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Texas seems to bear the fruits of all evils

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posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 05:08 PM
Chuck Norris was born in Oklahoma and not in Texas or California for a good reason.

The reason is because California is Sodom and Texas is Gomorrah.

And, naturally Chuck does not wish to rain down fire and brimstone upon his home state.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 07:37 PM
Hmm .. Let's see ...

Kennedy killed in Dallas, Texas - Yep.

But, there have been three other presidential assassinations ..

Abraham Lincoln - April 14, 1865 - Washington D.C.
James Garfield - July 2, 1881 - Washington D.C.
William McKinley - September 6, 1901 - Buffalo, Ney York

Let's not forget -
September 11, 2001 - Manhattan, New York
April 29, 1992 - L.A. Riots - Los Angeles, California
August 9, 1969 - Manson Family Murders - California
1977 - David Berkowitz (Son of Sam) - New York
1978 - John Wayne Gacy - Illinois
1947 - The Black Dahlia - Los Angeles
1999 - Columbine - Colorado
1992 - Ruby Ridge - Idaho
2007 - Virginia Tech - Virginia

I think my point is obvious ... Crazy things happen everywhere. You seem to only be interested in things that would make Texas and Texans look bad.

One last one ... Harry S. Truman from Lamar, Missouri .. The only person in history to order the dropping of TWO atmoic bombs on Japan.
August 6, 1945 - Little Boy is dropped on Hiroshima, killing 166,000 people.
August 9, 1945 - Fat Man is dropped on Nagasaki, killing 80,000 people.

Hell, it's not even an American thing ..
Saloth Sar, better known as Pol Pot, responsible for killing 2.5 Million Cambodians.
Adolph Hitler - We all know what he did.

There are many others from the past, many in the present, and there will be many in the future.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 08:18 PM

Jeb Bush 2012 presidential candidacy? The same Jeb Bush that ran the NY world trade center security on 09/11/2001?

Jeb Bush is from florida.

Native Texans hate folks from California, and the northeast. Although some will deny it, its the truth.

I am from Calif and have lived in Texas and native Texans don't hate all people from Calif.
Just liberals democrats,and tree huggers. and people that come from other states and think that people in Texas should live by all the stupid laws in the states they came from.

I just happen to be a redneck republican, gun nut, and don't like tree huggers so i got along with them just fine.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 10:48 PM

Originally posted by stoneysauce
  • JFK 11/22/1963 assassination in dallas

  • Abraham Lincoln - Washington D.C.
    James Garfield - Washington D.C.
    William McKinley - Buffalo, New York

    It seems Washington D.C. leads 2-1 so far.

    Originally posted by stoneysauce
  • Lyndon B Johson, LBJ, administration and his vietnam war

  • Korean War - Harry Truman - Lamar, Missouri
    War on Drugs - Richard Nixon - Yorba Linda, California
    Persian Gulf War - George H. W. Bush - Milton, Massachusetts
    Iraq War - George W. Bush - New Haven, Connecticut

    Originally posted by stoneysauce
  • Charles Whitman 08/01/1966 shootings

  • Virginia Tech massacre - Blacksburg, Virginia

    Originally posted by stoneysauce
  • Bush presidential dynasty, first administration to promote the term 'evil' for propaganda purposes.

  • They are from Massachusetts and Connecticut.

    Originally posted by stoneysauce
  • Wanda Holloway, mother who tried to hire a hitman to kill the mother of her daughters cheer-leading rival, 1991.

  • Yes, this never happens anywhere else, right?

    Originally posted by stoneysauce
  • Waco massacre 02/28/93, 04/19/93.

  • Oklahoma City Bombing - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
    Columbine Shooting - Columbine, Colorado

    Originally posted by stoneysauce
  • Marie Robards, 1993, poisoned her father with barium acetate in his refried beans, taken from her chem class, because she wanted to live with her mother instead.

  • You seem desperate. You're padding your list with events that occur all over the world.

    Originally posted by stoneysauce
  • Oklahoma Murrah building bombing 04/19/95, the building which housed evidence from the waco 04/19/93 massacre

  • Weak connection. Next.

    Originally posted by stoneysauce
  • Texas mother, Andrea Yates, drowns her 5 children in a bathtub, 06/20/2001.

