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What do we all agree on?

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posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 03:08 PM
That's basically my entire post.

I would like to leave it all up to you, but I'll start with the 3 things I feel we should all be able to agree upon

1. It is crucial that we end all war
2. We need to protect our beautiful planet (and I'm not referring to the new fad of "going green")
3. We need to start looking at everyone else as equals. I mean we are all made of the same space dust after all.

There are many more, so please add to this list.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 03:17 PM
Excellent list. I agree on all 3.

We should also put children first over our own wants and needs
Specifically education.


posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 03:21 PM
I think the one and only thing that we can all ultimately agree on is the simple fact that we will all die.

Despite the cause of death, this is one true constant of being human, death is imminent. Birth ehh, debatable in this day and age, what with in vitro-fertilization and the like.

As far as the views in your post, albeit positive in nature, there will always be naysayers. As is free will.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 03:21 PM
I agree to disagree to agree with you.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 03:26 PM
Our society is afraid of unpopular truths that accurately but controversially describe why we're in such a big mess. Most people don't want any trouble, so they keep quiet. We don't. These are what I believe are some of the most important truths that need to get out before we do more damage to ourselves.

1. We have no culture that could keep us from being money-grubbing whores.
2. We are destroying our environment. If it was a person, you'd call it murder or genocide.
3. We are slowly dumbing ourselves down into glorified talking apes with car keys.
4. People have holes in the middle where meaning should go. Black holes, that suck up everything around them.
5. We are not going to face reality because we are too busy with our own drama.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 03:30 PM
Considering the forum that we are all a part of, I think we can all agree that we are being lied to/misinformed on a large scale.

Unless you are just on this site to debunk everything, in which case you still agree that people are being lied to en masse'.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 04:19 PM
I think we can all agree that the general public are idiots. If these people could wake up we could have our better world!

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by WeShallBeFree

Today, we, the children to the lost generations who fought for things they didn't understand, can witness the remnants of a West that is slowly decaying from within, and bringing everything in its way with it. The new generations are not just misdirected or disillusioned; they're actively depressed and see only an inevitable end drawing closer and closer. Others have given up by pretending nothing is wrong and that we all, somehow in a magical stroke with the finger, will fix everything and return to the glory values of our parents. The same people we promised ourselves never to follow, knowing their mistakes.

This is also the answer to how we possibly can escape the middle class trap, which our beloved but clueless parents fell into. We need to uphold a new system of values that replace the modern mishmash of liberal democracy, materialist capitalism and individualist humanism, and bravely aim for transcendence. Our parents failed this, because they upheld the same values of the system they claimed to revolt against, hence why they were brought back into the status quo. We need to break free from that status quo, if we are to build for a new future. Then, and only then, may we leave the misdirected generations behind and avoid becoming useless couch sitters like our parents; avoid stepping into the middle class trap and instead fight for future historical glory.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 04:31 PM
good thread...we agree to disagree...
but, one more needs to be agreed upon. something is in the pipeline coming our way
about time!

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 04:33 PM
Politicians Lie

a universal truth?

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 04:34 PM
Equal rights will blow up in your face, given to people not returning the favour.

This forum is a big reason for being lie to. But even on here. I read a lot of crap and stupidity.
Searching for the in between is what I like to do.


More truth what hurts the soul.

My goal Get rid of money and start communities to get self sufficient again.
Stop cooperate to be prohibited to work international.

Resulting in
A healthy economy running on it's own.The denial of power eliminating influence and lowering of the use of resources.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 04:36 PM
PIZZA....vegan or meat's pizza. Never met anybody that didn't like pizza.

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 05:00 AM
reply to post by AlreadyGone

I dont like pizza.....not at all...

I know. Im weird.

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 05:38 AM
reply to post by someguy420

I will disagree with all three of your beliefs.

1. It is crucial that we end all war
Actually, it is crucial that we develop better weapons to win wars with.

2. We need to protect our beautiful planet
We need to accept the fact that our planet will die, and we need to develop a way to get off the planet and survive in space on our way to another planet.

