posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 09:22 PM
I don’t actually believe Israel has any significant leverage over the U.S., rather I think it is very much the other way around.
Israel is good for the oil business. In fact very good for the oil business, the volatility caused by Zionist Israel existing in the Middle East has
taken gasoline from being a cheap and plentiful product to a very costly commodity that is insanely profitable.
The speculative futures pricing in the oil market basically revolves around and centers on the worries that unilateral actions taken by Israel against
an Arab nation or unilateral actions taken against Israel by Arab nation(s) can disrupt shipping and supply.
Who wins? Exxon, British Petroleum, Royal Dutch Shell and others, and they win to the tune of trillions of dollars in profits they would have never
made had the Middle East remained as a homogenous, Arab and Islamic region.
If you actually study Zionist politics closely it is all about Zionist Israel antagonizing various Middle Eastern nations in a way where it appears to
be there actual purpose for existence. First it’s Iraq, and then it’s Iran. Not only does Israeli politics keep the price of oil high but it paves
the way for U.S./British conquest then of those nations Israel first targets with its belligerent rhetoric and war of words. The next thing you know
the U.S. and British Military are making it possible for the American and British Oil companies to set up shop then in those nations once conquered.
To make the whole scheme work, Zionist Israel has to constantly promote that the Judean/Christian West be constantly engaged in a war of Muslim
attrition ostensibly for Israel’s safety and security, but in reality that actually jeopardizes Israel by casting them as an irretraceable
belligerent incapable of making peace.
What it does do is keep the price of oil insanely high and provides the pretext for the United States and United Kingdom to secure militarily the
biggest oil reserves in the Middle East presumably not for the oil but Israel’s security.
Of course it works better if it appears to be the Zionists leveraging the U.S., rather than just the friendly business relationship that it is between
various criminal regimes, politicians and corporations.
The truth of the matter is we have nuclear weapons pointed at Israel and Israel has nuclear weapons pointed at us.
Just in case someone honest would ever accidently take over their nation or ours!
It’s all about oil, the world’s most sought after and strategic and profitable commodity.
The pagan religious aspects, superstitions and racial stereotyping is just smoke and a way to sell it to and placate people who are religious,
superstitious and bigoted.