  • Yet another list padding attempt.

    Originally posted by stoneysauce
  • The Space Shuttle Columbia disaster, 02/01/2003, killing the first Israeli astronaught, Ilan Ramon, over 'Palestine' TX.

  • Space Shuttle Challenger blew up over the Atlantic Ocean. What is your point?

    Originally posted by stoneysauce
  • Roland Carnaby execution 08/29/2008, filmed by police while he was killed, while gathering info on port of houston activities

  • And another.

    Originally posted by stoneysauce
  • Fort hood shootings 11/05/2009
  • Alleged ft hood shooter reportedly still alive and held in Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio under lockdown, yet no one has actually seen him.
  • Daniel Motisi alleged AWOL regarding ft hood shooting, which turned out not to be an AWOL but under wraps nonetheless.

  • Three separate ones about the Fort Hood shooting. Definite list padding going on.

    Originally posted by stoneysauce
  • Continuous violence and uninvestigated murders in Juárez, location of the worlds highest murder rate !!!! , right next to El Paso, TX

  • This has what to do with Texas?

    Originally posted by stoneysauce
  • Jeb Bush 2012 presidential candidacy? The same Jeb Bush that ran the NY world trade center security on 09/11/2001?

  • No, because that was Marvin Bush. Unless Jeb Bush was head of security and Governor of Florida on the same day, which I doubt.

    Originally posted by stoneysauce
    it's spooky.

    I fail to understand your point or the need for this thread. This was a very poorly put together list consisting of events which happen all over the world.

    Very sloppy and lazy research and effort on your part.

    posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 12:05 AM
    I'm not saying that Texas is the depository of all evil but I think we have had enough of the Bush Family already. They don't seem to think so in Minnesota if you've seen the

    Miss Me billboard

    There is a really great Youtube video about the

    Bush-Kennedy Connection

    [edit on 22-2-2010 by m khan]

    posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 12:59 AM
    As a Texan, I will say this.Texas is guilty of stupidity at times, yes. Texas evil?
    That's funny.

    posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 01:04 AM

    Originally posted by pplrnuts

    First, ANY insults in regards to Texas, or Texans themselves will arouse extreme anger from them. This level of anger can be accurately compared to how one would feel if they were forced to watch a relative or spouse being viciously assaulted by a group of thugs including the act of sodomy.

    This is certainly true. We Texans do tend to have almost a nationalistic ferver about our state. I mean, I have seen people from other parts of the country come down here and literally get the hell beat out of them just because they made some off the cuff statement about Texas or the people in it. You're right on that one.

    posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 01:08 AM
    reply to post by Robber Baron Hood

    Originally posted by Robber Baron Hood
    reply to post by GBP/JPY

    this place has a part in Gods plan, that what it is.

    as Jesus says about recognizing evil, in the book of Matthew, 7:20, 'you will know them by their fruit'

    If you look at their fruit its clear the Bush family itself IS the Axis of Evil.

    Man, that was pretty stupid.
    You are the axis of stupidity.

    posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 01:08 AM
    reply to post by Robber Baron Hood

    Uh, you do realize that the Bush family is originally from Connecticutt,don't you?

    posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 01:08 AM
    reply to post by stoneysauce

    I lived in TX from Jan to June 08, and it sucked, it's one of the worst states in the Union.

    posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 01:17 AM
    reply to post by FantasmaTaans

    Texas could kick any other states ass in a heartbeat, I said a heartbeat!!

    That means you are all a bunch of whiny sissys.

    Go whine somewhere else.

    The good thing about Texas is that it is a big place and in Texas you don't have to listen to other people bitch and complain.

    posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 01:23 AM
    I don't know much about Tx but I can say that they are hardly the axis of evil. They seem to be doing fairly well considering their massive size. They do tend to be rather patriotic about their state but I believe that comes from being a republic and taking their sovereignty seriously. This was a typical GWB bashing thread that should be deleted. Next time just bash Bush, you don't have to bring an entire state into the discussion.

    posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 11:43 AM
    You all can call me names all you want.

