posted on May, 31 2004 @ 12:14 AM
I followed with great interest and in great detail that Clinton thingie - as I know many of you did.
What I have always found confounding� How did Bill manage to stay in office? It's the question which still to this day many folks can not answer; or
have not examined.
Some have suggested it was his superior political skills; while others, like Dick Armey, credit Hillary as being his savior.
But the question, in large part, has been given little attention while most energy has been focus on what I would call �sour grapes� or for others, a
need to get it behind them.
I have given the matter some thought and would like to share with you some of my ideas and observations as the possible reason for Bill finishing his
Early on my first thought when hearing just what Bill did was�"How many days before he is forced to resign?"
My answer was 20 days. Boy was I wrong. What the �hill� happened to let him complete his term? How did he get by? Good luck? Was it God�s good grace?
His stars?
After some thought I must confess to you it is my firm, considered belief Bill remained in office because of the over zealousness efforts of the
American Right Wing (ARW).
N.B. (I define that term, American Right Wing, (ARW) as that independent and seeming unconnected group(s) of Republican Party members, sic. (public)
interest groups, think tanks and assorted other interested parties; that, at times come together on an issue oriented basis and act without formal
leadership on a perceived shared principle or goal.
I don�t care for the use of terms like VRWC. They tend to become value charged and cloud meaning and understanding).
How can he say that you say? Why do I say that? How can I support that conclusion that it was folks like many here that kept Bill in Office? Lordie,
how could that be???
Let me explain:
The ARW got out of control in its blood lust for Bill Clinton. Rather to, step back and let events unfold within the confines of accepted American
process and law the ARW opened a hostile and vitriolic campaign of character assignation against Clinton and all voices of moderation for due process.
Their distain for Clinton was intense they did not stop to see how their actions were being perceived by the public at large.
There was so much confidence - now, after 6 frustrating years attempting to "pin the goods" on Bill, - this was the answer to their prayers. No
holds were barred; no measure to extreme; anything to get Bill out was OK now.
This even escalated to bashing the President to the point of demeaning the Office. So very shocking and much out of character for "principled"
republicans and conservatives. One only need think of the comments of Rep. Burton as an example. It seemed that any means would justify the end result
of seeing Bill back to Arkansas.
For months it played out 24-7 in the media. It was a made to order boosts for cable TV and they played their part in letting America know the "blow
by blow" of every nitty-gritty details, right down to the DNA samples. But the story unfolded slowly enough so the average American (FOLKS I HATE TO
TELL YOU THIS BUT..........MOST OF US HERE ARE NOT IN THAT CLASS. We are the 3% on the either side of the bell curve of politics. The out-lyres so to
Rather then go on, boring you all with the details and many other examples - we all know of and what was seen by average folk as, what could be
referred to, mean-spiritedness - let me get to the point:
As the story unfolded, ARW gave little thought to the underlying belief system the American people have in their government and system of laws. ARW
believed they had the coup de grace and the only thing they needed to do was let the American people know the dirty story about Bill. Little thought
was given to the fact that the common folk actually believe in the concept, �innocent until proven guilty�; had the patience and attention span to let
"due process" play out. Common folk even believed that one accused was entitled to counsel and/or "to have his/her side of the story told.
When some asked for moderation and due process, they were attacked and accused of being �Clinton supporters� who agreed with Bill's disgusting
behaviors. They were anything but and folks did not buy into the charge. Those attacking people who were calling full and fair disclosure were
perceived as a lynch mob by average folks.
Another principle held dear by the American people is their nature to root for the underdog. The ARW attack was so strident and perceived to be
unfair... folks got so turned off, just did not want the ARW to win. (No one I know and I suggest no one at all condoned Dirty Bill's deed. All
America hated, and still does, what did Clinton. But the attacks were too���over the top, and unfair for folks to stomach. One need go farther than to
follow the polls of Bill�s popularity for proof.
The final error was a belief the ARW holds that the American people are stupid. They needed nightly reminders of Bill�s transgressions in graphic and
sickening detail. As poll numbers swung in ever increasing amounts, ARW redoubled there efforts to "teach" the "dimwitted mob.
Just how many times do you think folks can hear the term blowjob and scumbag on national TV before they become offended and stop listening to the
messenger? Or, as they did, revile and oppose the message?
And in conclusion, and at the heart of the failure of the ARW to remove Clinton from office, are its basic flaw in viewing the world. - a lack of
trust in the American people and their penchant for fair play; distain of personal rights over property rights; lack of trust in our system of laws
and process; and contempt for the wisdom of its people.
I doubt folks from the ARW will agree with me. As I have found, those who espouse "being responsible for ones' behavior" is the duty and
responsibility of others - not them. Any failures or miscues they experience is due to the actions of others i.e. liberal press, Unions, Trial
Lawyers, Hollywood, American Universities, and of late and in large part, Bill Clinton.(Bill has been credited and/or responsible for so many things,
that to believe the same, one must also believe Clinton to possess god like power.)
Viewing the ARW�s actions over the years it could be argued they see as their responsibility: point out and tell others of the mistakes; what is, and
constitutes being, a "good American"; and how others should live their lives.
And in final analysis, their failure to get Bill out of office was their biggest victory. Had they stayed quiet, let the process play out 3-4 weeks
after first reports surfaced Bill Clinton would have to resign the Presidency in disgrace. Al Gore would have become President with enough time to
distance himself from Clinton and enter the race in 2000 as his own man.
As we know, few Presidents running for a second term are defeated; meaning Gore most likely would have been President until 2008. So the ARW's loss
left the door open for the likes of George Bush II.
Strange how things work out!
At least, that�s how I see it.