posted on Mar, 2 2003 @ 01:39 AM
I don't know *enough* about the Cabal, and frankly, I doubt that anyone does truly know *enough* about it, unless they are a member... If a
non-member did know the true inner workings, structure, and complete history, they would be considered a threat and likely eliminated very quickly.
In answer to your question, the Cabal is *THE* secret society, and while not entirely composed of assassins (most members would never consider doing
the deed themselves, although they have no problem sentencing entire populations to death) they have a large number available for any target or
The Cabal, what I do know of it, has its origins in European aristocracy, with various shadow groups known variously as the Illuminati, the Free
Masons, the Knights Templar, and many others. Nikola Tesla referred to them as the "Evil Empire". One of the current incarnations of these secret
orders is the Skull and Bones group currently active at Yale University. (Every American president since Henry Truman has been a Skull and Bones
alumni... political affiliation has absolutely zero to do with it)
It is a known fact that the Cabal currently controls and pervades almost all governments that consider themselves even close to being world powers,
and exercise great control through international financial influence, industrial expansion and control, and diplomatic ties through various
Someone on another thread asked if the "evil government" was taking over the world governments.... they are not in the process of taking over, they
CREATED all world governments....