3. We need to start looking at everyone else as equals. I mean we are all made of the same space dust after all.
This is just not true. We are all different with different strengths and weaknesses. We do share some of this stuff, but we are different. The idea that we are the same is a dangerous idea implanted in your mind by people who want to control you. You can give up, but you will only be giving up to the people who choose to not give up.

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by Cabaret Voltaire

Pessimism. Tsk tsk.

1. Actually, it is crucial that we develop better weapons to win wars with..........

We will not end war as long as we do not evolve, both mentally and physically. People who focus on war, and status, and borders, and money.....are setting a bad example for society. But these are the things that are important to humans in general, so monkey see, monkey do.

People are not capable of living without war, is what you SHOULD have said.

There are too few people on this planet that would know what to do with themselves if there were world peace. We thrive on the dramatic. But we thrive on our silly systems of BELIEF much more.

So according to evolutionary standards. Youre right. Lets get some more weapons out there. Maybe we can kill off some of these people that are holding humanity back. No..wait..that couldnt be the solution...could it?

2.We need to accept the fact that our planet will die.....

We are quite a ways from leaving Earth, especially forever-in search for a new Earth like world. I wouldnt get my hopes up on that one. But to continue your pessimism, our planet WILL die. You will too. I will. Everything does.

Lets jump from planet to planet, draining them and moving on. Humans: parasites of the galaxy. Can your planet sustain life? Not for long, here we come!!

Good plan.

3. This is just not true. We are all different with different strengths and weaknesses.....

Well we all have the capacity to be equal. Strength and weakness however, does not gauge the potential to be "greater" or "equal", or "lower".

Strength and weakness are actuality the worst ways to judge anyone. because those are qualities that everyone has. It doesnt matter if you are smart, or creative, or witty, or funny, or knowledgable. These things do not make you better than anyone. These are all learned traits that do not make you special, in reality. They make up your personality...but what is your personality, except a product of your environment?

How about usefulness? Now that is a way to judge your peers. And there is no middle ground. You are either useful, or you are not.

And if youre not useful, then you are part of the problem. Problems require solutions. Usefulness is the ability to accomplish this task.

So I would say yes. We SHOULD wake up and realize we are all equal. We possess all of the same qualities. Weak, strong..... doesnt matter. Conjuring practical solutions, matters. "Strong" people do not make good leaders, useful and wise people do.

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by InertiaZero

Thanks I couldn't have said that better myself

1. better weapons is just laughable.

2. the planet will die anyway, so let's just keep doing what we're doing, without coming up with any real solutions. I don't even know what to say about that one.

3.This one I can understand, it's hard for most to see themselves in everyone else in today's world, once you are able to you realize that war is obsolete.

If you look at the way cells, humans, and planets evolve you'll understand that it's impossible for them to reach others unless they are fully formed or in other words fully evolved.

Cabaret I feel that you are disconnected from the source. Start listening to the earth, you may not understand it, but it's sending out a constant message to every living thing, those that do not listen are like a cancer in my opinion.

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by someguy420

What do we all agree on?

Reworded: What should we all agree on?

We 'should' all agree that mankind is self-predatory, untrustworthy when offered a position of power and that governments are the epitome of that.

We 'should' all agree that while technology has surpassed those most primitve models of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, we are still driving vehicles that apply internal combustion that also depend on petrol-derived fuel sources.

We 'should' agree that despite whether global warming is or is not fact, we need to move on to a cleaner world.

We 'should' agree that despite politics, we should not allow our nations to be forced in to a global community governance. Diversity is the adavanatage because so long as there is that diversity, no single power can come to play upon all of us at once.

We 'should' agree that despite the confusion, it is better to keep an open mind to subjects of UFOs and past/present conspiracies. For us to roll over and buy the official lines of any event, leaves us susceptible to being fooled.

just a few ideas...

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