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Car bomb explodes outside Northern Irish court!

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posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 03:50 AM

Car bomb explodes outside Northern Irish court!

Police were in the process of evacuating people from the area when there was a large explosion in a car which left the vehicle ablaze close to the courthouse gates, a spokeswoman for the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) said.

There were no initial reports of casualties, she added.

The bombing came just over two weeks after a deal to fully move policing powers to Belfast from London secured the future of Northern Ireland's fragile powersharing executive where in-fighting had threatened.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 03:50 AM
I hate violence more than the next guy, so this is terrible for me!
It was obviously a planned attack that went wrong, but it is a good job no one got seriously hurt!

Who could it be... The IRA? Civilians...

After reading the article:

Share your views on the matter and keep them clean!


(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 04:10 AM
I'd bet it was a group in the UK government who were unhappy about giving Northern Ireland policing powers. I wouldn't think the IRA would be that sloppy either. If the IRA wanted to kill someone, it would have happened. Plus, what motive would they have to do this? They just got more freedom than they've had, and did it peacefully for the last several years. Why would they endanger that by going back to the old ways?

Seems more likely its a false flag if you ask me.

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 04:13 AM
reply to post by midnightbrigade

Yeah your probably right! The main thing is no one got hurt... It does make you think though, who would have the audacity to do that?

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 04:36 AM
Well, like I said, it could be groups inside the UK government. They probably wouldn't want to kill innocents, just "make a show" that would entitle them to take the policing back over. One of the mandates of this treaty is that all paramilitary groups disarm and cease activities.

Read all about this agreement Here

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 05:26 AM

Originally posted by midnightbrigade
I wouldn't think the IRA would be that sloppy either. If the IRA wanted to kill someone, it would have happened. Plus, what motive would they have to do this?

To be brutally honest, the violence has been escalating in Northern Ireland for the previous two years with so called "Splinter Groups" of the IRA..

In most cases these people are simply scumbags wrapped in a flag and given a gun or explosives.. They have been attacking people, even their own for 'Collaborating' in Northern Ireland for the past two years.

Noone takes them seriously as they have no real cause apart from Anarchy but its hard to turn a blind eye when they are killing soldiers, blowing up cops and giving regular punishment beatings.

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 06:20 AM
i think what you mean is " the real ira" a dissident group set up from disafected members of the provisional ira who called a ceasefire and decomissioned.

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 06:45 AM
reply to post by truthseeker10

Most of the violence is too small scale to be the RealIRA, they are too busy trafficking these days to care about the Republican cause.

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 06:54 AM
There'll never be peace in my wee country
I really thought the RIRA, had learnt there lesson after Omagh bombing in 1998, when they killed twenty-nine people. Just goes to show you that they don't care who they kill, Catholic or Protestant, Irish or British..

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 07:03 AM

Originally posted by midnightbrigade
I'd bet it was a group in the UK government who were unhappy about giving Northern Ireland policing powers. I wouldn't think the IRA would be that sloppy either. If the IRA wanted to kill someone, it would have happened. Plus, what motive would they have to do this? They just got more freedom than they've had, and did it peacefully for the last several years. Why would they endanger that by going back to the old ways?

Seems more likely its a false flag if you ask me.
it was the scumbag real ira , dont try to deflect blame from these scumbags...blaming the British gov. is just stupid...

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 07:48 AM
fatdad : i think if you look deep enough you'll find that the british gov do and have played there part in the conflict from within all terrorist orginisations, like it or not there are agent's from within these groups who are used to keep it going. it's well known that the real ira is riddled with touts but attacks are still being carried out???

midnightbrigade : i think they would be that sloppy, omagh was a prime example

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by truthseeker10
fatdad : i think if you look deep enough you'll find that the british gov do and have played there part in the conflict from within all terrorist orginisations, like it or not there are agent's from within these groups who are used to keep it going. it's well known that the real ira is riddled with touts but attacks are still being carried out???

midnightbrigade : i think they would be that sloppy, omagh was a prime example
silly me i always thought the terrorists where to blame for planting the bombs, and when the terrorists admit they planted the bombs it never occurred to me that it was my government and not these thick irish murders who cant get it into there heads that nobody supports them... sarcasm off...

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by fatdadthese thick irish murders who cant get it into there heads that nobody supports them... sarcasm off...

