posted on May, 29 2004 @ 03:45 PM
ok flinx you seem pretty approachable now so i'm going to give you some insite as to who i am.
i care about me, i care about my family and my neighborhood, i care about my city and my state and my country. pretty much in that order. i dont tow
any party line and i wasnt raised to believe any one way of thinking. so while a lot of what i say seems ambiguous its not, its just things are more
relative and subjective than we think or want them to be. i have my biases but i keep them to myself for the most part. i come here to learn and see
things how other people see them and i cant do that if i'm giving my own. i am an observer or sorts. i try to learn why people act the way they do.
i know politics is a hot topic for many and it is for me too but i dont use feelings or emotions as the wind in my sail to drive my boat. i think
and try to figure things out logically. i already know that if i bash someone it wont do anything positive but it will do a few negative things. one
it will make me look childish. two it wont change a thing. three it could possibly make someone dislike me rather than agreeing to disagree with my
views and while i'm not here for a popularity contest i dont like people to dislike me because i acted like a child, they should at least dislike me
for a better reason. i prefer to show respect, i may not like your opinions but i wont bash you for them. maybe how you say them...but certainly
never for the opinions themselves.
i dont pretend to be perfectly neutral however i try to be neutral. these two parties in this country dont give a whit about me or you. period.
sure they both claim they want a stronger economy and more jobs and blah blah blah but look at what they do. they lie steal and cheat. they argue
among each other and then when things arent worked out in a timely manner because they'd rather fight than find common ground because thats they're
job they blame the other party for the stonewalling, they blame them for the philibuster the veto, etc. and very little gets done. look at how the
people on this board act! now i know noone will see things the way i see them and i dont expect anyone to. i'm not trying to convert anyone and
i'm not trying to convince anyone of my position. sometimes i throw it out there and hope someone gains something from it. but what i wont do is
call someone else an idiot or claim moral highground simply because their opinion differs from mine. we're free to think whatever we want and
despite what some have claimed, having an opinion that doesnt mesh with theirs doesnt make you an idiot. opinions are never wrong but people on this
board sure like to think other wise dont they? things are not black and white but the two parties love to polarize the issues, its this or that its not. there is a reason this way of thinking is being pushed on us and its not for our benefit i assure you. and guess what? some
people on this board perpetuate this way of thinking and its sickening...wouldnt it suck if we all thought one way or another?
the reason why i act the way i act is because i want people to drop the pretensious BS acts and just be themselves. not qouting rush limbaugh or al
franken or al gore or sean hannity. i want to see what people have to say from their hearts AND minds, not what their hate tells them, now what a
party line tells them. and no i'm not going to stop telling people to stop bashing bush clinton, whoever. its getting us nowhere and is only
serving to widen the divide between us. divide and conquer mean anything to you?
now honestly i dont like bush or kerry. i have my reasons and i wont divulge them however i am going to choose which one i'm going to vote for. not
because i hate one or the other, not because one isnt the other but because i viewed what positives they have and weighed those rather than their
negatives. i want to go into the voting booth knowing i actually thought it out, not went into the booth in a rage just to be spiteful.
now i cant speak for the person who started this thread but i'd really like to see some reason why people support kerry that have ZERO to do with
bush...substance above all else. empty promises have ruined this country and they have come from both sides. election campaigns pledges are rarely
held up anymore. its almost as if people want to be lied to. now i know full well it is not easy to strengthen the economy or create new jobs but
some candidates make it look as though it is just that easy and we should know better shouldnt we? i know that i ahvent seen any detailed plans from
either side on how to create more jobs or strengthen the economy what i have seen is kerry acting like a jackass attacking bush when his best bet is
to come up with a detailed plan of attack on making this country better than it is now, not focusing on bush's #s up. bush needs to spend more time
working on his strategy rather than going after kerry. i dont give a damn if both were draft dodgers, i really dont care. what i do care about is
details. lots of them. plans. actual steps being put into motion to make this country better. not hollow talk, chest thumping and dick measuring
contests from these two yahoos. i dontcare who does the job as long as they do it right, they do it for us. which isnt likely but i can still hope.