posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 11:41 AM
It is often wise not to under-estimate China, BUT so too must one NOT be foolish to over-estimate the China CCP govt.
Selling away the bonds would be the most dumbest thing the CCP could ever do if it thinks it will hurt US. The Feds would be smiling and only too
willing to take up the slack over the pathetic billions - free use of the money, no interest paid and even at bargain prices!!!! :-P
If the CCP is that dumb, then they are indeed an enemy worth keeping. Who dont like a stupid enemy you can easily steamroll over?!!!
On a more serious note, WHO dictates whom gets to meet OR NOT meet the President can only be dictated by the american people through their elected
representatives, and NOT any other foriegn country, least of all the illegal authoritarian capitalist bunch of ruffians called the CCP. current
tyrants of the repressed people of China.
The hundreds of thousands founding fathers who gave their lives for freedom of entire american generations will scream and rise from the graves for
vengence if any sitting President allows such intimidation.