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Shocking video reveals new TRUTHS about 9/11...

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posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 07:51 AM

Shocking video reveals new TRUTHS about 9/11...

While some may have seen this latest video by Jason Bermas, I have yet to see a solid discussion about it, which would be well worth doing. There are several important facts brought up in the video, not the least of which are the significant connections between key 9/11 players, both before that fateful day and afterward.

What is especially interesting and worth discussing are the secret government codes that were obtained by certain parties who appeared to be in collusion with the conspirators.

I find the testimony of Norman Mineta extremely interesting, where he testifies that Cheney knew the projectile (or airplane) was coming into the Pentagon, was being told how many miles out it was, and at the 10-mile mark, a military guy asked Cheney "does the order still stand sir?" to which Cheney barked back at him "of course the order still stands! Have you heard anything different?"

This particular exchange is extremely suspicious and damning because we know that Rumsfeld had taken sole scramble authority to himself just 3 months before 9/11, which totally circumvented the normal chain of command for NORAD. Then, at the time when scrambling was needed, Rumsfeld was no where to be found. This fact in itself is grounds to declare a conspiracy, since this gave them the precise opportunity and means to stop the normal air defenses of the U.S. The checks and balances were gone on that day... by design.

Google Video Link

And for those who want to question whether Mineta actually reported what he heard correctly, or that he even heard it correct, or that Cheney was even there, here is a good debunking of the official attempt to counteract what Mineta said:

Mineta's Testimony Confirmed

The following document provides some interesting information concerning the spy software that was installed at the FAA prior to the 9/11 attacks:

How Did Spy Software Get Onto FAA Computers?

The main message of the Fabled Enemies video is that there were many "people" oriented anomalies surrounding the 9/11 events, and that many facts exist in this realm to highly suggest a conspiracy and subsequent cover-up did (and does) in fact exist.

For example:


1. Name one single person fired or reprimanded within the U.S. government (FBI, CIA, NORAD, FAA, NSA, or Bush Administration) for the 9/11 attacks.

2. NORAD is responsible for air defense. Mr. Roberts, how many contradictory explanations did NORAD give for their failure to intercept any planes on 9/11?

3. It is an established fact that NORAD is responsible for air defenses and no planes on 9/11 were even intercepted despite the fact this is standard procedure.

* “Consider that an aircraft emergency exists ... when: ...There is unexpected loss of radar contact and radio communications with any ...aircraft.” —FAA Order 7110.65M 10-2-5 (6)
* “If ... you are in doubt that a situation constitutes an emergency or potential emergency, handle it as though it were an emergency.” —FAA Order 7110.65M 10-1-1-c (7)

Despite this fact, how many days later was the man in charge of NORAD promoted?


1. Zero.According to testimony given to Congress: not one single individual within the CIA, FBI, and NSA has been reprimanded, punished, or fired for the events of 9/11.

2. Three contradictory versions. Senator Mark Dayton claimed that NORAD officials “lied to the American people, they lied to Congress and they lied to your 9/11 commission to create a false impression of competence, communication and protection of the American people.”

3. 3 days. Richard Myers, in charge of NORAD on 9/11 was promoted 3 days after the attack.


Once you watch the Fabled Enemies documentary, please post relevant comments or questions regarding the information presented in the video. It is well worth the viewing!

[edit on 15-2-2010 by downisreallyup]

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 07:55 AM
There are several other very interesting videos that present even more evidence for a conspiracy by probing into the various connections between people involved with 9/11 in some fashion. Like the "Matrix" it becomes almost mind-numbing to see just how deep the "rabbit hole" goes!

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by downisreallyup

Is this the same Jason Bermas who accused the FDNY of being " paid off " and other gems :-

I can't imagine why anyone would give him the time of day.

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by Alfie1
reply to post by downisreallyup

Is this the same Jason Bermas who accused the FDNY of being " paid off " and other gems


I can't imagine why anyone would give him the time of day.

That is hilarious . . . . . . . . . . .

using something from professional liar Mark 'Gravy' Roberts to attack someone else.


posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by SPreston

Are you saying he didn't accuse the FDNY firefighters of being "paid off " ?

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by SPreston

With truther logic, when explosives take out part A of your picture, part B should have just hit the ground and landed, as seen below:

I await many odd truther remarks about my sarcasm

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by Alfie1
reply to post by downisreallyup

Is this the same Jason Bermas who accused the FDNY of being " paid off " and other gems :-

I can't imagine why anyone would give him the time of day.

You should look at the thread on how to destroy a 9/11 truther. You seem to have read the book in its entirety!

The point is, you can't refute anything Bermas says in the video because it is all backed up by evidence. Pulling out one outlandish thing Berbmas said and then using that as a reason to ignore all his research and evidence is just silly and lacking in any character. What you SHOULD do is look at the evidence and debate that... not finding the one little thing you can use to try and justify ignoring all he has presented.

Typical TRUSTER mentality... looking for every excuse possible to try and ignore any evidence brought forth. At least you guys are totally predictable in your methods of remaining in ignorant denial... one can only hope you will enlighten yourself by ceasing from this fruitless methodology.

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