and then "science" works backwards to try and "prove" that it's real, whilst at the same time manipulating figures, with holding evidence and not accepting peer review from anyone who might disagree.

Politicised "science" at its finest...

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 06:16 AM

Originally posted by blerk

Global Warming is real.

I just need ONE scientific proof of this.
Please. And i will believe!

Than we can go to further discussion what is the couse.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 06:17 AM
Hey scientists have gotta earn a living and put food on the table somehow, and if it means licking the elites boots then so be it.
"It says the evidence is stronger now than when the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change carried out its last assessment in 2007." - funny that. After the erasing of raw data last year.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 06:58 AM
It looks like the biggest friggin' scam I've ever seen. So let me get this straight. If I buy carbon credits from a company owned by Al Gore or some other ahole, that's going to solve global warming, climate change or whatever the hell they call it now because I now have the right to pollute.


The only thing that will result will be a transfer of wealth from the working classes to the political classes and the elites, which is what the plan was all along. These people are friggin' vampires, folks, they're trying to bleed you dry of every last dime you have, and it amazes me that people fall for this BS.

Yeah, those politicians are going to save the world, alright. They just need your hard earned cash to do it. Where have I heard that crap before? Its not even a good scam. These are the same idiots that brought you all of the problems of the world, folks. Why are you trusting them now?

Just to add, the thing that really pisses me off the most about this garbage is that there are real, obvious environmental issues in this world that are being completely ignored because of the concentration on this junk.

[edit on 5-3-2010 by vor78]

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by vor78

Just to add, the thing that really pisses me off the most about this garbage is that there are real, obvious environmental issues in this world that are being completely ignored because of the concentration on this junk.

All this story is not about climate or preserving the nature, as we are all aware of. So, real environmental issues are not on the agenda, just carbon credits.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 12:42 PM
We went from "likely to probably" ... in 2007. Now, the article indicates "since then the evidence that human activities are responsible for a rise in temperatures has increased."

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 01:15 PM
We better stop burning fossil fuels. Mars is warming up, and jupiter is starting to catch fire. Our fossil fuel burning is having a major impact on our solar system, when are we going to wake up?

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 01:26 PM
Food, oil and water wars are natural consequences of reckless, exponential growth in world population and world consumption. Even though the industrial world is closing in on population stabilization, the third world is still growing and is expected to do so up till 2050. Until we're there, you can expect more conflicts, social disaster and environmental problems. The real bandit here is human ignorance, because only through the reckless behavior of humans gone out of control would the world face these global problems. Humanity lacks leadership. The alpha males controlling us are pseudo-leaders put in place to profit on our problems, not to solve them.

In times of boom, we spend resources on surrogate solutions like green products, and in times of recession we are given a nutty excuse to restore business back to normal again. That's not environmental action, it's green populism used to expand the economy and the political power. The people have been duped by their own leaders, but the worst thing is that the whole of humanity is duping itself; we rely upon the natural resources and without them we can say good-bye to our civilization. We don't live in harmony with our environment, we use it to compete socially and get ahead of others, like monkeys on drugs. Our lack of collective responsibility reveals we use our freedoms to take advantage of our surrounding instead of conserving it.

Unsurprisingly, we harm ourselves due to lack of intelligent choices. We pick what seems most comfortable, not what's realistic. That's why we need leaders in charge who remove bad incentives for unhealthy lifestyles and encourage positive, intelligent decision making. That's not going to happen in a society where we've abandoned those values and replaced them with commerce. Our leaders are loyal only to their pupper masters, who serve us their market ideology in a slick entertaining package.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 01:31 PM
Don't even waste your time Fellas.

When sea levels rise, droughts and massive weather changes happen it will hit them like a ton of stupid bricks.

Not one or even a collection of over one hundred scientific peer group studies will convince them.

They believe in Fox Noise, Glen Beck and Rush Limpballs. It is them that they put their science in.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by Hadrian
We went from "likely to probably" ... in 2007. Now, the article indicates "since then the evidence that human activities are responsible for a rise in temperatures has increased."

What rise? There has been no rise observed in at least 15 years except where data is manipulated to fabricate such a rise. And even if there was, who cares apart from some tree hugging eco-fascists.

Survey questions (see Appendix) were sent to 345 U.S. contributors and reviewers of the IPCC’s “Climate Change 2007: The Physical Basis.” Respondents were asked to check the box that best represents their view.

Less than 50% of the respondents said that an increase in global temperature of 1-degree Celsius is flatly undesirable.

Half of the respondents said that such a temperature increase is desirable, desirable for some but undesirable for others or too difficult to assess.

Among survey respondents, then, there’s no consensus on desirability of 1-degree Celsius of global warming ─ twice the level of warming that occurred during the 20th century.

When asked about the ideal climate, only 14% said that the ideal climate was cooler than the present climate. Sixty-one percent said that there is no such thing as an ideal climate.

Consensus my arse.

[edit on 5-3-2010 by fumanchu]

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 01:52 PM
climate change is real but NOT made by us...
CO2 has nothing to do with it ... only our action like cutting forests down and spilling crap into rivers and oceans ...

CO2 is good it stimulates regrowth of plants at faster rates with more co2.

why is it so hard to understand that co2 is demonized to make you pay tax to produce it ...

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