    I find this thread interesting and am still waiting for someone to even make an attempt to refute this part:

    as Jesus says about recognizing evil, in the book of Matthew, 7:20, 'you will know them by their fruit'
    Granted, by that standard, and it would be conscientiously wrong for me not to write this in big letters, the following points become terribly irrefutable:

  • George Bush Sr is Evil!

  • George Bush Jr is Evil!

  • Jeb Bush is Evil!

  • If there exists an 'Axis of Evil' then they most certainly are members!

  • Bush definitely should have done his homework and consulted his own bible about evil before trying to use religion as his own political tool, or whoever it was that was pulling Bushes strings at any rate ... Texas constituency cough, oil cough ...
    Wait, it doesnt matter who was pulling his strings; Bush is just as evil for playing the role of puppet as the puppet masters.

    Now, What I have said so far is really not bush bashing! And, I dont want to give you the impression that I'm a bush jr basher. In fact, after watching that youtube video of bush jr drinking alcohol at a wedding, I actually like him more! He becomes a different person, even a human being, when talking with his own words and not regurgitating speeches given to him from his nefarious misguided puppet masters. I mean, dont get me wrong, he is still evil and as such I wouldn't want to associate myself with him. But, saying that is really not bashing. Its simply the truth. And don't even get me started with Obama; I wouldn't shake his hand either.

    The seizing of the Haitian untapped oil reserves, the rediculously high and ever increasing Haitian death toll and the unfollowed up organ harvesting reports definitely smell of these same nefarious puppet masters.

    posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 11:51 AM
    You have already been owned once by afatfurrytexan and I for posting the same drivel, almost verbatim.

    Edit it out, or your crap will be dubunked AGAIN

    reply to post by pplrnuts

    [edit on 3/7/2010 by Lemon.Fresh]

    posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 12:47 PM
    Ah yes the wonderfull state of texas, were you can get shot dead for walking on somebodys lawn. Is it true what they say about queers and steers?

    [edit on 7-3-2010 by SuperSlovak]

    posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 12:57 PM
    Reply to post by SuperSlovak

    How dare we let random people on our property!

    As for queers and steers . . .most states have those.

    Posted Via ATS Mobile:

    posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 01:03 PM
    If you like fat girls, I'm here to tell you that Texas has it's fair share.

    Hey, Carla from Lubbock....I still Love you Babe!! Catch you at SXSW, I'll be there on the 12th. New crew..."Bottom Dollar" come sit in!!!

    I like Texans and Texas. I guess I would being born and raised Redneck from the Panhandle.

    [edit on 7-3-2010 by whaaa]

    posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 02:32 PM
    I've lived in texas most of my life and i wouldnt say that texas brings out the evil in people. Evil deeds are committed all the time all over the world. What i think is that texas seems to be in cycle with world changing events such as kennedy getting knocked off, dont forget the alamo, this drug war on the border.

    i think that the shuttle blowing up was a sign of texas being in sync with the current world direction. it was a tragedy and so is our march towards extinction.

    i'm not sure what is going to happen in the futre, but with our open borders, you can bet texas will be part of another world changing even by leting in a bunch of evil stuff and/or people in to our country. im not talking about the hard working immigrants that break their backs. but man it should scare the crap out of every american because what other types of people have snuck in? We're all caught up on the mexican working class that we're lossing sight of who is really comming into this country to inflict harm.

    but anyways back to the subject theres just something about texas that keeps us dancing with destiny through out history and into the future.

    [edit on 7-3-2010 by IIEVOII]

    posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 02:51 PM
    From a christian perspective Texas is a lot like Sodom and Jerusalem wrapt in a tortilla.

    I have come to know Texas better here in the late winter of my life because of family who now live there. I absolutely love Texas and the independent minded Texans.

    As for the Bushes, they aren't Texans. They are Mainiacs.

    posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 02:52 PM
    After my 9 years and 10 months of living in Texas you have forgotten about NASA and the Banking sector ... shame on you all!

    Having said that I have to say I've never seen so many partying fools as in Austin. That city truly Rocks!!

    It is true there are plenty of illegal aliens living in the state and its true that most Texans believe in the right to shoot first from the hip before asking for ID.

    Its the only state I've ever seen that allowed a man out of jail in under 6 months after running his Jeep thru the front doors of the Federal Building in Waco (March 1998) with it fully loaded with weapons.

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