posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 09:50 PM
reply to post by awakentired
The concept of Leaderless Resistance is nothing less than a fundamental departure in theories of organization. The orthodox scheme of organization is
diagrammatically represented by the pyramid, with the mass at the bottom and the leader at the top. This fundamental of organization is to be seen not
only in armies, which are of course, the best illustration of the pyramid structure, with the mass of soldiery, the privates, at the bottom
responsible to corporals who are in turn responsible to sergeants, and so on up the entire chain of command to the generals at the top.
This scheme of organization, the pyramid, is however, not only useless, but extremely dangerous for the participants when it is utilized in a
resistance movement against state tyranny. Especially is this so in technologically advanced societies where electronic surveillance can often
penetrate the structure revealing its chain of command. Experience has revealed over and over again that anti-state, political organizations utilizing
this method of command and control are easy prey for government infiltration, entrapment, and destruction of the personnel involved. This has been
seen repeatedly in the United States where pro-government infiltrators or agent provocateurs weasel their way into patriotic groups and destroy them
from within.
In the pyramid type of organization, an infiltrator can destroy anything which is beneath his level of infiltration and often those above him as well.
If the traitor has infiltrated at the top, then the entire organization from the top down is compromised and may be traduced at will.