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What Can We Do to End the WAR?

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posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by SLAYER69

Whats the fear of? Dictatorship? or a one world government?

Sorry, I don't understand.What's the difference?

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 10:20 AM

Originally posted by MikeboydUS

Originally posted by LadySkadi
Do any of you think it possible that the private sector may be able to successfully bring about (world) Peace and if so, is this what we would want to see?

Am I stepping too close the the one-world order, here?

There will never be world peace. Even if humans were wiped from the earth. Every intelligent species on the planet is violent and has conflict.
Even Bonobos chew the fingers off other Bonobos.

Violence and conflict are built into the very nature and core of reality from supernovas that give violent births to new systems to the volcanoes that create the crusts of planets.

Death and destruction are part of the cycle of creation.

Both these quotes bring attention to an important point. "World peace" is being used as a word for a prison-planet, unfathobable existance of being tortured and dominated by an arrogant elite like Nazi Germany but worse. Read the Iron Mt Report.The private sector could bring back a democratic republic based on our Constitution. The United Nations was supposed to be a forum to allow governments to hash out their differences and thus prevent wars. But they lied. They are really a Nazi power grab.
Whether there ever will or will not be a real, not like Iron Mt Rpt, world peace is not the problem. Hanging on to our country and our existance as free people is the problem. Just because it doesn't say World Peace across the front of it, doesn't mean our Constitutional republic doesn't work. It doesn't work right now because our courts are corrupt beyond belief, our President is a LIAR, and our Congress is bought out. But I believe that the biggest obstacle right now to getting our country back is the WAR. We need to fight on the home front as well to get our freedoms back, but we need, en mass, as a nation, to END THIS WAR. The question is how.

[edit on 4-3-2010 by m khan]

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by jackflap

How can we end the war? That is a great question and one that I have considered before. I believe we have to ask ourselves a few things first.

Well number one being, did we the American people say yes to spending untold millions to end the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan? Did we say yes we want our tax payer dollars spent on funding a terrorist organization to fight our common enemy? Did we say yes to it or was it done for our own good by our elected leaders?

Second being, did we the American people say yes to helping Saddam during the Iran Iraq war? Did we say yes, you should give him some WMD's in the form of chemical and biological weapons? Did we say yes, you should also give him conventional weapons as well because we like him?

The two questions are related because these are the places where we are involved right now, for reasons I can only guess as being staged to start yet another front in Iran. Where we the well informed American public have agreed to spend millions in CIA funding to destabilize the regime there. Did we agree to all of this none sense that has befallen us? I submit that our foreign policy isn't interested in spreading the good intentions of the American public. They have an agenda all their own and they sell it well.

So in the end, I believe that these very real questions should be posed to the people who are running the world so to speak. They should be held accountable and made to answer why they thought that these things were for our best interest. I don't believe we would be in the position of having to ask how to end the war if the American peoples good will was actually being promoted as it should.

Yes we did allow all these things to be funded. But it was still a mistake. We ARE at fault. But we are even more at fault if we don't correct our mistakes. The problem we have now is that correcting our mistakes isn't easy any more because the people behind the deceptions have gotten more power and have put things in place to prevent us from getting the power back to the people. Those fema camps are real. The police have riot gear and are being trained to use them on us. This they didn't have in 1971 when Nixon looked out his window at the protesters and decided to end the War in Vietnam.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by blackvelvetz
reply to post by m khan

March 20th: March on Washington DC!!! Hundreds of Thousands of People from all over the world congregating on DC!!!!

[edit on 4-3-2010 by blackvelvetz]

We can't exactly run to Washington. The 912'ers spent quite a bit of money. But we can march on our state capitals or even town halls!

[edit on 4-3-2010 by m khan]

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 10:51 AM
I tried a similar thread a couple of weeks ago, and it turned into ridiculousness. I think Bill Hicks said it best, "war requires that TWO armies fight one another", I have yet to see the other army.

If everyone stopped paying income tax then the gov't would be forced to deal with that and would lack funding for war.

In the end the only thing that can be done is wait for the warmongerers in Washington to get whatever it is they want out of the Iraq and Afgahnistan. Of course they will immediately start another war somewhere else, it is the American way!

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by m khan

Yes we did allow all these things to be funded. But it was still a mistake. We ARE at fault. But we are even more at fault if we don't correct our mistakes. The problem we have now is that correcting our mistakes isn't easy any more because the people behind the deceptions have gotten more power and have put things in place to prevent us from getting the power back to the people. Those fema camps are real. The police have riot gear and are being trained to use them on us. This they didn't have in 1971 when Nixon looked out his window at the protesters and decided to end the War in Vietnam.

