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9/11 In History - Coincidence Or Date Chosen?

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posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 01:48 PM
Events occurring in history on Sept. 11th-

~1226 The Roman Catholic practice of perpetual adoration begins.

~1541 Santiago, Chile, is destroyed by indigenous warriors, lead by Michimalonko.

~1683 Battle of Vienna.

~1714 Barcelona surrenders to Spanish and French Bourbon armies in the War of the Spanish Succession.

~1773 The Public Advertiser publishes a satirical essay titled Rules By Which A Great Empire May Be Reduced To A Small One, which is written by Benjamin Franklin. He writes "There never was a good war or bad peace."

~1786 The Beginning of the Annapolis Convention.

~1789 Alexander Hamilton is appointed as first United States Secretary of the Treasury.

~1792 Hope Diamond is stolen along with other crown jewels when six men broke into the house used to store the jewels.

~1814 Battle of Lake Champlain, NY; Americans defeat British.

~1853 First electric telegraph in use, Merchant's Exchange to Pt Lobos.

~1857 The Mountain Meadows Massacre: Mormon settlers and Paiutes massacre 120 pioneers at Mountain Meadows, Utah.

~1891 The Jewish Colonization Association is established by Baron Maurice de Hirsch.

~1893 First World Parliament of Religions conference held.

~1897 After months of pursuit, generals of Menelik II of Ethiopia capture Gaki Sherocho, the last king of Kaffa, bringing an end to that ancient kingdom.

~1906 Mahatma Gandhi coins the term Satyagraha to characterize the Non-Violence movement in South Africa.

~1919 U.S. Marines invade Honduras.

~1921 Nahalal, the first moshav in Israel, is settled.

~1922 British mandate of Palestine begins.

~1930 Stomboli volcano (Sicily) throws 2-ton basaltic rocks 2 miles.

~1936 FDR dedicates Boulder Dam, now known as Hoover Dam.

~1940 World War II: Buckingham Palace is damaged during a German air raid.

~1941 Charles Lindbergh, charges "the British, the Jewish & the Roosevelt administration" are trying to get the US into WW II.

~1941 Ground broken for the construction of The Pentagon.

~1943 World War II: start of the liquidation of the Ghettos in Minsk and Lida by the Nazis.

~1944 World War II: the first allied troops of the U.S. Army cross the western border of Nazi Germany.

~1946 First mobile long-distance car-to-car telephone conversation.

~1955 Dedication of the first Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Europe, the Bern Switzerland Temple.

~1959 Lee Harvey Oswald is discharged from the United States Marine Corps.

~1961 Formation of the World Wildlife Fund.

~1961 Hurricane Carla strikes the Texas coast as a Category 4 hurricane, the strongest storm ever to hit the state.

~1965 The 1st Cavalry Division of the United States Army arrives in Vietnam.

~1967 US Surveyor 5 makes first chemical analysis of lunar material

~1968 Air France Flight 1611 crashes off Nice, France, killing 89 passengers and 6 crew.

~1968 Number one hit on UK music charts - The Beatles - Hey Jude.

~1971 The Egyptian Constitution becomes official.

~1972 The Closing Ceremony of the Munich Olympics takes place. It was the Summer Olympics when the terrorist attack known as the Munich Massacre happened.

~1973 A CIA backed coup in Chile headed by General Augusto Pinochet topples the democratically elected President Salvador Allende[2]. Pinochet remains in power for almost 17 years.

~1981 A small plane crashes into the Swing Auditorium in San Bernardino damaging it beyond repair.

~1982 The international forces, which were guaranteeing the safety of Palestinian refugees following Israel's 1982 Invasion of Lebanon, left Beirut. Five days later, several thousand refugees were massacred in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps.

~1991 14 die in a Continental Express commuter plane crash near Houston.

~1992 Hurricane Iniki, one of the most damaging hurricanes in United States history , devastates the State of Hawaii, especially the islands of Kauai and Oahu.

~1994 Frank Eugene Corder steals a Cessna plane, intending to crash it into the White House.

~1997 NASA's Mars Global Surveyor reaches Mars.

~1998 Independent counsel Kenneth Starr sends a report to the U.S. Congress accusing President Bill Clinton of 11 possible impeachable offenses.

~2000 Activists protest against the World Economic Forum meeting in Melbourne, Australia. See S11.


~2003 The Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety enters into effect.

~2004 All passengers are killed when a helicopter crashes in the Aegean Sea. Passengers include Patriarch Peter VII of Alexandria and 16 others (including journalists and bishops of the Greek Orthodox Church of Alexandria).

