posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 05:17 AM
Why does it seems that ATS is infiltrated with agents against America's family?
If some Israeli agent wants to be against the American government that is one thing, yet if an Israeli demands respect with 'anti-semite' type
remarks and can't even offer respect for American family, then there is an obvious war going on here. All these 'anti-semite' name callers
obviously want people to get riled up and distract Americans away from being able to take care of their family. (and this goes far beyond ATS) I've
seen Americans get banned from websites (especially Digg and Wikipedia) over and over if they aren't pro-Israel... even if they are completely
neutral as neutral has been considered 'anti-semite'.
Americans have gone to the Middle East and lost more people in the war then Israel ever has, yet Israelis and those Israeli diasporians still complain
America hasn't done enough?
Where is the balance?
People reply in another thread that questions if ATS has been infiltrated with anti-semitism, and the signal to noise ratio is noted as it distracts
away from the American family especially with the MSM overloaded with Middle East issues every hour. People immediately get attacked as if any
attention to the American family is B.S. From a closer look at this, this doesn't happen just in Middle-East threads, yet a certain obvious theme is
carried around being against the American family by certain groups here on ATS.
I think I see what is going on here, if you read in this other thread about
Treason via
Proxy, I thought the part about
rope a dope relates. The fighter
would lean on the rope and let themselves get hit, much like someone would make a thread to complain about Israelis being attacked abroad (with
'anti-semitism'). Then the other fighter would take punches, much like other posters would add anything good or bad to the thread. Then the fighter
on the rope would wait for the other to get tired and then start to hit back. This is exactly what I see going on in these other threads about the
Middle East.
Has a Hasbara fellowship infiltrated ATS or have the signs shown Israel has really started to attack domestic America?