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Sen. Bunning blocks unemployment benefits extension

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posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by Subjective Truth

Originally posted by thatredpill
How long do you pay people to not work?
When do you take individual responsibility ?
How much more can you take out than you put in?
Enquiring minds want to know...
And please, no bush bush bush...

You just don't get it do you what happens when the unemployment stops? Most people on unemployment are either waiting for there companies to come back around or new jobs. But the economy is worse now then when it started so that means no jobs.

So this huge chunk of population needs this money just to survive and when the flow stops kiss your job and America goodbye. It is end game and that is why they are so scared cant you just feel it. It is everywhere look around. But you people think well I have a job so it means nothing to me, you are so ignorant it is baffling to me.

I will say it one more time is collecting from the government long term bad "YES". Is it the only way right now "YES" wake up and smell the millions of americans coming to take yours because they have no choice.

I get it, those that dont provide for themselves will steall from and kill those that do, and you'll be in the lead. Youre too stupid to find the truth and are lead by those that push you to fight against your smarter honest neighbors.
Kind of a reverse evolution that the defective kill off the successful, because the defective, self indulgent and insufficiently productive were bred to and put in the position to be desperate and without honest options, The ruling class made you what you are, why not take from them what they took from you, not your smarter or luckier but honest neighbors. You paid your govt ransom, now they want to take it from the rest of us in your name. YOU can't look at yourself honestly and as a result have to scapegoat the rest of the world to allow you to feel entitled to what's not yours and you have no right or claim to. As such you have no ethic, blaming some part of a group that's done you wrong but seeking repayment from those that've done you no wrong. THIS whouldnt even be an issue of discussion if so many werent so dumbed down and blissfully free of ethics, but the massive ignorance and lack of insight and responsibility is why this country's death is imminent and irreversable.
As far as I'm concerned everyone out of a job is directly or indirectly responsible for their own state of employment, and thus not gonna get an automatic pass from me, I know too many that game the system to trust any of you.
Oh and for you and all those that want to come over to get some of mine, please feel free to stop by, my dogs need to get by on as little canned food as possible.

[edit on 3-3-2010 by thatredpill]

[edit on 3-3-2010 by thatredpill]

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by Cornczech
reply to post by thatredpill

Everything you paid in has been spent, it's a ponzi scheme and they're cashed out and fat. Your've been screwed and now you want to steall from the rest of us? What'd we do to you? You seem to think that stealing more money from your nieghbors is better than taking if from the officers of the court that actually took it from you and wasted it on themselves. You've(we've) been hoodwinked, bamboozeld, lied to, and now you want to get payback from the wrong party because youre entitled? THERE IS NO MONEY. ALL OF IT HAS TO BE BORROWED FROM US. I'm frikken sorry to be the one to tell you that you can't pay yourself and make a profit. If you try, those in the know will devalue your money before you can devalue it.

You really ARE an idiot...I have been reading your posts and though we are ALL entitlerd to our have shown, time and time again, how deep your head is in the sand about how the world is supposed to REALLY think unemployment insurance most of us adults have been paying for OVER 20 years is really YOURS, (I bet you're, at MOST, in your 20's.....) and to desire an extension of benefits is somehow STEALING? FROM YOU? And finally...the MOST intelligent of all.....that someone on unemployment can somehow make a PROFIT....WOW! I can see all the money that's been paid to educate your sorry a$$ was all for nothing......

Tell me again how I'm not entitled to the fruits of my labor, sonny jim, and that you are.
Paying the defective, stupid, lazy, and unlucky that couldnt see what was coming even 40 years ago like I did and failed to prepare is group suicide. Nature dictates that each organism strive to be as INDEPENDENT and self reliant as possible to succeed, not be beholden to a master who can and will turn off favors at will. You know why animals cant talk? So they cant spew excuses and lies and busslt about entitlemnts that dont exist and get lazy and judgmental about others that do better like libs can. IF debts of a few must be payed by borrowing from all, then I think that it's obvious that we that still have value are having it uniformly devalued for the benefit of the unprepared, UNGRATEFUL, and untepentant few. NOBODY is guaranteed a lifestyle supported by the labor of unwilling strangers, you want help ask your friends and family in PERSON, they will be in a better position know if you deserve a break or a beating. I assume that your need to be financilly supported by families and people other than your own means yours is as defective or ignorant as you, or doent want to have anything to do with you because you're not worthy...
And yes, I consider getting payments indefinately and above and beyond the amount you ever put in to the system for the purpose intended, for doing nothing productive can be reasonably defined as a PROFIT,
[edit on 3-3-2010 by thatredpill]

[edit on 3-3-2010 by thatredpill]

[edit on 3-3-2010 by thatredpill]

[edit on 3-3-2010 by thatredpill]

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 03:31 PM
Jim Bunning Rocks!

