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How Planned Parenthood Duped America
At a March 1925 international birth control gathering in New York City, a speaker warned of the menace posed by the "black" and "yellow" peril. The man was not a Nazi or Klansman; he was Dr. S. Adolphus Knopf, a member of Margaret Sanger's American Birth Control League (ABCL), which along with other groups eventually became known as Planned Parenthood.
Sanger's other colleagues included avowed and sophisticated racists. One, Lothrop Stoddard, was a Harvard graduate and the author of The Rising Tide of Color against White Supremacy. Stoddard was something of a Nazi enthusiast who described the eugenic practices of the Third Reich as "scientific" and "humanitarian." And Dr. Harry Laughlin, another Sanger associate and board member for her group, spoke of purifying America's human "breeding stock" and purging America's "bad strains." These "strains" included the "shiftless, ignorant, and worthless class of antisocial whites of the South."
Not to be outdone by her followers, Margaret Sanger spoke of sterilizing those she designated as "unfit," a plan she said would be the "salvation of American civilization.: And she also spike of those who were "irresponsible and reckless," among whom she included those " whose religious scruples prevent their exercising control over their numbers." She further contended that "there is no doubt in the minds of all thinking people that the procreation of this group should be stopped." That many Americans of African origin constituted a segment of Sanger considered "unfit" cannot be easily refuted.
But here's what is sinister. In order to make lots and lots of money, Planned Parenthood, just like any other "service provider," needs lots and lots of customers, and the best way to get those customers is to promote the very behaviors which create them. Specifically, to manipulate kids - under the guise of so-called "comprehensive sex education" - to engage in promiscuous, casual sex as soon and as often as possible. It's simple supply and demand. Planned Parenthood encourages the behaviors which create the demand and then dutifully offers its deadly supply.
To that end, Planned Parenthood has created a new promotional Web site that targets youth. It's called "Take Care Down There" ( It features short, near pornographic "public service" video vignettes which, among other things, promote casual sex, immodesty, homosexuality and even group sex.
For example, in perfect keeping with its demonstrably racist, loosey-goosey sexual tradition, one of the Planned Parenthood videos depicts what appears to be a teenage African-American male relegated to performing oral sex - in public - on a white teenage male. Another white male (a creepy adult authority figure who seems just a little too interested) walks up and begins giving instructions. The white teenager then says, "I didn't even spew."
Race and abortion politics will merge Thursday when a group of African-American pastors, led by the niece of Martin Luther King Jr., march on the Democratic and Republican Party headquarters to demand that candidates refuse donations from Planned Parenthood. The reason: They believe that Planned Parenthood allows racist donors to designate that their money go to fund abortions of blacks. Planned Parenthood has outlined a $10 million campaign to fund candidates who support abortion. But the ministers say they have evidence in videos that African-American babies are being targeted. The group tells Washington Whispers that it is circulating two YouTube videos in which a racist donor wins agreement from Planned Parenthood workers to have his donation designated for blacks. A similar protest took place in front of Planned Parenthood in Washington in April.
All of the speakers mentioned the prevalence of Planned Parenthood’s in low-income, African-American neighborhoods and Rev. Clinard Childress call for a boycott of the clinics by black leaders -- specifically Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, the Urban League and the NAACP -- until the racist allegations are resolved, at least by the firing of those employees who willingly accepted the racist donations.
“Black America must wake up and stand up to this racist organization that purposefully plants abortion facilities firmly in black and minority neighborhoods and urban communities -- sometimes, right next door to schools,” said Day Gardner, President of the National Black Pro-Life Union (NBPLU), pointing out a charter school directly connected to that particular clinic.
The NBPLU sent a letter to Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Barack Obama yesterday, asking that he condemn PP’s “racist business practices.” The letter also documents numerous ongoing criminal investigations around the country in PP clinics who failed to report child sexual abuse or falsified records. It was signed by 31 black leaders and pastors, all who call on black America in general to address the issue with more weight.
Why is the issue of abortion so important to black American leaders? Black communities are being devastated by abortion which is tantamount to black genocide. 35% of abortions in the United States are performed on African-American women, while they represent only 12% of our nation’s female population. According to the 2000 Census, 14 million (17 million as of 2007) African-American children have been killed through abortion. This means that more African-American babies have been killed by abortion during the past 30 years than the total number of African-American deaths from all other causes combined, including AIDS, heart disease, cancer, violent crimes and accidents. This is a crisis in black America that Obama does not care about. [all emphasis in the original] NBRA
The video that is addressed can be found here. It is about 9 minutes long and very informative.
Planned Parenthood started and continues with a goal of eradicating the black race and the Democratic Party has always been more than happy to help out. The Democrats are the ones with the history of racism, slavery, Jim Crow, and lynchings as well as formation of their strong arm, the KKK. Democrats have long held disdain for blacks and only use them in order to gain votes.
With the Hispanic vote being courted so heavily and the numbers of them increasing, blacks will soon be replaced by Hispanics as the favorite disadvantaged group in America but only as long as Hispanics vote without question, for Democrats and while blacks are being eradicated through abortion.
Originally posted by gheybayten
sad, and pathetic. that's what this is.
go to your state university, apply for financial aid, and see how much whitey hates you. you'll get loans and free money just like every other student that applies. provide your'e not too busy crying no the internet and apply before the other million kids do.
Originally posted by thisisjacob23
I'm not black, first of all, but I have a lot of black friends(and I don't say "african-american", because it's just too long of a word).
Democrats: The champions of the poor, the down-trodden, the minorities. It's a giant lie. The democrat party has it's few token minority members to keep its look up, but we all know who runs the show.
Abortion kills more black Americans than drugs, violence and disease combined. Black teens compose 30.3% of the US abortion rates. Well, why would these so-called champions of the minority, knowing these stats, want to use government funds to increase abortion rates under the false-promise of more freedom? This is manipulation on such a masterful scale! I can almost appreciate it, but my feelings of disgust cannot be overcome.
My second point here is focused on government projects and the welfare system.
The welfare system is specifically designed to keep the black population down and let me tell you why. Many black families are very poor, so naturally, they are attracted to the affordable government housing projects and section-8 homes and such.
They live there. They raise a family there, supported by welfare. The welfare system totally obliterates all incentive to go educate oneself to obtain a well-paying job, thus condemning generations of black families to these government-designed ghettos.
And the sad thing, my friends, is that these families actually believe that the government is actually helping them! all the while this very government just treats them no better than cattle.