Well I am under my own belief that we didn't allow these things to happen. Had these actions been brought to light before they occurred I believe the American people would not have allowed them. I mean, they claim they were supporting Saddam to take care of our enemies in Iran. What enemies and what could be so bad as to give these weapons to a mad man? There were no other options at our disposal here?

Why did the U.S. get involved in Afghanistan: For the same reason it got involved in Korea and Vietnam: anti-Communist cold war politics. Later, after the fall of the Soviet Union, the U.S. did nothing to seriously oppose the Taliban government once it was established in the 1990s. While diplomatic relations were broken by Clinton, Afghanistan was not put in the list of “rogue states,” since that would have prevented the U.S. corporation, UnoCal from continuing its negotiations with the Taliban government for the construction of a pipeline for oil through Afghanistan to help secure U.S. energy companies control over oil and natural gas from former Soviet Republics. In the cold war and post cold war period these policies produced death and destruction through the world. There is a concept that is used by students of politics and international relations. It is called “blowback.” There is an old Chinese warning: be careful what you wish for; you may get it. What united Ronald Reagan and Osama bin Laden, George H.W. Bush and the King of Saudi Arabia, our various governments and our non European allies, was opposition to Communist, socialist, populist and humanist movements among the people, maintenance of a status quo based on exploitation and oppression. Once the Soviet Union was destroyed, the unity between the major league exploiters, so to speak, and the minor league ones inevitably broke down. Now we come to blowback and there really is a lot of it. With Saudi money, an international group, Al Qaeda, the base, was established in 1988 to continue and spread the holy war in Afghanistan through the Muslim World. But why worry? These people were fighting “our” battles in the past against “our” enemies, revolutionary forces fighting for socialism and national liberation, the forces that the ruling class of our country had spent so many trillions to search and destroy. In the “post-Soviet world” “we,” meaning the capitalists of the advanced countries, could do with them and everyone else what “we wanted.

So with the external source links and the articles we can find a logical reason behind why they felt it was in our best interest. We wanted to dominate the region and dictate the price of their resources to the world. The corporations would stand to make a total mint and our situation here wouldn't change one bit. We could only hope that some of that ill gotten wealth trickled down to us in the form of cheaper gas or something.

So instead of doing the right thing they fomented hate through religious ideologies and pit us against eachother feeling as if we are dumb enough to buy it all. It is working to an extent. I know some seriously paranoid people who wont use the term Muslim without an expletive attaced to the sentence. They have been fed the lie and blindly support their masters agenda without even knowing it. They think they are supporting apple pie and Chevrolet and good old American values which have been swept under the dresser in reality.

So what is my main contribution to add as to how do we end the war? Take the teeth away from the tiger. This is by all accounts a holy war now isn't it? The Palestine Israeli conflict seems to be at the heart of it, with the Temple Mount as the ultimate goal where armed guards they feel are necessary to protect God's piece of real estate here on earth.

Does God want us killing each other over Him? Hasn't He written in His Bible that it would come to this? Hasn't He told us already? That Jerusalem would be a stumbling block to all nations?

I submit we heed His warning and somehow convince all the faiths involved to disarm their troops and lay down their weapons. Vacate the Temple Mount and pray to God. Tell God that we've lost our direction and that we honestly do not know what in the world we are really doing. Pray that He would show us what is to be done with the Temple Mount and we know that fighting over Him is wrong.

Will we see the man behind the curtain when we all have this realization that we really don't know what we are doing? Or will God answer and show us what it is He really meant? One thing for sure, we would have our answers.

Resources from around the world can be shared. As freshwater and food resource technology spreads and the good will of the American public is really shown, I believe we would be on our way toward better times. The enormous amount of money that goes into our fancy killing systems such as the B-2 and other exotic systems can be used for much better purposes. Like housing and feeding families right here first and than abroad.

Although whoever set us on this course we are on, where all the faiths collide in a crescendo of horror, came up with a well thought out comprehensive way to dominate the globe in the long run, I'd much rather have it my way. Someone once told me that we make our own realities. Maybe if we all think real hard we can make peace the reality and stop the plan in its tracks.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Has he apologized publicly? If so, I apologize. He has one heavy cross to bear. Lots of bodies around that story. Cutting the funding cost more lives than Iraq.

Pulling out was the right thing, but doing it that way was evil.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 06:50 PM
reply to post by m khan

civil disobedience but then they(government reptilians or greys) can nuke us and blame on terrorists and force marshal law

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 06:57 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Has he apologized publicly? If so, I apologize. He has one heavy cross to bear. Lots of bodies around that story. Cutting the funding cost more lives than Iraq.

Pulling out was the right thing, but doing it that way was evil.

