posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 08:48 PM
Eight in your wallet...
I'm sure 90% of us on this site listen to or used to listen to Coast to Coast AM With Art Bell or George Noory.
I'm sure all of you have heard at least one segment about the sworn by "eight in your wallet" and how through numerology it can lead you to
financial prosperity.
Now I don't know numerology, I don't believe in magic, I don't believe in psychics or ghosts or any nonsense as such. But what could it hurt to
That's what I thought at least.
I put the eight in my wallet thinking nothing of it, just a little gag. I'm sitting at my friends house ten minutes afterward and snow came off the
roof and broke the meter to his gas, thus we had to evacuate that part of the neighborhood into the freezing street until the gas company could fix
it. Obviously a coincidence. I go home before the gas guys get there, I play ps3 and read until it's time to sleep for work in the morning.
When I wake, I find there's no water, our pipes froze and so I'm to go to work with no shower and brush my teeth with cold water easily. Whatever,
another coincidence, snow and cold happen, I'm in Colorado afterall.
So then I go to work and my boss isn't in, the "team leader" is, or as I say "interim manager". She has absolutely no understanding of my job and
expects me to do things that aren't my job and think i'm being insubordinate If I question her logic in making me do things that are CLEARLY not in
my job description or list of responsibilies. Knowing this about her, I lay low and do my work quickly so I can do anything extra she'll want me to
do and still get out of there at a good time. All of a sudden the general manager is following me around cursing and yelling, in a way i've never
seen him. I just agreed to all of the nonsense he was spouting as to not make the situation any worse, it was really quite weird. See the general
manager doesn't oversee my position so It was odd that he was near me in the first place.
So I finished work and the interim manager said the GM was yelling at her too and asked me what was going on with him, I just smirked and told a nice
The next day was my day off, I relaxed.
Then I went into work, my boss was in and he had tears in his eyes, He wouldn't even look directly at me. He told me "I've got some bad news for
you...You've been.....Let go".
"#, Are you kidding me? You're gonna fire me in this economy? What am I being fired for?"
"I'm not really sure but when the GM decides something, it's final, and there was nothing I could do about it. You're a cool guy, and that's what
makes it difficult."
The moral of the story?
Do not ever place your faith or financial fate in the hands of numerology, it will eff you every time.
So anyway, I used to be an employment specialist, I'm sure I'll be just fine and find another job, but just don't listen to anybody telling you to
put a stupid number in your wallet, or you'll find the eight all alone in a desolate, dark, leather piece of junk formerly known as the place you
keep your spending money.
God Bless
- Louie