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True Social Awareness!

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posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 07:43 AM

Be Aware!

I am writing this thread to give people a little insight on social awareness and people who are using the media to their advantage!

It doesn't take a genius to notice how we are living is completely fabricated. Run by a few incompetent and selfish people who decide the fate upon the masses...

The media is the heart of this global society... People believe that their is a higher power than a government (Illuminati) You are reading from that power now... You maybe listening or watching it! (Music & TV)

There are a select few people who have made it into the media industry using it to their advantage, keeping people from sleeping and slipping into a routine consciousness.

Most of these people are musicians!

A few examples are:

Rage against the machine

Alter Bridge

Bob Dylan

Alter Bridge Lyrics:

Song: Open your eyes

Will they open their eyes,
And realize we are one.
On and on we stand alone,
Until our day has come,
Will they open their eyes,
And realize we are one.

Still today we carry on,
I know our day will come,

Rage against the machine lyrics

Song:Take the power back

Yeah, the movement's in motion with mass militant poetry
Now check this out...uggh!

In the right light, study becomes insight
But the system that dissed us
Teaches us to read and right

Bob Dylan lyrics:

Song: All along the watchtower

"There must be some way out of here," said the joker to the thief,
"There's too much confusion, I can't get no relief.
Businessmen, they drink my wine, plowmen dig my earth,
None of them along the line know what any of it is worth."

"No reason to get excited," the thief, he kindly spoke,
"There are many here among us who feel that life is but a joke.
But you and I, we've been through that, and this is not our fate,
So let us not talk falsely now, the hour is getting late."

If you can provide any other people who use the media against itself please post them!

[edit on 3-3-2010 by Freq Of Nature]

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 07:53 AM
You forgot Immortal Technique. He really has made a breakthrough into almost mainstream status.

He will never be on mtv...but..

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 07:56 AM
reply to post by InertiaZero

Thank you for reminding me!

It doesn't matter if he doesn't reach MTV, he has done exactly what he intended to do and he is awesome for doing it!

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 08:26 AM
I love rage and Bob Dylan.
Never heard of alter bridge, maybe i should check them out

Yes, we are living in a fake world, and it's all being controlled by a small cabal of elites, but it's not their fault. They controll everything because we allow them to, it's our responsibility.

Honestly, i cant make up my mind if it even matters, because what they controll is only the material environment of this world. We can still live our lives the way we want, we just need to realise it.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 08:46 AM
reply to post by GoodFella

I seriously think you should listen to Alterbridge! They are heavy rock but their lyrics are really good!

I understand what you are saying, but there aren't such things as "Elite" people!

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 09:08 AM
I know its old and maybe The Clash's London Calling?
Sounds like a warning to me.. From a song released in 1979

London calling to the faraway towns
Now that war is declared-and battle come down
London calling to the underworld
Come out of the cupboard, all you boys and girls
London calling, now don't look at us
All that phoney Beatlemania has bitten the dust
London calling, see we ain't got no swing
'Cept for the ring of that truncheon thing

The ice age is coming, the sun is zooming in
Engines stop running and the wheat is growing thin
A nuclear error, but I have no fear
London is drowning-and I live by the river

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by EndOfWesternCivilization

It could well be!

People tend to overlook lyrics for some reason...

I asked a friend the other day whether he knew what the lyrics ment to my favorite song and he said no...

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 09:14 AM

Originally posted by Freq Of Nature
reply to post by GoodFella

I understand what you are saying, but there aren't such things as "Elite" people!

It's just a name for TPTB, i dont think they are a master race or anything like that

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by GoodFella

Oh I didn't know that!

Will read up on it soon...

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 10:01 AM
You are quite correct. But I would hardly call that "Social" Awareness. Awareness alone is sufficent. Some people will understand what I mean.

In fact, artists have always been more "Aware" of their world ; poets, painters, writers, etc.

If you look deep enough you can see "hidden" messages in almost all the artistic creations. It is barely hidden in plain sight if you know "how" to look.

For my part for exemple I really like some of the texts of Roots Manuva, fits well with the "conspiracy" theme :


I bring you tents and girth to this homegrown range
Bona fide what you hear, tis the sound of pain
But pain leads to gain so we dare not stagnate
We elevate to that next state, motion divine
Glisten like crystal ball and stand tall
With this knowledge and overstanding
Enterprise landing, bringing dem new brands of buff
Yes, we come proper with potency
Ain't no blood in my body, it's liquid soul in my vein
I dance on a thin line of sane and deranged
And it's all criss once I get neatly in the cipher
Chat like pickney to the piper that pied
As this natural mystic blows through the air
These lessons of life become crystal clear
Precision of my vision is ital
Separating sharks from the blessed is vital
Now I can smell a rat coming from a mile round the corner
One time I bored ya, twice you can't couf
No, we won't stop rebuke thee
You satanics, you fools can't recruit me
Not now while there's
Movements fi make, typhoons grew
Strong and cold-sheist them a still coast through
Movements fi make, typhoons grew
Strong and cold-sheist them a still coast through
Left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right
I'll slap the bacon out your mouth, dance upon your sarnie
Rolling with Jah bredren dem, God-blessed army
How the hell you gon stop this tide from steady coming
Run and catch in tune with the elements
At speed we proceed, traction for action
Hot 125, government goons get dashed to the side
Too big to slide now, though they try to disguise
I can still recognize devilworks when I see it
Weakheart disciples keep weakheart friends
Always had a hate for what their weakhearts defend
They fiend for that crack, ain't no one to tax
We might run home and smoke a brown bag of seed
Best believe that these times is treacherous
And I know not how else I'm supposed to act
But stand close to culture roots-fi
See me getting deft with that two-step shuffle
Haggling others who for the cause
Reigning with that roots type terror
Freaking at your weakhearty era but
We build, move and prove that we don't suffer fools

