posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 07:21 AM
reply to post by TheComte
Dude there is no doubt in my mind, that there were indeed hidden messages in that halftime show broadcast! Heck they weren't even that hidden, you
just gotta pay enough attention to detail to notice that stuff.
I too noticed the Eye and also the message 'WHO ARE YOU?' lite up on stage.
As if Life was asking, WHO ARE YOU?,... in regard to all of what is going on in the world.. WHO ARE YOU HUMANITY?,.... with regard to the planned,
man made disasters, earthquakes and weather control that is going on now a days. WHO ARE YOU?... could also just be a question with its on *ELITE
answer. You are a Slave.. We Own You. We Are In Control.
The way the lights lite up on stage, I couldn't stop noticing the Hidden messages and brainwash, whatever you wanna call it, it was throughout the
ENTIRE game.
One commercial on the Super Bowl was even encouraging women who are pregnant and children to get the H1N1, Swine Flu Vaccine. Wait, and did you
notice the 'text blah blah blah', to donate 10 dollars to the Red Cross to help the people in HAITI... as if even an even good percentage went to
actually helping all those helpless people.. DONT YOU KNOW, the military is occupying HAITI. And also that HAARP found massive amounts of OIL over
there in the areas of HAITI and its surrounding.. I mean, I could be wrong.. but am I? AM I entirely wrong, or could there be a shred of truth in
those statements? Could there be?
If you call me crazy, I may just be, but there is no such a thing as a Coincidence and that is the Truth!
I hope not!