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posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by SphinxMontreal
"Here's the question that's puzzling me- it's obvious from the artful way they're misrepresenting such material that they're doing it deliberately. The question is, WHY are they doing it deliberately?"

To discredit the truther movement, a common tactic used by many of the professional trusters on this site. I can't see why this question would puzzle anyone who has made a career out of discrediting truthers.

So in short, you see everythign through conspiracy colored glasses to the point that when it really isn't a conspiracy (I.E. lasers from outer space or hologram planes) it only means it really IS a conspiracy (I.E. secret agents putting out silly stories to make the conspiracy movement look bad by association). This abject paranoia has gotten to the point where even people coming onto these boards to point out the fallacies in your conspriacy stories have to be (in your words) people who have "made a professional career out of discrediting truthers". Dude, if even 1/1000 of these ridiculous claims were true, some gov't goon would have a silenced pistol against the back of your head the moment you clicked the SEND button.

This isn't even remotely being driven by any desire to find the truth. It's being driven by an emotional need to believe in these conspiracy stories, which is almost certainly why you'd be going to those damned fool conspiracy web sites putting out rubbish in the first place. You'll therefore have to forgive me when I say the credibility of you conspiracy fetishists is lacking.

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