posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 01:29 AM
I am a Californian.
In my opinion, the partisan conflict is tearing the State of California apart.
We elected A. S. to solve the problem as a middle-road politician, but he could not.
The SofC cannot bring itself to the reality that it cannot afford the public programs it has build over the past 50 years. The collapse of property
taxes have increased the problem threefold.
California needs to audit itself. It needs to stop fraud, waste, and abuse. It will not do it. Therefore, the partisan warring will continue as
they defend their own constituents. Damn the torpedoes, full steam ahead.
California legislature is like the proverbial ostrich with its head in the sand. If it comes to a realization of its pitfalls, and bipartisan
cooperation develops, it will be too late. The die is cast, the the future is determined.
For example, the Department of Health and Human Services, Child Protective Services Division, had a big article in the Sacramento Bee today. They
don't have the funds they need to protect the children. Boo hoo. Well, the facts speak differently. 61% of the cases CPS handles are real cases.
The others are not. If California reduced the CPS budged by 40%, CPS would have to back off and stop splitting up families over the smallest of
issues. They are family destroyers. Look at the websites about it. If the State legislators had the strength of conviction to look at the facts and
make the right decisions for the State rather than themselves, the State would flourish. However, they are watching out for their own political
careers. So be it. You reap what you sow. People without courage do not deserve to live in democracy. Freedom has a price, and the legislature in
California does not have the brave heart to pay that price.