We can't keep paying this out. The financial meltdown was caused by the Democrats in the first place.

They are hardly worthy of finding any solutions other than a Stalinist style command economy.

I used to abhor the idea of Genocide, but now, more and more, I think Democrats deserve it. Their DNA stinks up the planet and they should be feding the fish in the Atlantic. Sort of a reverse Red Lobster.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 03:35 PM
When someone loses their will to work hard, support themselves and compete, they lose their soul.

I know many of you more liberal types out there view these social entitlements as compassion, but you are handicapping people. A very short term safety net is one thing, while a long term dependence is another. This is a huge reason that America's businesses and labor force are starting to be at a competitive disadvantage in the world.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by Flidais
Jim Bunning Rocks!

We can't keep paying this out. The financial meltdown was caused by the Democrats in the first place.

They are hardly worthy of finding any solutions other than a Stalinist style command economy.

I used to abhor the idea of Genocide, but now, more and more, I think Democrats deserve it. Their DNA stinks up the planet and they should be feding the fish in the Atlantic. Sort of a reverse Red Lobster.

So the Dems are responsible , and should all be drowned?

You do realize , that half the people in need of extension's are probably

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 05:18 PM
YOU are entitled to the "fruits" of your labor about as much as WE were!!!

after you get done paying for the politicians salaries, the lobbyists winnings, the payrolll of the federal, state, and local governments, the teachers, the school board, the bus drivers, the foreign aide to the world, the special interest projects, the business incentives and tax breaks (still wonder if that was the funding that managed to get so many jobs off shore during the bush administration!), then add the elderly, the handicapped, the single mothers, the alchoholic fathers, the drug addicts the prisoners, not to mention the kids and the cost of running the snotty nosed darlings to the doctor to be told they have a cold!!! ohh......and let's not forget about the BAILOUTS!
well, after all that is taken are left with what your are left with....while your tax dollars may be going to a family who, through your kind help is able to get their kid braces, a decent hud standard home, and more than enough food for them to sell some to buy the booze, well, guess may find yourself with a sick wife, a sick child in need of the healthcare, with no money for it, your home may have been rejected by hud as not meeting standards but know it's all you can afford, and well, you may find that $30 of food will have to get you through the week.....
welcome to the world, such as it is...
tell ya what, I'LL lay aside my claim to my social security and other gov't promised benefits when they admit that it was all a scam, that it was THEY that screwed up, and well, they decide to make across the board cuts down to what their expected (with no cooked books!!) revenues are!! otherwise, they are gonna just keep on spending above THEIR MEANS, and well, it will just mean that as you kids are struggling to pay more and more for their insanities, you are also going to find yourselves having to support your elderly family members along with yourselves, with less income (because believe me, these $100,000+ a year salaries WOULD NOT be near that much if everybody in this society were forced to live within their income!!! there would be a heck of alot LESS spending forcing the prices down to a level that the people could spend, or the companies would be going out of business!

we are at the end of the road! they can't tax more, you can't get blood out of a stone, and they can't cut the spending, cause that's the only money flowing through the system! can't raise interest rates, everyone owes too much!! can't print more money, sell more debt.....the dollar will just get more worthless and the inflation will just make things oh so much worse!!

may I suggest what was suggested to some of us when we tried to tell people that things were getting out of hand about 4 years ago...
GO TAKE A PROZAC!!! it will make the world seem so much more pleasant!
at least for awhile!!

oh, and go visit china, or india, take a good look at what the companies are doing to their ecology! then, do a little research into what they are putting into your products...find out the source!! taxes, high wages??? you should add the cost of cleaning up their toxic waste to the list too!! and then, come back and tell me that you would rather live in one of those cesspools that they are creating in these other country, enjoy you low taxes and pathetic wages! heck you ipod was probably made with child labor!

ya, your lives would have been so much better if you had started working when you were ten so the rest of your family could have a meal every day instead of going to school, having clean water to drink and bathe in, and all the other goodies you grew up with!

[edit on 3-3-2010 by dawnstar]

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by thatredpill

Originally posted by Subjective Truth

Originally posted by thatredpill
How long do you pay people to not work?
When do you take individual responsibility ?
How much more can you take out than you put in?
Enquiring minds want to know...
And please, no bush bush bush...

