posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 03:11 PM
I was reading one of the books that was supposedly taken out of the bible. A lot of books were taken out and deemed unnecessary reads, or just a lot
of filler. So anyway, I was reading the book of Adam and Eve and then the Book of Enock. I read in one of those that even animals will judge us in the
end. The souls of the animals will give an account if you were good to them and fed them well or if you were not a kind master to them and did not
feed them well.
I don't know what will happen after they give an account, but why wouldn't they continue to survive?
If you believe in God or that consciousness exists after death, then why wouldn't animal consciousness continue to exist?
The energy has to go some place, either back to the creator or escapes into the universe or something.
So anyway, I had never heard that even animals would give an account, but it does make sense. If you do believe in a judgement, then if you mistreated
an animal for your own pleasure, you would have to explain why.
If you were good to an animal and it was your pet, why wouldn't it be there to greet you?
If you believe in a heaven, then you'd expect for there to be things there that make you happy. For some people, they could not imagine a heaven
without their pet. I fully believe that God would understand this and save the souls of pets for their owners.
I don't know if every animal would have a soul, but maybe if we love one, we share a part of our soul with them.
There are some people in the world who are very lonely people. There are some people who are not attractive or are not sociable with other people.
There are some people who only have an animal for a friend.
Now if there is a person who is lonely and is only surrounded by their animal friends, and only the animals show this person any love, why would a
loving God not have those animals to greet that person when they die?
To that person, the animals are like their family, so I think that the animals would be there to greet the person when they die.