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selfish spirituality

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posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 02:03 PM
i woke up about less than an hour ago and had a fleeting thought that what if all the work i have done to make the existence i wake into a selfish and vain task.i wondered why have i not asked another person what can i do to make the reality i create a reality i create for them; vs. just going along blind and doing "works" "for the self sake".i am wondering if it is selfish of any person of a spiritual nature who works to not ask a person before hand what can that person(the asker) do to make the reality they create better for someone else(the receiver of the question).the way i saw it was like this; how can i make what is the internal process of my being better for an existence that will enter these processes by means of actually asking a conscious being; what do you want me to create within my being for you.i know communication is not up to snuff to actually have a medium of connected thought to do what i am implying; but do you think it selfish to go about doing works of a spiritual nature that have nothing to do with your perceived expression that is existence outside the self?

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 02:10 PM
reply to post by Ausar

Good question. I would also ask myself if it is "selfish" (in that it reinforces or makes concrete the idea of a separate and sovereign "self") to consider the other as being truly separate from you at all.

Perhaps our focus should not be on "other" and creating for other, whether we have asked or not, but on diminishing the concreteness of our belief in the division itself.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by Ausar

I don't know what you consider to be spiritual, but I consider myself to be spiritual in that I do things and live my life in such a way to make the world a better place to live in by starting with myself and my family.

I raise my children to be non-violent, considerate of others, non-judgemental, hard workers, considerate and helpful of the nature around them, don't take more than what you can give back, and if you look for the good in people, you'll find it.

I don't think you have to ask people what you can do for them to make their life better if you know for yourself what you can do to make YOUR life better.

Making your little corner of the world a good place to be is not being selfish, because you are improving the world one corner at a time.


posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by Ausar

That is a wonderful question. I believe a person-centre spirituality to be best. I am therefore free to help anyone that needs my help from the perspective of fitting in with their spirituality with a minimum input from my own spirituality.

I don't believe that we can know the mind of "god" so I take a humanitarian perspective above a religous one so I do what I can.

We are a wonderful specis.


posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by Ausar

when you mean others you are then meaning the misery of the most, take it for you who if you really mean another before you you would sense being negative yourself
so one cannot mean everyone but that is right regarding truth, because being true living is being you the living one sense and that is all

now if you mean to be useful for humanity positive life, then it is simple, all there is to do is what you know already being wrong and do a step for meaning more clearly a position of you out of wrong reality acceptance

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 03:35 PM
the answer i mean to your question, is to understand how yourself is not what you think it is, what you mean being selfish is because you are using things life as your body exposure possibilities to assert yourself as a living person, while yourself should be of your true awareness being existing and that awareness is always where you are awake to yourself as present, it is the free space that float always around what you do, the constance presence of you wherever you might be

so if you reach to act more of that awareness true sense you would become more real self, and there where you would reach everyone around you right

truth is one positive absolute free reality, but the awareness of mean you as absolute reality and not absolute reality truth one

but by being true realtiy as truth is one you would relate to others correctly of truth affiliation that you as true relative is to

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by Ausar

there is a quote that i say all of the time.. i am sorry i do not think i have ever known exactly where it originated from (and this is not exact).. but it goes something like:

when you want to help another person you are validating his powerlessness.
when you step back and allow another person to suffer and find his own way you are validating his power.

we are all ultimate creators. and more powerful than we know. we are each going to find this power within us in our own way. and it is not going to be done by one person handing it or showing it to another. it is going to come from all of us finding it from within our own selves.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by Ausar

I agree with you 100%. People who are saying not to perceive other and what not, are just lying to their selves. Even if deep down we feel that we're all one, we still perceive people as other. It IS best to ask: what can I do to create my reality best for all people. It's best to balance in life. I think that's what spirituality is all about. Creating balances dark with light, self with other. So I think the best we can do to create for the benefit of all is to balance our internal love of creation with the need to support others in their own creations.

Most of the new age spiritual movement is entirely selfish and downright disgusting. These people are narcissistic and clueless. Look passed that all. Create from within and without, but also be sure to look around and help others as much as you can spare. Balance always..

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 05:02 PM
i have read all the replies;

what if i continue doing what i do that is fruitful for me spiritually; how can i best continue doing while asking how can i do to make what i am doing beneficial for an existent being that is not the self doing?

i find that it is entirely easy to play the role of "safe" and do as i do; disregarding the fact that you will encounter what i was and what i have done will be where "you are headed";so to does me just doing what is fruitful really being of benefit to another if i do not do: by cognition of works; for the assurance that you will encounter these fruits?

i do not think i need to step away from where i am as that is foolish; especially since it does not concern the subject mater of this to the posters who say that there is fault in me by claiming that such as my post would or should not exist based on finding similarity or "oneness" in others; is stupid.

i am quite sure that you expect to be fully able to take advantage of the faculties that i have prepared for you to encounter based on the works i do; but prospering from my own works will not allow one to create within one for one.i have come far and nowhere to be able to have my self expression of such as this post; and any angles of movement by another's perception is the path imaginarily not before i but really before you that you see before i.while this is confusion now; and will be stumbling blocks later (not for i; chaff for works if any for me)when you reach your destination; which by my perspective is my past work, how can i make for what i have come to know as you a better place for when you do encounter "this locality"?

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by Ausar

it is scary what you say, i understand i guess ur means, but you dont seem to understand how freedom is all the base right and the end life

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by Ausar
how does me just doing what is fruitful really being of benefit to another if i do not do: by cognition of works; for the assurance that you will encounter these fruits?

First of all, "fruitful for self" has to be at a high order. Many things people do for themselves and others they feel will be beneficial, but that in fact are not in their highest self interest. (Ie; taking a job where you are paid well, but over time, you lose touch with your true essence, or have to perform actions that diminish your own integrity) If you are as clear on your highest self interest as you can be, then I would say your actions WILL bear fruit for more than simply your own individual self, whether you will it or not. Because that which is in your highest self interest is not separate from the highest self interest of all.

If one feels the need to "try to help others" I would look closely at that. It is aggrandizing to the individual self. Helping someone spontaneously because the moment dictates it is qualitatively different from going on a mission.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

exactly the sense of living reality is crucial base to justify any move, wether it is you as self true living reality sense to realize or an objective living reality free moves that justify your sense of

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