You just don't get it do you what happens when the unemployment stops? Most people on unemployment are either waiting for there companies to come back around or new jobs. But the economy is worse now then when it started so that means no jobs.

So this huge chunk of population needs this money just to survive and when the flow stops kiss your job and America goodbye. It is end game and that is why they are so scared cant you just feel it. It is everywhere look around. But you people think well I have a job so it means nothing to me, you are so ignorant it is baffling to me.

I will say it one more time is collecting from the government long term bad "YES". Is it the only way right now "YES" wake up and smell the millions of americans coming to take yours because they have no choice.

I get it, those that dont provide for themselves will steall from and kill those that do, and you'll be in the lead. Youre too stupid to find the truth and are lead by those that push you to fight against your smarter honest neighbors.
Kind of a reverse evolution that the defective kill off the successful, because the defective, self indulgent and insufficiently productive were bred to and put in the position to be desperate and without honest options, The ruling class made you what you are, why not take from them what they took from you, not your smarter or luckier but honest neighbors. You paid your govt ransom, now they want to take it from the rest of us in your name. YOU can't look at yourself honestly and as a result have to scapegoat the rest of the world to allow you to feel entitled to what's not yours and you have no right or claim to. As such you have no ethic, blaming some part of a group that's done you wrong but seeking repayment from those that've done you no wrong. THIS whouldnt even be an issue of discussion if so many werent so dumbed down and blissfully free of ethics, but the massive ignorance and lack of insight and responsibility is why this country's death is imminent and irreversable.
As far as I'm concerned everyone out of a job is directly or indirectly responsible for their own state of employment, and thus not gonna get an automatic pass from me, I know too many that game the system to trust any of you.
Oh and for you and all those that want to come over to get some of mine, please feel free to stop by, my dogs need to get by on as little canned food as possible.

[edit on 3-3-2010 by thatredpill]

[edit on 3-3-2010 by thatredpill]

Are you kidding me? It is very hard to argue with logic like yours you fill in the gaps to fit your needs. I am making a point on a macro level not a micro level. And if you do not know the meaning of the two words look them up. Like I have said before unemployment benefits are the only thing holding the fabric of America together right now. You can read into that however you want. But truth be told I am more worried about people like you than the unpaid unemployed because at least when they do find a paycheck they will be better but you need to live with what you have and no paycheck is going to take it away.

[edit on 3-3-2010 by Subjective Truth]

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 05:44 PM
You have to pick a side, not a mishmash of contradictory concepts. You cant have liberal entitlement fantasies and outrage based on conservative principles. Clearly you've never lived the lifestyle you propose or you'd know why there are companys. A subsistance lifestyle is hard work, and regardless of what you believe, has a high mortality rate and short lifespan with little if any certainty or variety that you take for granted only because of industrialization. You cant have both technology and no technology at the same time, its unavailable. I'll clue you in, I dont give a crap about anyone who doesnt give a crap about me first, the best you can do to be friends with me is to leave me alone and support yourself. Expect me to 'love' you and aide you first? You can just F$%k off, too. I dont need to prove how friendly I have to be for you, you have to prove you have the capacity to not be a subversive and self serving prick loser that defines one of evolutions failures.
Nobody is entitled to the fruits of my labor without my express free and un cooerced desire to share as much or if I see fit. NO-BODY!
Trash that cant validate itself deserves to be thrown out, not exalted and supported, a parasite and looter deserving of a bullet as soon as they cross my boundry without MY permission. I reject the concept that I have to support anyone not of my choosing. Put that in your confused hash pipe and smoke it, loser. If you welp brats irresponsibly and you cant take care of them, better they starve in front of you or sold for medical research than I have food forceably taken from the mouths of mine that I can indeed provide for. The value one creates for themselves is the earthly measure of a man, and the value one steals from others in theft or forced charity (and no doubt only unilaterally available) is the measure of the degree of abject and utter failure and fool one has become...
If extorted charity is all that holds thic country together, thenindeed the thieves are at the door and the bloodbath will soon commence, for anarchy and disaster always follow when men no longer can be shamed to live within their limitations...