I don't honestly know my friend, though I must confess I am one who believes actions speak louder than mere words and show a much more accurate reflection and intent.

The truth is we all have our crosses to bear and guilt like love is a hard thing to measure.

What I do know is Tom Hayden has since his radical youth matured as an adult into a much more thoughtful and law abiding man who has devoted his life to public service and working within the system for a common good.

Perhaps this is his way of paying pennance and making atonement for his past decisions and actions in a way that mere words could never do via just an appology.

I am not here to make excuses for his past actions nor to attempt to justify him, simply to speak of the man I personally know and was impressed by his thoughtfulness, manners and generosity of spirit shown in relation to me.

Truth be known I respect people based on their own dedication to excellence. If you are a theif I can respect you are an exceptional theif who really knows your craft versus a poor theif who isn't very good at it!

As long as you don't attempt to steal from me, well, everyone has to do what they feel is best.

I am not really here to judge people, but I do ask people to honestly take a look in the mirror and be true about what they see in relations to themselves.

The truth is we are all our own individual most dangerous enemy and while most people are running around looking to clean up every one else's backyard their own is usually in shambles.

To err is human to forgive is divine and the truth is more than anything what seperates us from the other animals in the animal kingdom is our capacity to show empathy and compassion.

Judge not lest ye be judged, and I for one might not hold up so well to the scrutiny so I tend to reserve judgement in regards to most human beings.

I have not really met one that did not have at least one redeamable quality and as such I remain optimistic that everyone can grow and evolve to a higher self and be a better person.

If I failed to believe other's could or that they should be given the chance, then I would at the same time be closing the door on my self to a path to redemption.

Some food for thought!

Thanks for the reply.

[edit on 4/3/10 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 08:59 PM

Originally posted by Phlynx

Originally posted by m khan
The WAR in Iraq and Afghanistan is destroying our country. It is destroying our economy and our moral base. The war in Vietnam was also supposed to be endless but when enough people got out and protested they wrapped it up. What would it take to get this one ended? The Tea Partiers are primarily concerned with taxes and spending. Ron Paul is against the War, but many politicians are not. Mary Falin for instance when discussing the war at a town hall meeting, insisted that it be ended but not without honor. What's that supposed to mean? It is a dishonorable war. We have no business there. Many people who believe that 911 was not an inside job are insisting that our government defend us from arab "terrorists". Support our troops really means support the WAR. This is not a winable war. It was designed to be a not winable war.

[edit on 2-3-2010 by m khan]

If there are no soldiers to fight a war, there is no war. If one side doesn't fight, who is the other side going to fight?

War is older men, sending young men off to die.

I agree with you on the war, but you can't go in to a war and then just stop. USA has to realize that if they want to police the world. they have to stay there in the aftermath to rebuild the country. If they don't, they just cause more problems in to the future.

Terrorism, Afghanistan and Iraq are a direct result of the USA going in to other countries, trying to police the world. And then not understanding the people who they occupy and then leaving because of political and financial pressures.

This causes a blow back effect, which cased terrorism, lead to 911 and Afghanistan and Iraq. It will lead to many more things as well.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by m khan

Originally posted by SLAYER69

Whats the fear of? Dictatorship? or a one world government?

Sorry, I don't understand.What's the difference?

NWO or Type 1 Civilization?

A common speculation suggests that the transition from Type 0 to Type I might carry a strong risk of self-destruction since there would no longer be room for further expansion on the civilizations home planet

Type 1 Civilization

We are close. If we use the Kardashevian scale to plot humankind's progress, it shows how far we've come in the long history of our species from Type 0, and it leads us to see what a Type 1 civilization might be like:

Type 0.1: Fluid groups of hominids living in Africa. Technology consists of primitive stone tools. Intra-group conflicts are resolved through dominance hierarchy, and between-group violence is common.

Type 0.2: Bands of roaming hunter-gatherers that form kinship groups, with a mostly horizontal political system and egalitarian economy.

Type 0.3: Tribes of individuals linked through kinship but with a more settled and agrarian lifestyle. The beginnings of a political hierarchy and a primitive economic division of labor.

Type 0.4: Chiefdoms consisting of a coalition of tribes into a single hierarchical political unit with a dominant leader at the top, and with the beginnings of significant economic inequalities and a division of labor in which lower-class members produce food and other products consumed by non-producing upper-class members.

Type 0.5: The state as a political coalition with jurisdiction over a well-defined geographical territory and its corresponding inhabitants, with a mercantile economy that seeks a favorable balance of trade in a win-lose game against other states.

Type 0.6: Empires extend their control over peoples who are not culturally, ethnically or geographically within their normal jurisdiction, with a goal of economic dominance over rival empires.

