posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 05:28 PM
I’m beginning to think the anti-Christ might in fact be ALL Religions and the False prophet(s) could be All Governments… Before I begin to explain
why I’m leaning that way… I believe it’s important to let everyone know that I have a deep belief in God, a deep belief… However I do not
believe in Religious doctrines that talk of a wrathful, vengeful, jealous god.
The reason I reject those religious doctrines is the evil that is spoken of in the name of God. That is illogical to me on so many levels… I cannot
see how it could be even remotely true, let alone factual. To some that statement will be considered heresy… If rejecting the notion that God is a
vengeful, jealous, wrathful god, then I stand convicted as charged. I believe in a God that is all loving, who continues to pass down the truth of
salvation… where if we finally listen to God’s wisdom, for he is all knowing… mankind would be able to live amongst each other in complete
peace... Sadly however, as ancient culture after ancient culture explains… humanity always fails to see and hear.
Depending on which story you want to believe, we are in the first, second, fourth, fifth, or sixth cycle of life according to different ancient
stories/cultures… Even the Bible explains after this world ends, there will in fact be a third (before the flood equals the first world, our time
equals the second, after Armageddon equals the third.). Perhaps this time, before our last days… those who have eyes will see the truth, and those
who have ears will hear and understand the truth. What is that truth? First, if we believe the actions of the parent will influence the actions of
the child, then how can God be wrathful and vengeful… If the acts of the father are justifiable, no matter how much pain and suffering they cause,
then cannot the child excuse his own actions that cause extreme pain and suffering as long as man says our actions are done with love? The answer to
that question, as history proves all so well, is a painful yes!!!
How can the father blame the child for actions he himself used to judge the world? Would a child who watched his mother beaten weekly, be justified
in beating his own wife? We know without question that is ridiculous… If humanity has learned that simple truth within our own interactions, and
pass laws that punish those who beat their wives… IF we can learn that is disgusting behavior, then how can humanity deny the wisdom that God is
anything other then complete love?
To a primitive mind answering yes to those questions above might have seem logical, that god is vengeful, wrathful, and jealous … because our
primitive selfish mind needs someone to blame for our continued wickedness… Sadly… Our Ancestors chose God instead of ourselves… For if its
God’s will/fault then we need not take responsibility for anything. When the truth is, only when humanity takes full responsibility for ourselves
and everyone else’s sins and learns without question that we are in fact our brothers and neighbors keeper… only then will this world find peace.
For who among us will sin on any level knowing our children, parents and all of our loved ones will beg God to be held responsible for our sins? Who
among us would allow our friends to do something we know our loved ones are going to beg God to be held accountable for? I say to you all Religions
of the world are and have attempted to destroy that simple truth.
There is a story of a man who has walked on every continent, walked within every Age and every circa of time preaching the some love story. Love they
neighbor… Are we to believe this same person told a different story in every corner of the Earth, or, knowing human history… does it make more
sense that his story has always been twisted by those who wanted power over their brothers instead. Open your minds, read this planets history.
Would God really need to be wrathful? Would God really need anyone to stand in his place? Every culture tells us God knows us even before we are
born… I truly believe Nothing we do is unknown to God…… Yet, if Religious doctrine is to be believed… then that god allows us to be born
knowing we are going to spend all of eternity suffering… Meaning, that god allows us to be born knowing we could do bad things, knowing its possible
because as religious doctrines demands we‘ve been handed a stacked deck, yet that god still punishes us… because we did what god absolutely knew
we would choose? It was our choice (?), but god knows the outcome before we do? Yet we still must suffer because of freewill, even though the
outcome is certain regardless of direction? What kind of a sick twisted and extremely primitive concept is that? It does not make sense…
Why do you think the world is on the verge of death? Who among us would deny we are living in the same days as Sodom and Gomorra? Its happening
because we, all of us here in our time, believe just like our ancient ancestors did in their time… There is no way a father who makes laws we
cannot live up to, who punishes us for failing in life… who will allow us to be tortured for all of time… whose hypocritical abuse is done
because religious doctrine says he Loves Us? What kind of a sick twisted and extremely primitive concept is that??? Because mankind cannot live up
to the unattainable standards set forth by fake religious doctrine… total debauchery has always been the final result of their lies… That is what
we are seeing/happening in our time, only a liar would deny that simple truth… Which means, either we must agree those religious doctrines are lies,
or man has decided to behave exactly like a vengeful hateful god! Well I reject that destructive nonsense… God cannot be evil for that is wasted
energy, so I would urge all to reject religious doctrines that suggests god is wrathful, jealous or vengeful, for those are extremely primitive
concepts that our ancestors created to explain away their own wickedness.
(continue next post)