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"Suppose there were an anthrax attack, and suppose you had antibiotics..."

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posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 08:15 AM
I don’t even want to post this, as I find it extremely disturbing. Disturbing, because I think this is prediction is going to be accurate. The next false flag terrorist operation is an anthrax attack in Los Angeles in early May (maybe May 1st if they keep with “emergency” numbers – “May-day”).

Just like with writing, if you know the ending, it’s easier to fill in the blanks leading up to it. The ending in this case is a “mutated” h1n1 and h5n1 virus that forces the entire US to get mass vaccinated (as delineated in the Cities Readiness Initiative - 72 cities get mass vax clinics, the rest get their meds mailed to them).
How to prepare the masses for this?
They are going to program the masses by first making an example out of a selected city and “saving” them with a mass vaccination. To sell the idea of mass vaccination. To show them that it’s “safe” to follow orders. And it probably will be relatively safe in this particular instance.

Let’s go through the points, step by step.

Asked by committee chair Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-California, of the likelihood of another attempted terror attack on the United States in the next three to six months, the officials agreed with Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair's initial answer of "certain."

So, at the beginning of February, they say an attack is “certain” within 3 to 6 months – which is May thru August. Why do they admit this? So they don’t lose credibility when it happens.

Again, it will be an anthrax attack as opposed to an explosion because the purpose of this attack is to sell the idea of mass vaccination for when the “mutated” virus appears in the next stage of their plans.

Why does it happen in early May?
Just like in Haiti, just like 9-11, just like at 7-7 bombings, there is always a military operation going on at the same time. In this instance, it is Eagle Horizon.

This national level exercise is scheduled for the beginning of May for FEMA regions VIII and IX.
This is the Dakotas, Colorado, California, Arizona, Nevada areas.
Since the purpose of the attack is to sell the idea of mass vaccination, we can deduce it will be a Cities Readiness Initiative city. These are the cities in the Eagle Horizon areas:
California: Fresno, Los Angeles, Riverside, Sacramento, San Diego, San Francisco, San Jose
Colorado: Denver
North Dakota: Fargo
South Dakota: Sioux Falls
Montana: Billings
Wyoming: Cheyenne
Utah: Salt Lake City
Nevada: Las Vegas
Arizona: Phoenix

Out of these cities, which ones are the most unstable, most poor? The worst cities, in my opinion, would be most cities in CA, Las Vegas, Phoenix. Las Vegas and Phoenix are not well, but would one say, “unstable” or in need of putting down?

Out of the CA cities, which one has most “terrorist” marquee value? Sacramento, San Francisco, San Diego, Los Angeles. And out of these, which are unstable?
All of them due to their financial crisis, but especially, San Francisco due to Oakland’s proximity and Los Angeles. San Francisco/ Oakland is the capital of FEMA region IX. If they don’t already have control of this area, it wouldn’t be the capital.
So, Los Angeles it is. And it has a history of rioting to boot.

I had conceptualized this a few days ago, and just today I came across this from the Los Angeles Times:
Entitled: “Suppose there were an anthrax attack, and suppose you had antibiotics…” It examines this poll:
In which the govt is studying if people will take their meds in this scenario. The poll is fascinating unto itself, but it is being used to prepare the citizens there for this exact scenario!

from the Harvard poll:

Boston, MA – In a national poll aimed at helping with planning efforts for a public health response to a possible bioterrorism attack, researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) have found that, in response to a fictional scenario describing a significant anthrax attack in their city or town, most Americans (89%) will likely follow public health recommendations to obtain prophylactic antibiotics. However, a significant minority of those likely to pick up antibiotics (39%) will hold on to them rather than take them right away, which public health experts believe may put them at greater risk of serious illness.

Further, 21% of Americans are “not at all familiar” with the term ‘inhalation anthrax’, and an additional 25% hold the mistaken belief that inhalation anthrax is contagious – two factors that could compromise their following emergency instructions meant to protect them against this biological agent. Anthrax has been identified by government planners as a likely agent should there be a future bioterrorist attack, and “inhalation anthrax” is a potentially lethal illness that can be contracted when spores containing anthrax are inhaled. Public health experts believe antibiotics that are started quickly – possibly even before a person is certain they have been exposed to anthrax spores or before symptoms of the illness appear – may have the greatest likelihood of successful treatment. The poll was conducted December 9-28, 2009 among a national sample, as well as people living in areas that actually experienced anthrax attacks in 2001: Washington, DC , Trenton/Mercer County, NJ and New York City. The poll was conducted as part of an ongoing series by the Harvard Opinion Research Program at HSPH.