Technically, they're Northern Irish..

Don't be painting me and mine with the same brush as those wankers

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 02:50 PM
This sounded like a pretty serious attempt to kill some people. I heard on Radio 4 that the warning was sent in just 17 minutes before the explosion. And a badminton club had only just left the local church whuch got hit by the blast.

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by Dermo

Originally posted by fatdadthese thick irish murders who cant get it into there heads that nobody supports them... sarcasm off...

Technically, they're Northern Irish..

Don't be painting me and mine with the same brush as those wankers
sorry , i just hate it when people make up excuses for these murdering b#stards.....

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 03:28 PM
Deny Ignorance is the motto of this site,

Northern Ireland receives over 28 million pounds of funding every year in order to combat themselves against the dissident republicans, straight away they blamed it on the dissident republicans, lets look at the facts here:

1. 28 million pounds of funding is a large amount to lose if nothing is going on.

2. Straight away the media started the blame game, based on what fact?

3. Straight away there are calls to strengthen the security, what better way to bring back the army to the streets and create something out of nothing? this then diverts the attention away from afghanistan, Iraq and Yemen. Yes I said Yemen just wait and see.

4. The end of the financial year is coming, if nothing happens in northern ireland what happens to the budget?

5. Nobody was injured

These are all tell tale signs of propaganda based around money and power. Where have we seen this type of thing before? WW2 9/11 7/7 the list goes.on.

Wait for tomorrow and see if anything I am saying makes sense.

This article was written almost 1 year ago

This article was written october 2009

Gordon Brown is challenged on his policies on the Royal Mail and Afghanistan, and announces a budget for the transferring of policing and justice powers to Northern Ireland

Its a game of chess and we are the pawns.

[edit on 23-2-2010 by franspeakfree]

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by Dermo
reply to post by truthseeker10

Most of the violence is too small scale to be the RealIRA, they are too busy trafficking these days to care about the Republican cause.

The IRA was heavily into trafficking drugs in the 80's. Is that what you mean by trafficking? Many American police are connected to the IRA so they get out of jail free in the US. It does seem to be a false flag deal. How could people be so deceptive and destructive?

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 04:16 PM
I think this was a false flag operation, the Provisional IRA were highly trained and organised.
When they demilitarised there was an emergence of dissident groups such as "the real IRA" and the"continuity Army council" and a few others associated with other catholic paramilitary organisations like The INLA the"Irish National Liberation Army" for example. But these groups never seemed to have the expertise or the organisation to do more than shoot themselves in the foot figuratively speaking.
The real IRA infamously exploded a bomb in Omagh 1998, it had phoned in a bomb warning which was normal in Northern Ireland at the time.
The police herded people into the path of the bomb.
People at the time said that this was a false flag affair and that the police or gov took a risk and hoped that people would be so revolted it would end bomb attacks and end support for the terrorists. If this is what they wanted to achieve, it worked. 29 people killed. People turned against the bombers.
The thing is, the REAL IRA are supposed to be a catholic based organisation and the bomb killed catholics in a catholic town.
With this attack in Newry it's almost the same criteria. How can a Catholic based paramilitary/terrorist group set of a bomb in a predominantly catholic town full of Catholics and expect support from catholics?
This is why I think it is a false flag.
An even more obvious false flag (I think) was again the Real IRA last March 2009.
British Troops were being taken out of Northern Ireland and sent to Afghanistan,
Northern Ireland is a great big training ground for the army. But finally due to democratic agreement the troops were going.
The troops ordered pizza to be delivered to the barracks and the REAL IRA shot the pizza boys and two soldiers. The result? TROOPS STAYED IN NORTHERN IRELAND! And northern Ireland began a whole new circle of violence began.

Why would The REAL IRA attack troops that were leaving never to be replaced?
The war was over, their side won!

Why with 40 years of experience in a guerilla warfare would the british army allow pizzas to be delivered to the barracks?

The Real IRA Usually get things wrong, bombs being a good example. when they get it right thats suspicious.

The Name The "real IRA" is also ridiculous is that really the best the could come up with?
It's Ironic that northern ireland has become like that scene in life of Brian at the ampitheatre "Judeans peoples front or the peoples front of judea" But its so sad also.

I've tried to keep it simple, and how it appears to me, other people might have different iideas. But i do rant about Ireland given the chance.

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