posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 06:12 AM
m argentinian. I am a pilot. And I was an infantry officer.
I am really sad to say.
There is NO chance for us to even think in a war against ANYONE.
Our military has today only the power to sostain 3 minutes of fire. There are only 1 tank amunition by 4 tanks. Our heavier tank is the TAM , it´s a
Marder 1 german apc with a 105mm gun.
Our air capabilities never beem so LOW. The FAA only has 3 mirage in order of combat. armed with matra magic air to air missile. ( 10 degree of
aiming, and they go to the sun if its a bright day)
Only one Superthendard flying and i doubt we have any Exocet left.
The sea fleet can only sail with the line of coast because the obsolescence of the materials.
Infantry equipment isn´t better. We keep the same equipment that we use in 1982.
Anty air capabilite? boffors twin barrel 20mm cannons, and 2 or 3 rolland 1 misile sistem.
There is no CHANCE now in the 2010 to us. the argentinians to do anything about anything. Because, the worst enemy of Argentina is oursellfs.
There is no greatness in not knowing yourself and your capabilities. We could only defend our mainland doing asimetric warfare. Any argentinian who
say that we have the capabilitie to fight british actual warfare don´t know anything about military themes.
Our military today is SO destroyed that only Infantry, cavalry, and artillery units do small arms firetrainings. ( 5 rounds per soldier by month) once
an year the fire mortars and 20mm guns. Sometimes they fire other guns so they can make an advert.
We have STUPIDS in comand. They first finish our forces. and now, they talk about falklands? it´s so stupid that i can´t believe british are taking
them seriusly.
Here the common people would say i am a not patriotic guy. That i am a traitor because i said this. But they will stay watchin Football on tv while I
and my best friends are sent to a fight that is already lost.
A wining is a wining, and britain won the falklands war. Because they where better soldiers. Because i am an officer here, but i could have a chance
against a british soldier. Because sadly we are not a fighting nation. We are a weak nation, a non industrial nation, we sold you sheeps and you sold
us sweaters.
I really hope there is not a second falkland war. Because i had a bit of military training and I know what would happend.
The kirchner goverment is a bully goverment. That thinks that screaming and saying is the same that doing.
A second falkland war is lost for us, the argentinians, because we had already lost against our own criminal politicians.
BUT. I also don´t like british to be claiming we would nuke argentinian or things like that.
Because we can espect to argentinians to NOT understund about war. Because they got lucky and never got it on their streets.
But you british, more than anyone should have the responsabilitie to think what you say. It´s easy to say nuke argentina or Buenos Aires. But have
you already forgoten about the V1, V2 rockets? Have you forgoten about the battle of britain? of how your civilian people felt when the germans bombed
your cities? You should have taller thoughts. Argentina is Young and inexpert nation, it´s easy talking about fight when you are not going to
But you british, yo are an ancient and powerfull nation, that had a lot of wars. And that in the 20th century discovered that your untouchable island,
was very touchable. How can you talk with so much despite, when you should know what a city bombing is? or a real war looks like?
Those who know war, are the ones that most fear it.
I think, maybe, we argentinians have much to learn. But you also have much to remember.
To much time fight 3rd world countries. You forgot how war looks alike.
You forgot it. And we never learn it.
I hope you people understand my post. I tried to show why a war is IMPOSSIBLE. But also try to show. That we sometimes forgot the value of LIFE.