posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 09:16 PM
In Britain we have a newspaper called the Daily Mail, and it has taken me nearly 9 years of letters, phone calls etc. to persuade them to stop
printing "knife metaphor cacophemisms" such as-
"knives are out"
"knives come out"
"knives are being sharpened"
Because every time I get a feed of one of these in my inbox from a U.K. newspaper, shortly afterward I get the report of the resultant murder/s.
One upsetting time the Daily Mail printed about knives being out for Gordon Ramsay, and I am sure that this was the catalst that caused the murder of
a group of children at a children's party, later that day.
Another time, the Daily Mail newspaper printed "Sharpened knives anyone?", and my data suggests that this led to two murders.
Just recently, several Australian newspapers started issuing "knives are out" metaphor cacophemisms and/or dysphemisms, and then just a week later,
a heartbroken parent/relative was relaying her distress at the loss of life of a loved one in Australia.
What I have noticed, notwithstanding other influencing factors (such as the film Kidulthood where they appear to openly 'sing' about the Daily Mail
newspaper and it's influence), is that whenever a newspaper prints a "knives come out" or "knives are out" that's when all the murder starts up
again, and when they don't, there's virtually no knife crime!
This I have observed by monitoring my "ticker-tape" press email feed.