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Broken America? I Say Not!

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posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by ownbestenemy

i say clearly- america is broken -its fubar -
i tell you what you are up against to "save " your country. -the powers that be.-
thats my opinion based on what i think is really going on.
and i am mentally disturbed so-shrug- brain on america. just say no.
but the facts remain and i provide the dots i have connected, albeit
a scattered presentation. stay with the group..
i will return to costa rica after the rainy season..i have a little cottage on a remote hills
.but even there- 47 warships 200 helicopters 7,000 marines running ops.
and in panama also -too bad they werent patrolling the mexican border huh?
i liquidated my stocks and invested in gold a couple years ago.
sold my house before the collapse. i'm good to go.
i salute you up to the task- but i'm crippled up and got nerve damages..
i'm going out hunter s thompson style..
but let me make one thing perfectly clear my fellow americans-
we been screwed. for the hills.

edit on 8-10-2010 by p51mustang because: corrected

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by neo96

You my friend are absolutely correct. I don't know what your first step, but mine has been education, of both myself and family and friends. Being able to maintain a calm demeanor in the face of radicals right and left, and staying calm in a discussion. I don't have a plan, but certainly have steps of them in mind, just now it is time to find someone to listen to me (us), so that journey can begin.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by BubbaJoe

you believe what ever you want- the question -is america broken- my answer ,yes-fubar.
i tell you what your up against- and wish you lotsa luck.
dont follow me..i'm mentally disturbed. crippled . over the notion.
i have a hideout in costa rica and thats the best i was able to do.
i advise you all to head for the hills.
stockpile food and ammunition.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by p51mustang

And to those I agree. Call me an idealist, but I do not see the United States completely broken yet...albeit we are definitely on the fast track to become so.

I wasn't knocking what you wrote at all, just wasn't clear exactly what you were getting at except a bunch of everything.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 07:49 PM
Education is critical. Discernment, moreso

Robert D. Kaplan
The Coming Anarchy: Shattering The Dreams of the Post Cold War

about Kaplan from

"...violence, prejudice, disease, environmental degradation, and social chaos is the human condition; and the only way to keep it all at bay is through a combination of strength, stealth, and superior intelligence. The Coming Anarchy consists of his essays from the last six years, and they’re more politically explicit than his book-length writing."

Check out Cass Sunstein's whole list at, but especially

Going To Extremes: How Like Minds Unite & Divide

A Constitution of Many Minds: Why the Founding Document Doesn't Mean What It Meant Before

William Ury's (Author of Getting To Yes &

and Mark Gerzon's

American Citizen, Global Citizen

Leading Through Conflict: How Successful Leaders Transform Differences Into Opportunities

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 08:04 PM
reply to post by p51mustang

Good Luck to you, the bullets, beans, and bullion crowd has been active for a lot of years, recently y2k, before that when fundamental christians felt like the black helicopters were going to round them up. None of those prophecies have come true yet, but they may some day, I just choose not to live my life in fear.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 08:10 PM
i'm distilling my views from
raw story rt news, james knustler ,gerald celente.jesse ventura...
yes have listened to everybody from bill cooper to louis farakan.
yes i've had a major head trauma- but i know # from shinola.
"when fascism comes to america, it will be draped in the flag and clutching a cross"
sinclair lewis
"many will grow to hate the new world order and will die fighting it"
H G Wells 1940
read "war is a racket" by smedley butler usmc.
i'm already set pardner- i have no fear what so ever.
i can hunker down or catch a flight.

edit on 8-10-2010 by p51mustang because: addendumb

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 08:10 PM
I believe the revolution always has been an intellectual revolution, breaking free of the myths and distortions from the various officials stories we have been fed. I don't know a single group that is planning anything other than that. Ron Paul does not advocate violence, and even though Alex Jones tells people to stock up, he is also not advocating violence. The intellectual revolution is alive and well. We don't need to fight the government, we are the government.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 08:17 PM
reply to post by ownbestenemy

"Below is a short list of ideas that I have been playing with that can be implemented yesterday that would begin our slow climb back to greatness"

all of them are great ideas. i jsut dont think most will come to fruition as the mentality of all seems to run against the grain.

good thread.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 08:30 PM
First Off

'America' is not the USA..... the USA ('Federal' = is the product of the winners of the cival war)

i sure wasn't gonna read all the wordley posts that said nothing of substance----

take that to the bank

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 08:36 PM
reply to post by filosophia

Land of the fee-home of the slave.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by p51mustang

Absolutely, put a fork in this place because it's done. I have a place accessible by boat farther south of Costa Rica off the bank of Rothschild / IMF grid and am 90% done relocating to a remote spot in Central Cali redwoods 20 min from my boat.

