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Water Powered Vehicle - Build your own instructions

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posted on May, 30 2004 @ 09:10 AM
Well, they say it works and they'll have a video soon. Here are the plans for your own Water Powered Car.

Article about the Water Car
We at the Spirit of Ma'at seriously considered the possibility that our last issue � to be quite blunt � would survive on the Internet for perhaps one or two hours before "someone" would make it disappear.

Like our flag after 9-11, though, it's still there. And since that's so, we can only conclude that the Powers That Be have decided to "Let the games begin"!

The successful publication of plans to convert a gasoline engine to run on ordinary tap water is a world coup, both for the people and for the planet. With this in our hands, it is now only a matter of time before everyone realizes that water is a better and healthier fuel for our transportation. The person or persons who anonymously gave this knowledge to the world should � and I believe, will � be remembered as heroes.

Upcoming Video Presentation

The Water Car works, and we know this for certain. But soon you, too, will know, for you will see it before your eyes in a beautiful, professionally produced documentary showing the actual conversion of an ordinary car to run on ordinary water, with eminent scientists to explain every step of the way.

This time, the plans come from an inventor who has patented an almost identical method to that which appears in our first article, Convert Your Car to Run on Water. His are the cars we've seen in operation, and he is now stepping forth to share this technology with the world.

The Plans

posted on May, 30 2004 @ 10:43 AM
I know these kind of systems to work quite well and in some cases that were assembled by very experienced engineers, with their personal adjustments to the various systems available online, to be running higher power outputs then the same engine running on gas.

The only real problem that keeps emerging is that everyone says you can use tap water for this without problem.

This is very wrong.

Calcium and other polutants in tap water wreaks havock on an engine, clogging pritty much every important part of it and some chemicals in tap water, erroding the engine at a much higher rate then normal.

My sister worked at the university of Leuven in belgium untill last year(she now works at the university of Massey New Zealand) and she met a guy there that did his thesis developing a system just like this.

He found out the exact same thing and limited all of his experiments to using distilled water.

To make this kind of system work on tap water in a normal engine, you'd need a very good chemical cleaning system for the water, seeing how much a water cleaner costs, I'm wondering if it doesn't defeat the purpouse of "clean and cheap" energy.

posted on May, 30 2004 @ 03:46 PM
My bet is within 24 hours of operating this your cylinders are so pitted that your rings won't seal. Ferritic steel doesn't tend to do too well in the presence of water, or steam.

[Edited on 5-30-2004 by Valhall]

posted on May, 30 2004 @ 04:24 PM
I wonder how many miles you can get before the engine components and/or fuel system components are permanently messed up or destroyed due to pitting, rust, etc. I would love to see some technology come out that would drive down the price of oil since it would become obsolete in 20 years or however long it takes to phase it out for our automobiles.

It's one big step to make something work but a bigger step is to make it durable and continue working over time. I'm looking forward to more news.

posted on May, 30 2004 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by Valhall
My bet is within 24 hours of operating this your cylinders are so pitted that your rings won't seal. Ferritic steel doesn't tend to do too well in the presence of water, or steam.

[Edited on 5-30-2004 by Valhall]

They say in the plans that the cylinders should be ceramic coated.

posted on May, 31 2004 @ 06:35 AM
and the valves and the pistons...the exhaust manifolding...well, just about everything...

the best bet is to start stainless steel.

posted on Jun, 3 2004 @ 10:05 AM
It says exactly so here:

Get the valves replaced with stainless steel ones and get the pistons/cylinders ceramic-treated ASAP when you have successfully converted and run your new creation. Do not delay as these items will rust, either by sheer use or by neglect (i.e. letting it sit). You could make max use of your current exhaust system by using it with your new deal until it rusts through, then have your mechanic or welder friend to fit a stainless steel exhaust pipe (no catalytic converter is required). But it could be easier and cheaper to send your existing exhaust system out for the ceramic treatment, and then simply re-attach it to the exhaust ports.

thematrix, or you'll have to live in Aruba, we have one of the cleanest and most pure tapwater in the world...

posted on Jun, 3 2004 @ 10:34 AM
Bandit: well, as long as it isn't pure H20 it'll do damage and leave sediments all over your engine.

Pure clean water from springs and such is still full of calcium, minerals and other stuff.

Tap water automaticly gets poluted by the pipes it travels trough.

Thing with gas and diesel is that it also functions as a lube to your engine. Protecting the iron and steel parts from corosion. Water does the exact oposite, especialy when used in a combustion system.

Calcium in water is propably going to be the biggest evil do-er in these engines. Ever looked at a bowl you boil water in? How fast calcium attaches to the sides and bottom of it?

posted on Jun, 3 2004 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by thematrix
Calcium in water is propably going to be the biggest evil do-er in these engines. Ever looked at a bowl you boil water in? How fast calcium attaches to the sides and bottom of it?

I've only seen that happen when I was living in the Netherlands, seriously...

posted on Jun, 3 2004 @ 12:27 PM
I just found a news report about Stanley Meyers driving his water powered car on the road...

posted on Jun, 3 2004 @ 12:32 PM


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