[edit on 3-3-2010 by thatredpill]

[edit on 3-3-2010 by thatredpill]

[edit on 3-3-2010 by thatredpill]

[edit on 3-3-2010 by thatredpill]

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 07:17 PM

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by muffer

Paygo is a requirement that new bills will be paid for by cutting other prior expenses from the budget, this was signed into law by zero and immediately subverted by zero and those that brought it to a vote, repubs and demRATs. This was simply to give them capacity to lie to their constituents that they are trying to be fiscally responsible when thet have no intent to be, it's a corrupt, intentional trick to hide behind, nothing more and has done nothing to stop deficit spending....

[edit on 4-3-2010 by thatredpill]

[edit on 4-3-2010 by thatredpill]

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 07:22 AM
I don't understand the ignorance in this country. There is this constant crap "rich get tax cuts" "middle class and lower class doesn't" Are you completely unaware of what is going on in the world today. don't worry your precious dumbama is going to be rasing taxes for everybody. You see, if you would think instead of asssssume you would understand more of what is going on. When somebody makes $200,000 they are considered "rich" Now in that tax bracket a person making this much money would pay almost 50% TAXES, that means there pay is cut almost in HALF...... Now, if they get a 2% tax decrease and somebody making $50,000 a year gets a 2% tax decrease then obviously the person making $200,000 a year will get more money back. This is common sense and anybody with basic math skills would know this. On top of that, 3 years ago I was making $15,000 a year and I GOT A EXTRA TAX BREAK!!!!!! I WAS NOT RICH AND I GOT EXTRA TAX MONEY BACK........HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLO WHAT THE HELL IS SO HARD TO UNDERSTAND. IT IS SOOOO SCARY THE IGNORANCE IN THE WORLD TODAY.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 07:24 AM

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 09:46 AM
reply to post by David9176

Well as I thought, here comes AMNESTY for illegal immigrants.
Maybe now you dillusioned people who do not comprehend where this President is taking us will now get it. HE DOES NOT CARE ABOUT YOU. His agenda is to destroy the economy, make you dependent, and reform it with Socialism. For the love of all that is good, please wake up!!!

"Obama looking to give new life to immigration reform"

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by pumpkinorange
reply to post by David9176

Well as I thought, here comes AMNESTY for illegal immigrants.
Maybe now you dillusioned people who do not comprehend where this President is taking us will now get it. HE DOES NOT CARE ABOUT YOU. His agenda is to destroy the economy, make you dependent, and reform it with Socialism. For the love of all that is good, please wake up!!!

"Obama looking to give new life to immigration reform"

HAHAhaha! You so funny, reform chaos to socialism? How do you get socialism when everyone is broke? There's nothing of value left to socialize except LABOR for the masters. Socialism requires redistribution of value, slavery is what you get when you have nothing and have to produce value by force for someone else. Yes you'll get SLAVERY of the masses, not socialism.
Welcome to the pleasuredome...

[edit on 5-3-2010 by thatredpill]

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by thatredpill
HAHAhaha! You so funny, reform chaos to socialism? How do you get socialism when everyone is broke?

How do YOU think one gets from a market economy to Socialism my friend? You want to call it fascism instead? Fine with this.
First you need to break down what exists.
Yes, destruction and chaos is necessary to create dependency on the govt and mass willingness for gov't take over of all aspects of life in order to bring order. Gov't manages production, governs behavior, redistributes wealth.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by pumpkinorange

Originally posted by thatredpill
HAHAhaha! You so funny, reform chaos to socialism? How do you get socialism when everyone is broke?

How do YOU think one gets from a market economy to Socialism my friend? You want to call it fascism instead? Fine with this.
First you need to break down what exists.
Yes, destruction and chaos is necessary to create dependency on the govt and mass willingness for gov't take over of all aspects of life in order to bring order. Gov't manages production, governs behavior, redistributes wealth.

Socialism is all about sharing what has bees stolen or otherwise extorted from a donor. One cant be a practicing socialist without having gotten something for free from someone, because nobody gives away what they have earned if it's valuable , desired and hard to get. One comes from market economy to socialism by destroying those that organized and managed the economy in a natural sustainable fashion, and afterwards stealing the products, giving away enough to implicate everyone else into acceptance, a bribe, if you will, one that most are willing to take.
Socialist countries that have endured, started from wealthy circumstances, but are about out o money. No poor society has advanced to wealth or comfort by way of benign socialism, not even the kibbutzim. The only good thing to say about real socialism is that most everyone becomes equally miserable and poor, except for the managers, of course who NEVER chose to live like and amongst those that they control, basically capitalizing for themselves on the poverty of the masses

[edit on 5-3-2010 by thatredpill]

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 03:33 PM

And PLEASE think for yourself.

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