Also related: Anthrax scare at UN

Suspicious package sent to Senator Kerry's office

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 09:01 AM
reply to post by jcrash

I think that in a false flag attack they would want to control casualities carefully. Anything over about 10,000 would be hard to sell to the public.

Also, it can't be assumed that Russian intelligence agencies would remain quiet. They could out the wrongdoers. Just not officially. So there would have to be a closing of the web in advance.

As a prelude to an Iran action a fake attack might not help. The Russians have got their back against the wall and can't back down in Iran. So a false flag to launch another war would seem pointless.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 10:05 AM
Not even sure what you're trying to say here.. You talk about H1N1 and mass vaccinations but then give info on Anthrax for which there's no vaccine.

If you're worried about either, go see your doctor. Get the flu vacc or a script for some Cipro, or both. I'm sure you'll be fine.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by chorizo4

Also, it can't be assumed that Russian intelligence agencies would remain quiet. They could out the wrongdoers. Just not officially. So there would have to be a closing of the web in advance. As a prelude to an Iran action a fake attack might not help. The Russians have got their back against the wall and can't back down in Iran. So a false flag to launch another war would seem pointless

Sorry for not being more clear. The purpose of this false flag is not to start WWIII. Israel can do that all by itself. The purpose of the false flag here is to impose martial law and depopulation via selectively poisoned vaccines. WWIII apparently is to take place in the Middle East. So, where's the action for the populaces in Europe and the US? The Iraq war didn't institute martial law in the US. And since Al Queda, in my opinion is utter propaganda/ non-existent, what will cause the imposition of martial law here? How would the disgruntled populace be managed?

to mythats,
No anthrax vaccine, eh?

If you're worried about either, go see your doctor. Get the flu vacc or a script for some Cipro, or both. I'm sure you'll be fine.

Thanks for the laugh.

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 01:53 PM
Great post! I agree. A key point could be that this second vaccination (for Anthrax) will react with the Swine Flu vaccine. Those who took the Swine Flu vaccine have had their immune systems disabled and the Spanish Influenza inserted, this second one will switch their immune systems back on. Due to the lack of immune system the virus will have spread into every cell of their bodies untouched, meaning that when the immune system is switched back on it will cause a cytokine storm, which will kill a significant percentage and also infect many vaccinated individuals around them. We are talking about losing 50% or more of the population. Rockefeller will be rubbing his hands together in delight

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 02:00 PM
I'm not really a fan of the combination vaccination theory as I feel it doesn't satisfy Occam's razor, but after watching the Don Scott videos here: I realize the biological warfare game is not so cut and dried.

and more anthrax news:
PharmAthene wins extension on anthrax vaccine contract

Wednesday, February 24, 2010 CONTRACTING PharmAthene wins extension for work on anthrax vaccine Annapolis-based PharmAthene said on Tuesday that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has expanded a development contract for the company's anthrax vaccine, SparVax. The modification could be worth an additional $78.4 million to the company, and it comes on top of $213.2 million in commitments from the federal government for the vaccine, which is in the latter stages of clinical trials. SparVax is being developed as a measure to protect people both before and after exposure to the disease.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 10:05 AM
more anthrax news,
Anthrax scare in San Diego

An anthrax scare at a Kearny Mesa, California business is under investigation by the FBI. Hazmat crews and firefighters responded to Industrial Metal Supply Company, located on Ronson Road in kearny Mesa, at noon on Thursday after a letter with a device inside of it threw a mist of white powder into the air when an employee opened it.

Results demanded of government biothreat programs

At this week's Homeland Security budget hearing, Congressman David Price noted his concern about two programs meant to track and alter biothreats.

