Here is a link to live web cams from CERNs LHC facility! Very interesting to see! Don't leave this thread without checking the link for a few
minutes! WEBCAM
Been posted before actually. Scared the bejebus out of me the first time I saw it, I literally thought I had just a second or two left to make sense
of what I just saw.
I saw the red lights thought I would be lucky enough to actually see the LHC fired up, but my belief lasted for about this [] long. My day has been
ruined, thanks for the heart break .
I saw these a long time ago and boy did they scare me the first time I saw them. Worse than any screamer. Then I noticed "click to reset" and
realized it was a joke, heh.
Honestly I was not even scared watching it because anyone who understands physics (as I do, as it is my major ) knows that that can not happen, and
in fact even if it did it would look quite different then portrayed in the fictional video. Also this should be moved to jokes forum.