Type 0.7: Democracies that divide power over several institutions, which are run by elected officials voted for by some citizens. The beginnings of a market economy.

Type 0.8: Liberal democracies that give the vote to all citizens. Markets that begin to embrace a nonzero, win-win economic game through free trade with other states.

Type 0.9: Democratic capitalism, the blending of liberal democracy and free markets, now spreading across the globe through democratic movements in developing nations and broad trading blocs such as the European Union.

Kardashev scale

The Kardashev scale is a method of measuring a civilization's level of technological advancement. The scale is only theoretical and in terms of an actual civilization highly speculative; however, it puts energy consumption of an entire civilization in a cosmic perspective.

It was first proposed in 1964 by the Soviet Russian astronomer Nikolai Kardashev. The scale has three designated categories called Type I, II, and III. These are based on the amount of usable energy a civilization has at its disposal, and the degree of space colonization. In general terms, a Type I civilization has achieved mastery of the resources of its home planet, Type II of its solar system, and Type III of its galaxy.[1]

Energy use

* Type I — a civilization that is able to harness all of the power available on a single planet — has approximately 1016 or 1017 W available.[2] Earth specifically has an available power of 1.74 × 1017 W (174 petawatts, see Earth's energy budget). Kardashev's original definition was 4 × 1012 W — a "technological level close to the level presently attained on earth" (presently meaning 1964).[3]

* Type II — a civilization that is able to harness all of the power available from a single star, approximately 4 × 1026 W.[2] Again, this figure is variable; the Sun outputs approximately 3.86 × 1026 W. Kardashev's original definition was also 4 × 1026 W.[3]

* Type III — a civilization that is able to harness all of the power available from a single galaxy, approximately 4 × 1037 W.[2] This figure is extremely variable, since galaxies vary widely in size; the stated figure is the approximate power output of the Milky Way. Kardashev's original definition was also 4 × 1037 W.[3]

Related threads on the NWO.
The Complete Idiot's Guide to the New World Order
Emergency Broadcast - New World Order Ahead!

[edit on 5-3-2010 by SLAYER69]

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 11:56 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

That's some good information Slayer and not something I ever looked into really. Given the information, do you believe we are a civilization on its way to a predetermined course of our doing? Or do you believe there is an agenda that we are actually playing out for someone or something?

So in other words, are we playing right into their hands or is the current situation just indicative of a society that has reached a certain stage?

[edit on 5-3-2010 by jackflap]

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 09:29 PM
reply to post by jackflap

Nobody can answer that.
One man sees the boogeyman and the other sees a savior.
The pessimist sees the glass as half empty. The optimist sees the glass as half full. A politician tries to read the poles before making a decision.

I've always liked the engineers view of it.

The glass was twice the size needed to begin with.

In other words everybody fears change. One could imagine all kinds of things.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 04:59 AM
We cannot do anything

Well we could gather up 100,000 people or who knows maybe a million? with weapons and overthrow the government, But that won't happen.

It's a dream come true for some, Like john bedell

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 05:17 AM
We fear that which we don't fully understand.

We laugh when we become afraid.

Therefore we create amusement around the mystique of the feared.

War; We fear death, we can't comprehend how people could kill one another, we have an impulse to sympathize with further conflict if deemed just in equaling the suffering of both parties involved.

Conclusion: We become scared, so aroused and fascinated with the fear that we take the time to innate and solve the issue at hand, the conflict is not whether to lay arms down or build arms up with anticipation but is instead whether or not one can lay down his arms while his enemy builds up arms against him.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 05:19 AM
Kucinich has introduced a privileged resolution to debate the ending of the Afghan war. Watch the video.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 06:28 AM
This ammounts to say that there is need to be no reason for war but as things stand at the moment i don`t see this feasabile...war exists wherever there are issues and as the world is now there are menay issues some of them more aggavated than others...

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 06:29 AM
When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.

End of discussion...

[edit on 6-3-2010 by Freq Of Nature]

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 06:59 AM
Well, in regards to Afghanistan, it's been a source of conflict for decades. TPTB need to keep that opium supply flowing. In 2000, the Taliban had banned the production of it. Since we invaded that country under the pretext of 9/11 the production has steadily increased. The global elite needs the US to make sure the Taliban do not come back into power in that country. If they do, then the world will lose a very big opium supplier. Once the US is bankrupt and can no longer sustain itself invading other countries, it will collapse and TPTB will find another instrument for their global drug trade. The previous Soviet Union collapse was inevitable especially after it's long war with, guess who? Afghanistan.

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 06:55 PM
Send the government a Get Well Card with an IOU enclosed with your tax liability on April 15th. Tell them, the balance will be forwarded upon ending the war which you do not support.

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