First, let me re-say something I posted into a topc about "flaws in the theory of big bang" a while ago.
"Well..Here's what I think about the "big bang".
First; We must understand that there is a certain "amount" of mass and energy, and that big bang was just that energy starting to transform into
matter; which means that when energy+matter=everything
I "believe" (If you will) that this energy, was somewhat "unstable" and started to "evolve" (If you will, again) by transforming to different
sorts of energy, and finally when it had gone through everything; Boom! A huge mass of that energy materialized into, well, matter.
The universe seems to get bigger because more and more of that energy is transforming into matter every second.
It's impossible to try to count the amount of energy and mass, because the speed of energy transforming to matter is so big we cant even count how
"big" the universe is at the moment.
However, I also believe that as the "amount" of energy and mass together is a set amount (energy "decreases", matter "increases; the sum remains
the same) which means the universe "weighs" (To make this more simple) the same all the time. Just the way it "weighs" changes.
Also, this would mean that when all the energy has transformed into matter; what's next?
Some theorize that after enough time we would be going back to the one single spot of huge amounts of energy which would mean to me; that the matter
starts transforming (Has started from the moment it existed) and transforms as long as it can before turning back to energy. Then again, that would
mean there could be a balance between the two and no big bang would be "needed". (The energy would surely transform back into matter etc.etc.
"cycles", heh.)"
So, basically, that's how I "view" the universe, now, considering the "fact" that universe is "getting larger" (Matter-wise) I would say the
Universe is somewhat like earth, go to the west and you end up in the east. There is not "edge" to the world, there is no physical "edge" of the
universe either, if you could fly from earth in a straight line at a speed higher than the speed of light, you would eventually end up back at the
earth, just from the opposite direction you flew off to. The "expanding" of the Universe is like pumping more air to a balloon. I believe that the
energy transfers into matter; so the universe gets larger without actually increasing it's sum of matter and energy.
However, this is just the way I believe so, I can't really say I'm "right" or "wrong" but I hope I gave you some ideas
Peace and I hope you find an answer for the question that feels good for you