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What's behind the growing universe?

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posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 09:01 AM
I am sure that most of you have been thinking about this on some point. We humans seem to not comprehend what might not exist. Therfore I ask, do anyone have sources or perhaps an article about my question:

From what I heard the universe expands all the time, with the speed of light. What lies before the universe? If you understand my question correctly. Is it just white? Because white is nothing? Or might it be something else.

I am requesting people of knowledge here, even though I can assume nobody actually knows.

My google searches went up blank, perhaps because I was not sure how to write what I am looking for.

Go smart people on ATS, give me new knowledge

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by gamerman

It is nothingness which should be comprehended as the plenum for all possibilities.

This means in the begining there is infinity.

Here's another thread I started a while ago with an interesting belief on creation.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 09:46 AM
reply to post by Psychonaughty

I did a google and came up with this. Apparently there is no center of the universe. I provide the link that talks about it in more detail.

However, I believe that there is a definite center of force that continues to push into this universe from somewhere else outside the universe. That the exciting part is, is that mass is continually being forced into the universe where it forms new galaxies, stars, etc. The rest of the universe is pushed further and further away from the center in waves of space time much like riding the waves in a pond made by a stone that was thrown in. If we ever found the center of the universe we may find new young and exciting galaxies.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 10:04 AM
Its always been my theory that humans simply have a poor understanding of the universe. look anywhere in the sky, and you will see Cosmic microwave background radiation. Is there anything behind that? who knows. its really an unimportant question because of all the stuff we can actually see.

the old saying 'a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush', well, this applies here, because we have an unimaginably large area to study, like the entire visable cosmos, before we need to worry too much about what may or may not exsist past our area of "visibility".

constant Expansion theory is outdated, and for the universe to be constantly inflating is HIGHLY illogical. Things like the great attractor and the theory of relativity make any calculations created here on earth have a certain level of inaccuracy when calculating galactic variables.


there is also the possibility, and this is purely conjecture, that at 12.5 BILLION LIGHT YEARS, photons simply kick out and say, ok, ive traveled enough. something like that could explain why we cant see past 12.5+/- BLY, and it would go along way as to explaining why CMB looks like static fuzz.

[edit on 16-2-2010 by drsmooth23]

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 10:40 AM
First, let me re-say something I posted into a topc about "flaws in the theory of big bang" a while ago.

"Well..Here's what I think about the "big bang".
First; We must understand that there is a certain "amount" of mass and energy, and that big bang was just that energy starting to transform into matter; which means that when energy+matter=everything
I "believe" (If you will) that this energy, was somewhat "unstable" and started to "evolve" (If you will, again) by transforming to different sorts of energy, and finally when it had gone through everything; Boom! A huge mass of that energy materialized into, well, matter.
The universe seems to get bigger because more and more of that energy is transforming into matter every second.
It's impossible to try to count the amount of energy and mass, because the speed of energy transforming to matter is so big we cant even count how "big" the universe is at the moment.
However, I also believe that as the "amount" of energy and mass together is a set amount (energy "decreases", matter "increases; the sum remains the same) which means the universe "weighs" (To make this more simple) the same all the time. Just the way it "weighs" changes.
Also, this would mean that when all the energy has transformed into matter; what's next?
Some theorize that after enough time we would be going back to the one single spot of huge amounts of energy which would mean to me; that the matter starts transforming (Has started from the moment it existed) and transforms as long as it can before turning back to energy. Then again, that would mean there could be a balance between the two and no big bang would be "needed". (The energy would surely transform back into matter etc.etc. "cycles", heh.)"

So, basically, that's how I "view" the universe, now, considering the "fact" that universe is "getting larger" (Matter-wise) I would say the Universe is somewhat like earth, go to the west and you end up in the east. There is not "edge" to the world, there is no physical "edge" of the universe either, if you could fly from earth in a straight line at a speed higher than the speed of light, you would eventually end up back at the earth, just from the opposite direction you flew off to. The "expanding" of the Universe is like pumping more air to a balloon. I believe that the energy transfers into matter; so the universe gets larger without actually increasing it's sum of matter and energy.