Price said that both BioWatch and the National Biosurveillance Integration Center have been constantly beset with difficulties. The programs were created by the Department of Homeland Security to inform both state and local governments as well as the federal government of potential and impending bioattacks. [...]
Price, who represents Orange County, California, in the state's 4th district and serves as the chairman of the Office of Health Affairs, told the Homeland Security budget hearing that before money can comfortably be granted to BioWatch, the program's cost must be proven. The funding requests for BioWatch would double its budget.

The head of Office of Health Affairs, in control of the biothreat surveillance, is seated in Orange county. Los Angeles is just 30 miles away from Orange county, which is directly adjacent to Los Angeles county.
It might not mean anything, time will tell, but it is strange that the same week that Price is testifying, San Diego gets a fake anthrax scare...

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 08:39 AM
This is just getting ridiculous. I won't list all the fake anthrax scares that have been going around lately... If you want to see them all, go to The purpose of these is so that when the govt has the emergency countermeasures system in place, people will think it was because of these false alarms. That will be the govt's line at the very least.

And now we get this: Al-Qaida calls on US Muslims to attack America

Al-Qaida's American-born spokesman on Sunday called on Muslims serving in the U.S. armed forces to emulate the Army major charged with killing 13 people in Fort Hood. [...] Gadahn grew up on a goat farm in Riverside County, California, and converted to Islam at a mosque in nearby Orange County.

"You shouldn't make the mistake of thinking that military bases are the only high-value targets in America and the West. On the contrary, there are countless other strategic places, institutions and installations which, by striking, the Muslim can do major damage," he said, an assault rifle leaning up against a wall next to him. [...] In the latest video, Gadahn said those planning attacks did not need to use only firearms like Hasan, but could use other weapons. "As the blessed operations of September 11th showed, a little imagination and planning and a limited budget can turn almost anything into a deadly, effective and convenient weapon."

Hmm, wonder what that last line could mean?
Also related to the last link, Officers: Pakistan detains American-born al-Qaida
On the same day as the other link, another article about this same American Al-queada from Orange County! But saying he's been arrested. It looks like the cover story will be that someone from the same mosque or that another soldier will release anthrax in CA. My guess is they "steal" it from the Global Bio lab at UCLA.

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 09:07 AM
Hi! I lived in Winchester, VA during 2001 when the last eppisode went on. My son was at the hospital one night for an ear ache around midnight, apparently a postal worker had the anthrax and was there too. He was sent home after tests, then they called him back, but with his heath insurance he couldn't afford the $10-14.00 each pills. He got very sick and was hospitalized for a long time, it took months for him to get better. The whole story was in the paper there. The postal lady for our street started to wear gloves and a face mask. This is in a rural area. We left our mail in the box for a week before deciding what to do. We got our mail in face mask and gloves, opened the mail over a burn barrel, only opened mail we were expecting and knew who sent it, all catalogue and junk mail was burned off with the outside envelopes. We ended up not bringing much of anything in the house. we did this the rest of the time we lived there. This was too much drama living that close to Washington DC, so we moved to the middle of Kentucky with a job. The people there had no idea what the people in Virginia were going through. They were closing the post offices to clean them, it was such an awful unbelievable time. High security was
everywhere; men with machine guns at the Baltimore airport security check points, police men with guns in Targets, helicopters 100 miles out circling the DC area every 30 minutes, the news never really did show nitty gritty details, the planes not flying for ? days was creepy. The whole
event was really overwhelming.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 10:11 PM
First off, there is a vaccine for anthrax, its only given out to soldiers and members of the scientific community that need the vaccine to do anthrax research.

Second off, a major anthrax attack on the united states would not turn into some mass pandemic driving people to get vaccines for one simple reason. Anthrax does not pass from person to person, you have to actually inhale concentrated spores to contract inhalational anthrax. An anthrax attack in LA would wipe out any and all who had direct contact with the anthrax and no one else. So I fail to see where this conspiracy makes any sense.

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 09:01 AM
@ retroviral,
It's all about boiling the frog slowly. And yes, in my original post I should have said that the attack is to condition the population to "emergency medical countermeasures systems of distribution". I hope you can excuse the shortening to "mass vaccination". Not exactly correct, but cut a guy some slack, will ya?

Anyway, boiling the frog slowly. "Emergency medical countermeasures systems of distribution" will become a major topic of public discussion. The proposed solution will be publicly dissected and accepted (or "accepted"). Also, don't forget that the FDA has the ability to certify the anthrax vaccine for the public in the event of an emergency.

