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Michelle Obama Tells Huckabee Home Is

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posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by ManBehindTheMask

That excuse is getting really old......its been a year, he needs to put his biggirl panties on and deal with it, and so do his supporters........hes already spent multitudes OVER what Bush and the last 4 presidents have COMBINED in his first year.

I honestly, don't think that states the Obama-hatred propaganda, is an "excuse". I really doubt that he and his staff spent more money in one year, than Bush in 8. Are you realizing what u r saying??? Obama hadn't broken USA. Bush did it. Period. The fact, is that Obama is a negro elected president of a racist anglo-saxon majority nation, in times of financial crisis. The notorious ethnic hate is the Aquiles Tendon of USA and you americans, don't even like to admit it.
Mark my words: The illuminati freemasonry was set up a plot to push american people AGAIN into a domestic ethnic war. The Obama-hatred propaganda is a TRAP, and you fools are getting caught on it.

[edit on 20-2-2010 by ucalien]

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 07:25 PM
I am pretty sure with their own room filled with reporters it's pretty easy to get the news on demand.

I am also pretty sure that the president is informed of the issues that face the nation. What he does with that information is a different story, but I am pretty sure that someone is telling him the news pretty regularly.

As far as the first lady goes, well you know what? We didn't elect her, we elected her husband. She doesn't have to be on top of every single thing in the world to be a good wife and mother. I am sure that she gives her husband advice when he needs it.

This Obama bashing has sunk to a new low.

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 08:25 PM
As soon as I saw this was about Michelle Obama I thought I would share some similar humor which comes out my years of military service.

My wife use to tell me when I was a newly Commissioned Field Grade Officer that any woman or wife that thought she was as smart or equally entitled to the rank that her husband commanded was a complete idiot and not a woman worth a sack of beans and would mumble away until I heard something about "Hanger Queens." She would end by saying being proud of your husband doesn't mean you have to become your husband. For crying out loud...she would say, "what if your husbands a complete prick?"

She use to tell me that some General's wives actually thought they were Generals and thought the little ranking people should be their minions just because she was the "THE WIFE" of General. Some wives demanded Salutes and how to properly call one another were not what my wife thought wives should be forcing on each other. I now see her moral courage as a living example to real women not sugar coated and not needing a successful man to define who she was and or what she was.

Sometime in the early 90's we attended a very specific Washington, DC function and I remember she got to meet McCains wife, Elizabeth Dole's wife and of course the many other Joints Chief of Staff hierarchy of wives at some typical politico function.

Generals or politicians wives she use to tell me from time to time over the years were "messed up in the head." She once directly refused a General's wife to her face because she refused to be her little minion and told her she was a dependent wife just like her and her Id card would prove it. Except with better housing she was just another wife/dependent. Needless to say, the Nancy Pelosi type General's wife called her a Nazi wench and left in a tizz.

This attitude that my wife displayed always amused me, but it did tick off the brass in big ways. I loved her just the same....with a grin...because I knew in my heart she was being as honest as real woman can be and her lack of pretense and or psychological need not to be me is probably the real truth I married her. Her polite refusals and her reminder of some senior wives actions earned not only my respect, but the respect of many other Officers wives.

Anyway, thank you Michelle, for that juicy memory that reminds me and others that your equal to your husband, but not the little people, let alone just another wife standing by her man because you got lucky.

Arrogance seems to be in style and so far it's the only dish the Obama's do well.

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 08:34 PM
My 2 cents: What a complete waste of time it was for Mike Huckabee to have Michelle Obama on. She's as fake as they come so nothing she says means anything, and she always looks like she has that, "I'm smiling, but I hate this whitey" look. I wrote Foxnews and complained about it and told them how much of a waste of time it was and how I changed the channel when it got me to upset to look at, which was about a half minute into the fake interview.

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by ucalien

LoL are you serious? You apparently dont keep up to speed with current events, do some research, yes Obama has spent heads and tails more than bush did in his whole 8 years of his presidency. He has done a LOT of things that you can no longer blame on Bush,

Google is your friend, try looking up some of the statistics

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 07:55 AM

Originally posted by ucalien
Obama hadn't broken USA. Bush did it. Period.

This is the part that people don't seem to understand. Bush spent money on wars he started and got our economy SO messed up it needed fixing. Badly. Then Obama comes along and has to continue spending money that Bush was spending on wars, until he can safely bring them to an end. But he also has to spend a bunch to clear up the economy that Bush's practices ruined.

And people blame it on Obama.

There's a BIG difference in the way the two spent money. Bush irresponsibly gambled his away and now Obama is paying off Bush's gambling debts so we don't go completely under.

If we weren't in the wars Bush started and the economy Bush ruined, then what would Obama be spending on? Health care. That's all. Something positive for this country.

But yeah, it's all Obama's fault.
And it's all because Michelle likes to keep their home pretty news-free.
So it's HER fault, too! I think the dog, Bo, is partly to blame, as well. BAD dog!

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