However, this is just the way I believe so, I can't really say I'm "right" or "wrong" but I hope I gave you some ideas

Peace and I hope you find an answer for the question that feels good for you

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 10:44 AM
By assuming no one knows however logical it sounds, you have defeated your search.

From what I know, it is not expanding or contracting. It is just moving. Think of the soap coloration of a bubble. It swirls and moves not expanding or contracting. What is beyond our universe is the medium through which our universe moves.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by gamerman

Nothing (Zero) can't exist. If we have existence. Because that would mean that nothing came from existence. But everyone knows that existence can't disappear. Energy can't disappear. Therefor Nothing is just a word that has a different material meaning in our vocabulary. It cant be used to explain existence.

So white was not how it was in the beginning. Everything was black in the beginning.

The universe is expanding. That would indicate that in the beginning the universe was compressed. And created by a compression of energy.

The expansion we see to day is the universe expanding from the compression. And its also expanding back to the darkness it used to be, and its doing that by emitting energy. Every thing that we see and can't see emits energy at its own level.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by spy66

Nothingness is the plenum for all possibilities, otherwise termed infinity. However this would mean that the word nothingness does not exist but instead all possiblities do.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 11:19 AM
Nothing lies beyond the universe, so it has no colour. You cannot go there, although it was suggested that if you were to go to the edge of the universe and step through you would come back on the other side of the universe, but that is unfounded and thus deserves not to be considered.

Think about it, if something lied beyond the universe, wouldn't it just be the universe?

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 11:22 AM
reply to post by Psychonaughty

There is a mathematician who beliefs that after infinity the count starts at zero again.

What does hold the universe.....and what does hold that and so on?

Just after the universe will end to excist we would have find the answer.....

Your question is one that maybe a 5 year old child can answer and nobody would take the answer seriously........Just joking.

Sorry...I have no clue.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by Psychonaughty
reply to post by spy66

Nothingness is the plenum for all possibilities, otherwise termed infinity. However this would mean that the word nothingness does not exist but instead all possiblities do.

Well not all possibilities exist. Only the existence exist. So there is only one possibility. Zero is a mathematical number and can't be used to determine any beginning. Because there is no way we can ever measure from present time to Zero time. If so how would you do that?

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 12:04 PM
let me just begin with saying the following,

Human kind does not even fully understand our own planet, nowhere near, there is so much we still need to learn here on planet earth, so how can anyone even possibly know what lies beyond the universe as we know it? they cant... everything you hear or read is purely opinion and in the case of "what is beyond the universe" your opnion is just as good as a top professor in the top university, nobody else can tell you that you are wrong if you make your own guess/opnion because nobody knows, and since there is so much we dont know then ANYTHING is possible... even the unknown and unbelievable is possible.

my opinion is very simple and here it is....

if you count from 0 - 10 -100 -1,000 - 10,000 - 100,000

each time a nought is added.... you can add as many noughts as you want, there ISNT an end to how many noughts you can add.... this is the same for the universe, there is no end to how big it is.... there is no beyond, the universe is the universe and you could travel forever.


adverb [not gradable]
for all time, without end


posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by spy66

0 = 1

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 02:19 AM
reply to post by gamerman

There is nothing behind, or rather beyond, the expanding universe--not even empty space. The universe is expanding, but it isn't expanding into anything.

A little hard to understand, I know. This may help: What is the universe expanding into?

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 04:38 AM
reply to post by Astyanax

Thank you all for the nice replies

Astyanax, yes I meant beyond
English is my second language, I can speak almost as an "English man" but my grammar is quite poor. Anyway, thank you for the link. It's very hard to understand that's its nothing there.

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 07:43 PM
Hello. I know this is old, but I just came across something that makes sense to me. What if our universe is expanding into another universe? What if our universe exists inside of a black hole? Enter black hole, travel through a worm hole, and exit/expand through the other end (white hole) into another universe.


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