posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 12:37 PM
The quota has been around for quite a few years, aat least since ive had my drivers liscense, 17 in 1992. Around where i live, in southwest CT, he
cops are pretty cool actually, but upstate CT, they have a reputaion for being like florida cops, racist and discriminatory. A friend at work, from
bangledesh told me back around 2005, a greenwich CT cop puller her friend over...he is muslim and also from bangladesh. They asked him to get out of
the far as i was told, his car was registered, legal paper work, liscense, insurance ect...and they beat him becuase he got a little feisty
in wanting to know why he was pulled over and asked to step out of the car. He ended up with some bad nightstick bruises on his arm.
I asked her "why didny he sue, go to mayor, senator report this" her answer, he was afraid they would rememebr him real good if reported, and he
did in fact, email and call CT senator and governor....NO response emails or phone calls. They dont care, in fact thier prob in on it too. Too busy
electing who gets the biggest raises and tax breaks than being concerned over a vicitim of the city and state police.
I kinda think, we do have quotas around here yearly, but its usualy in summer time, when they set up DUI checkpoints...last year a street off
route 1 i use to go to work, was set up late afternoon time. The thing is...the officers were NOT dressed up as officers...their were 2 guys with
vietnam style boots on, black shirts, and black co op like pants on, kinda like military pants but without the camoflauge. and they had shades
on...sungalsses. I suppose to hide their identy.
A guy at work who knows cops, told me a cop thats been hanging around our parking lot( i know his name) told him a story of how slightly uncommon
it is, police plant crack, coc aine on people to make an arrest. and no one cares...becasue now your in the system, takes lots of money and
one damn good lawyer, which prob wont save you. as far as the law is concerned, iff yuor found with drugs, but it isnt yuors, yuor screwed....that
seems to be the consensus of local cops.