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Do you think that the Loch Ness 'monster' is hidden by Scottish authorities... on purpose?

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posted on May, 30 2004 @ 04:41 AM
Do you think that the Loch Ness 'monster' is hidden by Scottish authorities on purpose? I don't think that it would be due to some major conspiracy theory or anything... I just think that the Scottish authorities have identified the Loch Ness 'monster' since the 1970's, and want to keep it under wraps to keep the tourists coming in every year. (Sure, if they let the big secret out, tourism would skyrocket temporarily, but then it would plummet once everyone got a look at it and the mystery was gone.) What do you think?

posted on May, 30 2004 @ 12:22 PM
I think that is one of the daftest posts I have ever read here.

I'm very sorry but its true. From start to finish!

I wont even start to go into the first part of yoru theory but by your reconning, all zoo's must have gone bust within a couple of years of opening, Rome would be empty and there would be a complete end to spectator sports.

posted on May, 31 2004 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by triplesod
I think that is one of the daftest posts I have ever read here.

I'm very sorry but its true. From start to finish!

I wont even start to go into the first part of yoru theory but by your reconning, all zoo's must have gone bust within a couple of years of opening, Rome would be empty and there would be a complete end to spectator sports.

Good points! Well, it was just a random idea...

posted on Jun, 1 2004 @ 12:37 AM
are you serious? the loch ness monster?

posted on Jun, 1 2004 @ 12:38 AM
awww who cares anyway what can it do anyway?

posted on Jun, 1 2004 @ 12:39 AM
im basically using this post to chat- i need 20 and i cant think of a better waste of a thread to do this in

posted on Jun, 1 2004 @ 12:40 AM
this has to be the stupidest idea

posted on Jun, 1 2004 @ 12:41 AM
how did this thread get up here?

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by ThunderCloud

wow.... how retarded can a group of Irish drunks be? seriously? There has never been any cold hard evidence of a loch ness monster. nobody cares, its a stupid myth so that the damn scotts can feel important about their miserable little lives! grow up.

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 02:43 PM
The loch ness is a mechanical robot that has been in the lake for over 1000 years.

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 02:44 PM
I think that the loch ness is mechanical in nature.
reply to post by Heisenberg

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 02:44 PM

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 02:45 PM

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 02:45 PM

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 02:45 PM

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 02:54 PM
The Loch Ness monster hoax was perpertrated by the guy who took the original photos, he confessed it on his death bed, there is NO Loch Ness moster, except for me, when I go swimming in there.


posted on May, 29 2009 @ 05:28 PM
I once asked the guy who ran the Loch Nes tourism kiosk on the banks of the loch if he believed in it.....and even he said no lol. He did say "it brought the punters in though".

I also asked the guy who ran a hotdog van next to Urquart Castle if he's ever seen the monster.....and he said "Only when my mother in law tried swimming across the loch once".

That said, theres an awful lot of people who swear to God they've seen something. Then again, if you stare at those waters for long enough, you'd swear it too. You notice every single little movement on that water.


posted on May, 29 2009 @ 05:58 PM
I think the tourism industry would gain more if they revealed that it's a plesiosaur or something.


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