posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by notknowing
Still here my friend, still sick to death of this freaking HUMMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
just been low on DATA allowance so i have to top up me dongle,
I have managed to capture the HUM on audio using me laptop and it's
picked it up great.
When played back through my Hi Fi it makes my flat vibrate so it has the
exact same resonance as the walls/structure of the building as i have played
all sorts of other low frequency sound but none make the walls vibrate like
the actual HUM
So i am just waiting for the council to get there ass here with the DATA I recorded on
there Hi tech stuff that they "claim" recorded nothing,So i play what I recorded on my
laptop and they will hear for themselves and can no longer deny it exists.
And i also BET that when I play what I recorded with there kit through my HI FI
there will be the same low frequency HUM so i can really rub it in there face.
I am SO looking forward to shouting "IN MY F'ing HEAD IS IT!! REALLY??"
As i blow them out the door on full volume!
I shall be uploading a sound/WAV file so all can hear what i hear but you will
have to play it through your HI FI as tiny laptop speakers cant really play the
low HERTZ.