TPTB have won and since my life is more important that any cause: I'm outta here at the hint of poo meeting fan. "Peaceful" change will be looked upon as "home grown terrorism".. citizens rising up against the man won't be tolerated... "they" won't simply give up power because a gang of plebes demands it!.. lol, they'll false flag squash you like ants and laugh about it over cocktails, jail rebel 'leaders', fix elections and unleash whatever hell it takes for them to maintain the status quo. The time for larger solutions has past: plan to save your self & loved ones first.. then, after that, anyone who want to waste their time trying to save the nation.. good luck with that.. not my scene.

I've been listening to plebes discuss & debate for 30 years how to filter the GOP/DNC cesspool into drinking water.. not one iota of progress has been made by the disgruntled masses.. meanwhile the 2-party engineered police state cesspool has become more foul and deeper than ever.

THE DOMESTIC ENEMY is in charge.. and because people afford the govt unearned and deserved credibility... those seeking "change" and who point out obvious transparent govt lies are easily dismissed... if the propaganda machine labels patriots & truth to power vocalists as "terrorists" or "pedophiles", too many party loyalists & MSM programmed dumb-asses will believe the govt without question. Game over, this nation is too divided and collectively stupid to save itself.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 09:27 PM
reply to post by BubbaJoe

my life has been one adventure after another and i have
friends all over ,i have good sense , but no fear...
maybe it's the boy scout/be prepared thing that was imprinted on me.
-gold turned out to be fine by this old pirate.
and guns say it's mine. eh?
i like beans and rice.
and i make a good saki/mead..
grow good medicinal herbs...
everything in costa is paid for .
i say people should be prepared for the day of reckoning.
start growing and raising food. support the farmers market.
if pot and equally important- hemp were legalized thats a step.
and cut funding to wars - wage peace-
spend the money on fixing the usa.
and as all the presidents since nixon have said-
cut the dependence on foreign oil.-ha-
but yes, i am cynical . seems to come with age.
watch this crap load since 1963..
idealism replace by cautious enthusiasm
and further going against the grain.
get your brain out of the herd mentality..
you have to figure you're own way to cope
fanning the embers of hope.

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 06:18 AM
reply to post by p51mustang

In many ways I admire you for what you have accomplished, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with being prepared. If you have truely done it without being driven by fear, but rather a need to be prepared, I offer you my heart felt congratulations. In this last post you have offered some great ideas, and I totally agree with you concerning hemp and foreign oil. I am not against de-funding the wars, however would hate to see those areas abruptly dropped into civil or tribal war. Your ideas of preparation and for the repair of this country show a great deal of common sense, and that is something that is lacking in many these days. Best of luck to you.

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 11:52 PM
reply to post by St Udio

Maybe if you read something, you might be able to post something that actually pertained to the conversation, but again that is just an opinion from a lib.

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 12:04 AM
reply to post by govtflu

Enjoy your life my friend, I wish you the best of luck. When the prophecies don't come true and you are forced to return, may the locals be as kind as you.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by ownbestenemy

I think that some of the ideas posted here have some merit. I am at the tail end of the baby boomers and never believed that social security would be there for me. So I have been saving / investing for a very long time. One observation that I have felt is very wrong is that some people do not deserve social security. Case in point: My mother worked for the phone company (AT&T) for 1 year. The only job she ever had. She met my father an engineer at AT&T while working as an operator. They married and started a family. She never had to work another day in her life. When she reached retirement age she was entitled to a social security check every month at exactly half the amount my father gets. She uses it to help pay her car note. This is not right, she does not need it. I have to wonder how many people who get their s/s checks like my mother really don't deserve it. That would be the first step.

Step two should be a complete examination of who in our generation does not really need s/s. Take me and people like me for instance. By the time I reach the age to collect I won't need s/s. I would be ok with a reduced amount or not getting it at all if the government truly tried to fix "all" entitlement programs and eliminate the the free money to people who do not deserve to get it. We all have seen people who for whatever reason just do not want to work. My contributions over all these years into s/s would be a small price to pay to insure my children are not saddled with incredible debt. Just my two cents worth.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by ownbestenemy

When we as a people began allowing foreigners to come here,giving them the same exact rights as citizens and NOT assimilate into society,it was obvious this united country would eventually fail.

"A country divided,can not stand."

I advocate immigrants coming here .

We need legal immigrants that will be productive members of society.

Only because we have raised generations of useless,stupid people.

Easy credit has caused that,and laws that prevent parents from doing their job.

Immigration laws that force those who want to immigrate here and are not a burden to society(including criminals) are in place!

Certain political party members,stepped on a governmental process that work!

The catch phrase they only do jobs that Americans won't do is BS.

Legal immigrants did them before and they'll do them again.

Take the time you travel the country,now.

It maybe only a few years before it is entirely just a memory.

edit on 18-10-2010 by Oneolddude because: added something?

edit on 18-10-2010 by Oneolddude because: I changed my mind about something.I can do that still,you know.

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