"Join the dots"

[Roots Manuva]
2na Manuva get gettin the got

Good god ah, yes man, its auspicious man
Oh God (good night).......

Who's that?

[Chali 2na]
My escapades exceed Caddy Escalades
I best behave to the rhythm of justice slaves
Selected brave ah lecture me extra waves
Doggin your sounds causing you clowns just to cave
Address the rage rush the stage just to blaze
Glorify your glamour and gorers just to faze
Cutting down the rainforest for cows just to graze
It's killin the populous while you clone test tube babes
Test the change cuz of the fantasies they try to feed us
Under the bridge drumming for flea an anthony kiedis
I ran from elitist who got the truth confused
It's the Manphibian and the one Roots Manuva

[Roots Manuva]
Yo, Mystic Mindset travel at warp 8
Flashback to my very first taste of hash cake
Oh Lord I feel so sensual
And every now and then I get a great sense of wha...
Synchronization of the hip gyration of the old time New Right
Back to Back, Man or no man no matter oh man
boy or boy girl or girl
Steppin out of place with the light of the world im locked up
Weed grass rushing thru my veins
slip over the rocky terrain and maintain
Like a weed whore checkin that hydroponic bud
Earth child, come see me rolling in the mud
He there go ever so civilized while I unrobe
No played out to catch wives
Don't wanna get knicks up in their mix up
Wanna just fix up mind soul and mental plane

(Chorus 2x Both)
Join the Dots, block blood in the block
Knock knockin the not, the which the where the what
2na Manuva get gettin the got
Stewed chicken in the dust pot runnin it hot

[Chali 2na]
Yo some of these fellas be over zealous
We have them darks jealous in dark cellas
Blowing like branford marsalis
We park dwellers rhythm rebellers
We spark letters we art sellers
Pleadin the waters the sharks fell us
Be quick with your camcorder In no particular plan order
We go hit like vehicular man slaughter sing

[Roots Manuva]
In ding bring a fling of bringin it on
Refuse to get lost in the quest for one
Although we trans-atlantic we never pedantic
Check my antic, we most romantic
We plan # new for self Quantumly
We killin the saw man we killin the sea

[repeat 2X]
Join the Dots, block blood in the block
Knock knockin the not, the which the where the what
2na Manuva get gettin the got
Stewed chicken in the dust pot runnin it hot

[Roots Manuva]
No Sir Mr. 2na, I can't burn the blunt
I remember the last time and have a good time

[Chali 2na]
Yo Yo, You ran slower while my clan grow chance'll
Let the man know my pen brush stroke like Van Gogh
I dissapear like his missing ear when I'm switchin gears
Shining like your kitchen ware rhymes rich and rare
Get your picture clear, 2na the stealth reporter
I melt your order like sugar and seltzer water
Whoever felt the horror but knows that their chance vague
Surround your sound like a spandex pants leg
Spread like an advanced plague worms never dance may
Shout the f and f that beats my man craig

[repeat 2X]
Join the Dots, block blood in the block
Knock knockin the not, the which the where the what
2na Manuva get gettin the got
Stewed chicken in the dust pot runnin it hot

Reading and listening to good music is always a way to learn

P.S. : Don't forget the wise advice from the intro of "Movements" :

"The LightMan said stay in the light. So we stay."

[edit on 3-3-2010 by SpaceGoatsFarts]

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 05:47 AM
reply to post by SpaceGoatsFarts

Yeah general awareness I guess I should of named the thread but oh well!

Thanks for your input! Some awesome videos!!!

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 06:06 AM
DJ Shadow - The outsider - Intro

In the twilight of a time
There emerges a need for man to comprehend his own bitter fate
Finally resigned to the inevitable beyond, he searches the ages
Desperate for stories of assurance, redemption and hope

Such tales fill page upon page with enough ink
To flood a thousand valleys, and drown the tallest tree
But there is one tale that as yet been told
The story of... The Outsider

Desolate and baron, humanities at a crossroads
The people have retreated shuttering their once carefree lives
From unseen enemies which seem to plague not only the physical form
But the innermost thought

Driven by panic, compelled by dread
The masses begin to devolve
Once dear neighbours turn wary foes
Brother against brother, sister against sister

Achievement and ambition are dismissed
As heretical, or worse, treasonous
Even nature itself is scorned
Choked with suspicion and fear
Voices do not dare to sing
Nor fingers to play
Imminent defeat is all but assured

