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Sarah Palin 9/11 Truther Controversy Makes Hypocrite Of Glenn Beck!

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posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 02:39 AM
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Sarah Palin 9/11 Truther Controversy Makes Hypocrite Of Glenn Beck!

Sarah Palin 9/11 truther controversy explodes days after Texas Gubernatorial hopeful Debra Medina outcast as 'pariah candidate' for 9/11 comments


Days after Debra Medina's rising bid for Texas Governor was stung by controversy over comments about 9/11 on the Glenn Beck Show, it has emerged that former Vice Presidential candidate and "Tea Party" darling Sarah Palin has done her one better; stating her support for a new 9/11 investigation just before the 2008 election, and going far beyond Medina's mild statement.

Just as when Obama was over hyped during the 2008 campaign ...

It had so soured me to the main stream media. As I'm sure

that happened with many others. Read on...


Glenn Becks rise was clearly an off shoot of that disrespect

from the main stream media to anything remotely impartial.

I gave them chance after chance.

I think it's only fair to give them (Glenn Beck & others) a few

chances to state their position or lack of any opinion or position.

... Before throwing them under the "hypocritical bus."

If 9/11 is political poison...

9/11 is also jounalistic/opinionated poison.

Let the dead Rest In Peace.

That's what 'Rest In Peace' means.


9/11 certainly isn't entertainment. As one 9/11 documentary

that I had viewed sometime back claimed... "9/11 had everything;

shocking graphic explosions, Good guys battling against all odds,

bad guys that surfaced immediately after the tragedy... etc..."

To the documentary producers the American people seem to see

it as entertainment.

The truth will come out eventually. I'd say it's best to sit down,

shut up and let the real patriotic Tea Party people take a good,

unfettered shot at congress and getting taxes and spending under

control. After elected, they need to stay in touch with the unelected.

Even if it means 'whistle blowing'. I hope expect ALOT of that.

It will take some real reformation. Lobbyist meetings will mean the boot!

(not loot!).


Medina was setup.

Word to the wise. Let her be an example to all Tea Party candidates.

Stay on topic. Have resolutions. Control the dialog.

Stay Pissed!

No matter what you think of 9/11... Let it go... for now. Note The Byrds.

Besides, It makes you look fat. It makes you look distracted. More importantly: Ineligible.

Also, for the Beck detractors, He speaks of truth. He means it. Don't be misled. Read between the lines. If you don't, then you really deserve that black cloud hanging over your soul.

Edits to make this look less fat...

More edits to make more fat (added Rush for complete fail.)

[edit on 2·17·10 by DrMattMaddix]

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 08:48 AM
Three of the worst people in politics, the only way to make this worse would have been to throw rush Limbaugh into this thread somehow.

Sarah Palin = Joke in high heels.

Glen Beck = Joke with fake tears.

Alex Jones = Joke among conspiracy theorists.

It's a trifecta of fail!

Then throw 9/11 into it. Oh man Uber fail on all counts!

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 08:54 AM
Sarah Palin hasn't even been elected yet and she's already thinking of ways to waste taxpayers' dollars.

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 09:50 AM
Sarah Palin is indeed the ultimate divider.
Bush is the original divider, Barack extends it, guess Palin is the finalizer.

Palin doesn't just divide between the left and the right, she even divides between the right wingers. Divide et impera at its best.

Fox Hollywood vs Fox News.

Sarah Palin blasts Fox Broadcasting for ‘Family Guy’ episode

Among tea partiers.

Ron Paul vs. Sarah Palin for the Soul of the Tea Parties

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 09:51 AM
I think Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck should run away together and never be seen again. They both deserve each other so much.

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by whatukno
Three of the worst people in politics, the only way to make this worse would have been to throw rush Limbaugh into this thread somehow.

Sarah Palin = Joke in high heels.

Glen Beck = Joke with fake tears.

Alex Jones = Joke among conspiracy theorists.

It's a trifecta of fail!

Then throw 9/11 into it. Oh man Uber fail on all counts!

(Here's Rush to complete the fail.)

What about Medina?

You neglected to mention where she falls into the mix.


I still think that the story at InfoWars is well worth the review if you haven't seen it already.

Personally, I've learned alot more from Beck in few weeks than I did from our glorious educational system in years.

I knew that something there wasn't right, though.

I don't believe everything Beck says, I was already on the fence with Palin based on other comments that she's made recently. This just seals it up nicely in my mind.

Palin is off my Christmas list.

[edit on 2·17·10 by DrMattMaddix]

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