reply to post by cjcord
One thing to remember about "religion" is that it was/is mankind that created the gazillions of "religions" that are out there.
The (Authorized) 1611 King James Bible is the Bible - it is the only one that is authorized to be called "The Bible".
From that, mankind, as usual, started trying to recreate/rewrite The Bible to make things more "comfy" for his (mankind's) sins and lifestyles.
The result is just what you read on threads like this - people scratching their heads asking "Why are there so many religions out here?". And thus,
society now goes around blaming God for all the religions, when it has been mankind who is responsible.
Just keep in mind, God isn't a "religion" - He is the Almighty God, Jesus Christ, The Holy Ghost, Our Creator - period. "In the beginning, God
created the Heavens and Earth.......".
Anything after is mankind's revamped and rewritten PERversions of the Holy Scriptures.
Proof of this, version by version by version (of mankinds) can be compared
HERE - this website has all of the popular "bibles" side by side and
shows you, in detail, exactly what verses have been removed from the KJ, which words have been removed, and in some cases, yep, which entire chapters
have been removed.
Mankind is doing what mankind is known for - screwing things up. The King James Bible is no different. Man doesn't want rules and laws that
interfere in his life (sins) so that is why you have umpteen "bibles" out there, all compliments of "man".
There is even a Gay/Lesbian "bible" out now - their ads promise that YOU too can be gay and not feel guilty.
How can they claim this? Like everyone else tries to - they are either misquoting the Scripture, or they are quoting from a secular written "book".
Their website claims:
You CAN be gay and a Christian! No guilt involved!
You CAN be sure the Scriptures say nothing against homosexuality at all!
You CAN live the life you were meant to lead.
When in fact, the original Scriptures most certainly does state that homosexuality is a sin -
But this man/woman written "bible" is typical of the rest of the books out there that are attempting to make us believe that it's ok to sin, the
Bible really doesn't say that, etc.
Satan is not stupid - he knows just how to create doubt and confusion in us, and this tactic is an old one but it seems that satan is reviving it for
this new generation. Sadly, millions are following along like blind lit'l sheep.
Hence, the 'mega feel good cotton candy' churches out there now, and popping up every day. The secular society, and secular Christians, LOVE, LOVE,
LOVE these kinds of churches - know why? Because in those kind of churches they teach that we are to be socially tolerant of sin, be it
homosexuality, prostitution, bestiality, etc. I.e. society is being brainwashed to believe that we should welcome the sin into our society with open
arms. The secular people, secular Christians included, can go to "church" now and be given the "Live Your Best Life Now" pep talk - I'm
surprised they don't hand out pom poms to all at the door.
This is NOT in line with what the Bible says. You love the sinner, hate the sin - you don't allow our marriage laws to change JUST to pacify the
homosexual community, or the NAMBLA members - you go to church for salvation and to learn, FROM the Bible, how to live a Godly life. NOT how to get
around the rules by avoiding or rewriting them. Don't like the real Bible? Hey, no problem, we'll just teach/preach from the NIV or the NEW King
James Version - it's watered down and isn't so full of rules and laws. (rolling eyes here)
And no, I'm not picking just on the homosexual community because the prostitution, bestiality community, as well as orgs like
NAMBLA, have been making noise, as well, about
their rights to be "socially" and legally
Satan has the majority of our human population by the eh, testicles - are most of us even aware of the person's background that is currently the
"Safe School Czar" in our govt? From the online news articles,
is a strong supporter of NAMBLA. If you
aren't familiar with that org, Google them - you just might be surprised who now has a say so over what your child is being "taught" in school.
Do your research - and start standing up for what you KNOW is right and stop listening to these 'selfish' communities that are trying their best to
get you to accept them as a normal part of society, all because "they" don't want to feel guilty about what they are doing.
Pray for them, yes.
Socially/legally accept them, no.
[edit on 1-3-2010 by nomorecruelty]