The fact that anthrax is not contagious is exactly why anthrax will be chosen. They get to emergency distribute antibiotics (via mailings and POD emergency clinics), potentially distribute vaccines, and it is not contagious. They do NOT want it to be contagious. That would be improper timing. They don't want the rest of the country to freak out, because the purpose is to boil the frog slowly. I NEVER SAID that anthrax was going to create a mass pandemic, did you read my OP? I apologize if I was not clear enough.

The attack is just for the Los Angeles area. Once they "save" LA, public discussion of medical emergency countermeasures system of distribution will condition the country to the idea of mass vaccination for the situation of when "h1n1 and h5n1 are mutating, we have to mass vaccinate everyone!" (I do not believe in SARS, h5n1, or h1n1. Sorry.)

To put it another way, people's unfamiliarity with the mass vaccination program (sorry, "emergency medical countermeasures distribution systems") would be a hindrance to people's acceptance and uptake of the h1n1/h5n1 vaccine to "save" us (but will actually kill a certain percentage of people under the fake cover story of the 2012 apocalypse / h1n1/h5n1 "mutation" ). I really don't know how to put it any simpler than that.

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by frugal

Interesting story. It's a lot of strain and effort to clean up that mess, not to mention the stress on people...

More on the Los Angeles angle. This is particularly worrying to me. from late 2009:

The Commission on Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism, assembled by the United States Congress post 9/11, issued an interim report last week that called bioterrorism the "most urgent threat" facing the United States. The report said that national security for anti-bioterrorism programs and "appropriate disease surveillance" were severely underfunded and neglected.

"There are bio-weapon monitoring tools immediately available for public and private entities, easy to implement and cost effective," said Tizabi. "Universal Detection Technology's biodetection kits are the first step in meeting the needs of bioterrorism prevention and planning," continued Tizabi.

Universal Detection Technology's kits, certified earlier this year by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security as an "Approved Product for Homeland Security," are the industry's only hand-held assay designed to detect and identify up to five separate threats using one sample in a single, easy-to-use device. The kits equip first responders with an effective tool for the rapid onsite detection of up to five biological warfare agents: anthrax, ricin, botulinum toxin, Y. pestis (plague) and Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B (SEB). Detection time is under three minutes.

When you go to their website (Universal Detection Technology you'll find that the only entities to purchase this new detector are the US army and the city of Burbank, a section of Los Angeles.

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 08:46 AM
Of course, all of this thread is pure speculation. A solid guess. And articles like this are really creeping me out.

Again, the Riverside connection.

Trucks burned in possible threat to Calif. police By THOMAS WATKINS (AP) – 14 hours ago LOS ANGELES — Four municipal trucks were set ablaze in a rural Riverside County town plagued by bizarre booby trap attempts to kill police officers, and authorities said Wednesday the fire may be linked to the earlier attacks.
"Everyone is worried, everyone is being careful," Hemet police Lt. Duane Wisehart said. "You get scared a little bit and then you get angry. It keeps happening."


Obama May Veto Call for New Anthrax Mailings Probe

Some lawmakers have criticized the FBI's finding that former Army microbiologist Bruce Ivins acted on his own in producing and mailing letters containing anthrax spores that killed five people and touched off widespread concern following the Sept. 11 attacks.
Orszag said Obama officials had serious qualms about "the appearance and precedent involved when Congress commissions an agency inspector general to replicate a criminal investigation." He wrote that "the commencement of a fresh investigation would undermine public confidence in the criminal investigation and unfairly cast doubt on its conclusion."

Anthrax amendment co-sponsor Representative Rush Holt (D- N.J.), whose district includes the mailbox from which the letters were sent, countered that view in a letter sent last Thursday to the OMB director, writing that "many critical questions in this case remain unanswered" and that "opposing an independent examination of any aspect of the investigation will only fuel the public's belief that the FBI's case could not hold up in court, and that in fact the real killer may still be at large."

The FBI closed the case Feb. 22. If "the real killer is still at large", it would dampen their cover story. Or maybe the whole point is to promulgate this idea that "the real killer is still out there" and this is an orchestrated squabble to bring this point up.

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