But in the darkest hour
Whispers begin to tell of a figure emerging from the darkness
A being without a name, faceless and obscure
Part presence, part idea they say
As if the very force they describe has existed for eons
A dormant seed awaiting nourishment
Word of radical acts...
Disobedience, non-compliance spread among the people
At first fearful, then defiant, as the legend grows
Whispers turned to cries and the cries into screams
And tend to cower no more the fury of the people
Whose talent behold as they exact revenge on their captors
Spare neither the repentant nor the bold

Now the fire is lit, smouldering in the belly of humanity
It cannot be extinguished, for the stories The Outsider endure
Even as evidence of its presence is debated with the passing years

Messages, dictations, warnings
Stories, such as these...

[edit on 4-3-2010 by SpaceGoatsFarts]

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 06:13 AM
Muse (that's an easy one, I confess

The fun thing with Muse is that I feel like they are walking on a thin line between uncovering the conspiracies AND being a tool for the elites.

Sometimes, it feels like they uncover "too much", just like if the objective of the elites is to ridicule the conspiracies or to make that part of the folklore, so that no one will eventually bother to see other very "down to earth" problems.

Like keep the minds of the youth obsessed with conspiracies so they won't even see what happens under their very nose. The conspiracies being the GREATER EVIL to keep our minds busy off the lesser evil.

Who knows ? That's why I never take conspiracies TOO seriously, I'm already busy trying to make small changes around me. I leave the whole "uncover the Truth and show it to the world" for crusaders

Paranoid world


Open skies over me
I am waiting patiently
I'll wait for a sign

As conspiracies unwind
Will you slam shut
Or free your mind
Or stay hypnotised

When the Zetas fill the skies
Will our leaders tell us why
Fully loaded satellites
Will conquer nothing but our minds

And I've waited patiently
And I'll wait for the sign

Carried through the centuries
Secrets locked up
And loaded on my back
Well it weights me down

When the Zetas fill the skies
It's just our leaders in disguise
Fully loaded satellites
Will conquer nothing but our minds

I'm waiting patiently
And I'll wait for the sign, yeah
And I'm waiting patiently
And I'll wait for the sign


Follow through
Make your dreams come true
Don't give up the fight
You will be alright
'Cause there's no one like you in the universe

Don't be afraid
What your mind conceives
You should make a stand
Stand up for what you believe
And tonight
We can truly say
Together we're invincible

During the struggle
They will pull us down
But please, please
Let's use this chance
To turn things around
And tonight
We can truly say
Together we're invincible

Do it on your own
It makes no difference to me
What you leave behind
What you choose to be
And whatever they say
Your souls unbreakable

During the struggle
They will pull us down
But please, please
Let's use this chance
To turn things around
And tonight
We can truly say
Together we're invincible
Together we're invincible

During the struggle
They will pull us down
Please, please
Let's use this chance
To turn things around
And tonight
We can truly say
Together we're invincible
Together we're invincible

[edit on 4-3-2010 by SpaceGoatsFarts]

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 06:19 AM

Paranoia is in bloom,
The PR, transmissions will resume
They'll try to, push drugs that keep us all dumbed down
And hope that, we will never see the truth around
(So come on)

Another promise, another seed
Another, packaged lie to keep us trapped in greed
And all the, green belts wrapped around our minds
And endless, red tape to keep the truth confined
(So come on)

They will not force us
They will stop degrading us
They will not control us
We will be victorious
So come on

Interchanging mind control
Come let the, revolution takes its toll
If you could, flick the switch and open your third eye
You'd see that, we should never be afraid to die
(So come on)

Rise up and take the power back
It's time the, fat cats had a heart attack
They know that, their time's coming to an end
We have to, unify and watch our flag ascend
(So come on)

They will not force us
They will stop degrading us
They will not control us
We will be victorious
So come on

Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey

They will not force us
They will stop degrading us
They will not control us
We will be victorious
So come on

United States Of Eurasia / Collateral Damage

You and me are the same
We don't know or care who's to blame
But we know that whoever holds the reigns
Nothing will change
Our cause has gone insane

And these wars they can't be won
And these wars they can't be won
And do you want them to go on and on and on?
Why split these states
When there can be only one

And must we do as we're told?
Must we do as we're told?

You and me fall in line
To be punished for unproven crimes
And we know that there's no one we can trust
Our ancient heroes
They are turning to dust

And these wars they can't be won
Does anyone know or care how they begun?
They just promise to go on and on and on
But soon we will see
There can be only one

United States
United States of
Eurasia! Sia! Sia! Sia!
Eurasia! Sia! Sia! Sia!
Eurasia! Sia! Sia! Sia!

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 06:23 AM
reply to post by Freq Of Nature

Yes - musicians are the greatest teachers.

They are the minstrels of our age.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 06:26 AM
reply to post by kawacat

I am actually a musician and songwriter

I have recently set up a band and hope to do quite well as we are all great musicians!

Back to the subject all the posts seem to be saying the same thing! So Im glad people are on the right track!

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