posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 05:23 PM
I thought this to be very interesting, and just had to do a bit of research not being familiar with the "international monetary fund"
Here's my favorite bits...its based out of Washington, the U.S.A. would still be printing the new moneys I betcha
186 contributing countries...that does include China and Russia
One of my favorite parts is their SAP program...which appears to mean if you are a poor country you have to pledge whatever assets you can muster to
corporations to guarantee your status.
I did use Wiki as my original source, and the last claim is subject to interpretation of non-cited materials.
So, I took another minute and now for the facts from the source...
"Recent financial crises and the growing income gap between rich and poor countries have fueled intense criticism of today's global economic and
financial system from numerous nongovernmental organizations"
and continues
"the criticism is mainly directed at so-called structural adjustment programs (SAPs), which are widely considered to have contributed to poverty.
Through privatization schemes, SAPs are also considered to deprive poor countries of their natural resources and wealth to the benefit of
multinational enterprises. Also, SAPs are viewed as detrimental to smaller enterprises because of the higher interest rates that can result from
credit market reforms. And finally, the SAPs are considered to lead to a self-defeating push to export more commodities thereby putting downward
pressure on export prices."
I read on in this article on the IMF website...these things that are "considered" are not, as far as I saw refuted. But I have a short attention