posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 10:23 AM
Being on the northern edge of tornado alley, the safe room makes a lot of sense for me. If I need it for some other's there.
I watch with amazement the commercials on tv where the guy breaks into the house, sets the alarm off and the woman stops running to answer the phone
from the alarm company. In my safe room(s) I can answer the phone...but not until the door is barred.
I guess what I'm saying is that safe rooms are for multiple uses. If for nothing else, than a good place to store the weather radio, the spare
batteries, the firearms, the extra food that happens to be non-perishable, the flashlights...well you get the picture.
Keep in mind that there might come a time in your life or your family's life that it will be in the best intrest to retreat rather than to confront.
I am all for confrontation if it makes sense. I love a good storm and seldom miss the opportunity to go out and watch it. I have (yet) to back down
from a threat but,I want my adolescent daughters to retreat!
If you can, build a safe room. Think about how you might have to use it. Be aware of your risk exposure. Equip it as fit for the risk. It's not
wasted space, and it may someday serve you well.
All of this said, be aware that once you retreat to it, you have to egress. Give some thought to the mechanics of that, and some more thought to the
psych of that.
Mechanics like...make sure the door opens inward just in case the house is piled around the outside when you go to leave. It's easier to push a door
closed than it is to pull it closed against a wind or intruder.
The psych of the thing is what bothers me...I wonder if I ever have to back down from someone or something...then when I go to I the same
as the guy that went in? But believe me if it makes sense to back down...I will, and leave the damaged ego to repair later.