posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 04:57 PM
IMO, being Human is no different to being an ant or a dolphin or a star.
We are here to complete a particular cycle, to learn and grow and expand.
That is, to expand not just our DNA through breeding but also our knowledge and understanding of the universal life force.
I think this is why we ultimately feel alone even though we share this planet with so many of our like.
If we had a collective mind, then we would suffer so greatly if any ties were broken. An ant can communicate in its own way, yet it is able to work on
its own accord. A star does what it does (wether it is a living entity or capable of communication is another issue...somewhere along the lines of
Gaia theory).
Being Human, for me, is an experience. A snap shot of a greater image. A portal to one of the many possible ways to live, love, thrive and survive. An
opportunity to gain a greater understanding.
I feel that our dreams have a deep universal/spiritual connection that we have yet to learn about, but these dreams are lessons and/or messages for a
part of us that may possibly be subdued due to our current way of living.
Just a few thoughts on that for now..