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9/11 third tower mystery 'solved'

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posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 10:37 AM
NIST’s Shyam Sunder said in the draft report in august 2008 why free fall would be impossible. There are things in the way! The steel resists the fall! If free fall happen, it would mean everything below the falling part has been removed!

Here Dr. Shyam Sunder talks about the speed of the collapses, he use “free fall” about all the high rises

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 11:11 AM
Hello All.

The article being discussed is from July of 2008 before the official NIST findings came out.

The NIST findings came out years ago and have been seriously scrutinized already on ATS and numerous other sites.

For those of you who still believe a fire caused this building to go straight down I just want to say this:

Beside the fact the damage is mainly on one side which should have made it fall over sideways not straight down, what about the following questions?

What type of fire suppression systems do you think the CIA, Secret Service, Securities Exchange Commission, and Mayor's Emergency response command center would have?

Would the CIA let that building burn for 7 hours with the top secret stuff they had in there?

Would any of the government agencies in that building let this sucker burn for 7 hours and destroy whatever files they had in there?

I think you have to be pretty gullible to believe this building sat burning all day long until it fell in on itself without someone doing something to save those documents.


posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 12:57 PM
Hi whattheh,
Agreed, that page has not even been updated since 2008, and yet we have two threads started today on the same subject!

[edit on 15-2-2010 by smurfy]

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 02:36 PM
An interesting YouTube user named 'AlienScientist' today posted the below video regarding the NIST's findings about WTC7 building, which I thought relevant to this thread.

Full You Tube channel can be found here:

'Why the NIST report on WTC7 is unscientific and false'

15 February 2010

A lot more info can be found in the (more info) section of the YouTube video page.


Cheers. x

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 04:20 AM
@ whattheh

thats because firemen couldnt get at the water main because the water pipeline was damaged or somethinglike that. *sigh*

Do you know the only reason why theres 911 consiprators is because of an email that circulated around the net saying no jews were hurt in the attrocity and this was generally accepted in germany and the middle-east.

...and we know how much germans and muslims love jews now dont we

wtc 7 was hit by debris and left on fire so it collapsed and it wouldnt surprise me if there WERE explosives seen from the building because of build up of pressure and or explosives .. now i doubt u could have a (apparently) cia headquarters without explosives and firearms can we? plus there were firemen who said they saw a flipping great big hole in the building!!! for gods sake

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