~2005 The State of Israel completes its unilateral disengagement from the Gaza Strip.

~2007 Russia tests the largest conventional weapon ever, the Father of all bombs.


All coincidence or something more? I'm not normally a numbers significance guy, but I don't know....some interesting things have happened on 9/11.

[edit on 1-3-2010 by Signals]

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 01:52 PM
With kindnest regards,

I think you could pick any date in history and find significant events that occurred on that date.

Having said that, your list is interesting, but I do have one question for you.

How in the heck did you research that? Google?

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 02:00 PM
Lot more stuff seems to have happened on 12/12 :-

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by smyleegrl
With kindnest regards,

I think you could pick any date in history and find significant events that occurred on that date.

Having said that, your list is interesting, but I do have one question for you.

How in the heck did you research that? Google?

This site - (as listed in the OP)


posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by Alfie1
Lot more stuff seems to have happened on 12/12 :-

Thanks but meh, 9/11 history is far more interesting.

Now, 12/21, that might be worth a look

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 02:09 PM

(as listed in the OP)
reply to post by Signals


It's been a harder day than I thought. I completely missed it.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 11:55 PM
I don't know about the historical significance of the date but what does intrigue me are the numbers.

9/11 or 9-1-1 -- emergency line

I'm sure the date was planned but was it planned on that day for any specific reason, we don't know...yet.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 04:35 AM
I have to say that the only thing significant about their choice to do it on 9/11 imho is the war game/exercises that were taking place that day.

You got the Bio terror attack drill being conducted officially by FEMA most likely including most if not all other agencies to one extent or another.

Then you got the NRO drill (simulated small jet crashing into their facility). In VA very close to the Pentagon. I know we all know all of these. Then the other one which required the majority of fighters to move towards Alaska to play dogfight with the Russians.

These are just the known ones that have been made public. There are a lot of suspicions that there were indeed more exercises that day that have never been disclosed to the public.

Debunkers say "Ahh that's just a coincidence, it didn't even affect the response of the fighters that day"...well maybe, but they sure did not get even one unarmed fighter up to at least go put eyes on the attack jets. Go up and look into the cockpit, give them the finger as they dove towards the pentagon. Maybe a little film to view, no we got nothing.

Don't get me wrong, I realize that it most likely would have been almost impossible for f11 and f175 but f77 and f93? And I know all the "buts" with that like "but they were right behind f175" or "but if f93 wouldn't of crash we would have got them".. Whatever, point is they didn't.

This was all due to the war games, the lack of fighters, the fog of war(games), or even the fact that someone wanted to be able to use the war games as the reason for the lack of response/ability to even get unarmed fighters to put eyes on any of the hijacked jets.

I don't think there's any question, that who ever planned the attacks knew/was informed of the multiple war games and drills happening that day/all week. There is no way the planners or hijackers just lucked out and happened to pick 9/11 out of then air, it was a part of the plan to insure success.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 08:37 AM

Originally posted by PersonalChoice
Then the other one which required the majority of fighters to move towards Alaska to play dogfight with the Russians.

wasn't aware of this...war games with Russia or simulated Russian fighters?

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 09:12 AM

The New World Order folk hark back to the days of Ancient Egypt and have many of their symbols including the all-seeing eye, the pyramid, the sunburst etc all over their architecture, the US Banknotes etc.

In Ancient Egypt, the biggest festival was the New Year and in extremely ancient Egypt, they even used to perform human sacrifices.

The Ancient Egyptians were also amongst the first to develop a calendar system upon which our own calendar is loosely based via the Romans.

Almost everyone now uses the Gregorian calendar under which the New Millenium started on 1st January 2001.

The NWO folk, however, still follow by the calendar of ANcient Egypt, but they are not alone. THe Ethiopian Orthodox Church ALSO still runs by the Ge'ez calendar, the modern name for the Ancient Egyptian calendar, and so, hence, also does Ethiopia.

Due to this, someone is actually calculating the calendar publically.

So, according to the Ge;ez calendar, when did the New Year start in what we call 2001?
When was this festival that once involved human sacrifices due to take place?

Answer: Sunrise on 11th September.

And when did sunrise in New York City on 11th September 2001? 6.03AM... recognise that time?

To the minute 6.03AM was when....

- George W Bush went out for a surprise morning jog, taking his cellphone with him for half an hour, yet chose to leave all his bodyguards behind for once.
- NORAD crashed and filled with all the bogus aeroplanes, just as if someone had loaded a new version of the software on top of it.
- The hijackers were supposed to have set out for their planes.

Also at about this time, all the fire exits that are always left unlocked were locked by security in the WTC.

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