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WTC 1 Collapse - Evidence of Explosion or just kinetic energy?

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posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by vjr1113

your explosions are structural failure and the people who by the way i saw running for there lives said "like" a loud bang do you remember the sounds of the floors collapsing i do did you ever think how odd it would be if it was so simple to prove the os a lie that you did it by using you tube. there are plenty of proffesional non government researchers that reveiw this to death and you some how caught something they did not .
Your the coolest atser ever or well your wrong??

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by vjr1113

a conspiracy looks great on papper but how do you silence millions of withnesses and then say that all civil government and social workers are in on the worst disaster to find american soil????
My freinds cleaning up on ground zero arent destroying evidence nor are they to stupid to see it. the truther arguement has no clout cause it implies that everyone is in on it and not one single person has bleeeped a word yeah right thats how most crimes are solved cause the people who perpetrate them cant keep their mouths closed. ???

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by triplescorpio

It sounds like you have a lot of pent up anger. Do you have a problem with people discussing evidence and giving opinions on what we see. Most of us are not experts, we are simply citizens fact checking the OS. If the OS was ironclad they wouldn't have any leftover questions they forgot to address. When 6 out of 10 OS commissioners say they weren't told the has to speculate what parts they weren't told the truth about. Wouldn't you agree?

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by vjr1113

The owner of the towers filed insurance just before the towers fell collecting a BIG amount of $. Building 7 fell for no apparent reason, other than a couple of fires in the top floors. You might want to look into what was in that building too.

Reason had to buy insurance was simple - the bankers financing the deal
REQUIRED it to protect their investment! Actually demanded that
Silverstein buy MORE INSURANCE that he originally wanted - some 5
billion per building. Silverstein wanted only 1.5 billion on each tower - settled for 3.5 each.

Some way to run an ainsurance scam - buying less insurance than needed

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by ExPostFacto

star you is correct in this .
I see know problem however i will be just as aggressive as the people who say im blind a sheeple whatever.
And there is no way i beleive the whole os story i think the whole event coulda been avoided however to support this totally far out concept supported itself by homemade you tube and what not just seems forgive me not directed at you just STUPID.
anyways this and the america hating threads do get me goin otherwise im FONZY

Be Well

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 05:52 PM

Originally posted by triplescorpio
the truther arguement has no clout cause it implies that everyone is in on it and not one single person has bleeeped a word yeah right thats how most crimes are solved cause the people who perpetrate them cant keep their mouths closed. ???

So I take it you are completely ignorant of the people who have said things that fly in the face of the official reports.

Are you looking for people who say strange things at Ground Zero? Like molten steel? Or black boxes from the planes being recovered when they said none were? These people exist, though you may be ignorant of them.

How about a translator from the FBI's terrorism unit saying her supervisor was intentionally misdirecting agents in the field? Sibel Edmonds. She exists too.

How about police officers, firefighters, and medics there that day who experienced unexplained explosions from all over the buildings and believe there were bombs in the building? Guess what? Those people exist too.

I'm not sure who exactly you are looking for, that you think hasn't come forward. Someone who planted the actual bombs? That's not just keeping quiet about seeing something strange, that would be turning yourself in for treason. I'm not sure why you think someone would do that anymore than a bank robber would turn themselves in when they've already gotten away with the crime.

You know 2 unexploded bombs were removed from inside the Murrah Federal Building too. No one ever admitted to planting those but they were found inside the building attached to gas pipelines nonentheless. Either the DoD, Army, FEMA, and civilians were lying about finding those bombs, or else not everyone always turns themselves in for treason.

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