posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 11:03 AM
The present EU is a joke. What unity is there when an italian is as different from a greek as a french to a Pole? The difference lies in culture -
which is traditions built up over time. The differences will always be there and will be something difficult to bridge overnight, akin to an emigrant
attempting to intergrate into an older society.
Unity can only happen when an identity is shared and with a common destiny/goal, the way US was created, molded in a crucible of fire and flames, to
disregard the past and envison a better future for all inhabitants.
Or, as some ridiculously here called for a return of Authoritarian Capitalist/NWO rule. Make no mistakes, such rulers are more efficiently utilitarian
than benevolent egalitarian in nature. You are only worth as much as you can contribute or else you are left on the wayside to die. Growing old and
feeble is your problem. Dont expect any welfare. Slavery does comes into mind
However, all is not lost, for evolution of EU unity do and will indeed occur. BUT not with this generation. The unity of EU will come from our next
generation - our present 6 years old and more critically - WHAT IS TAUGHT TO THEM AND EXPECTED FROM THEM.
If properly nurtured, they will form and lead a new european unity without historical baggage and claims if the present gen allows it to be, WITHOUT
embellishing or denying facts, but explaining the rationale for unity in honest terms. Wars must end, and afterall, we are the same human race. Only
our traditions kept us all apart.
So much for EU, but back to the topic, had anyone sought to ask the Greeks what they think of the bailout or non-bailout?
If there are no bailouts, the greek govt is gonna have a hard time governing the island. Teachers and policemen with no wages, govt clerks outta jobs,
ports go idle, etc.....Afterall, they are the ones who will be footing the bill. Bailouts are not charity, but loans from strong European banks who
has the financial clout and capability to purchase Greek bonds.
And BEFORE ANY purchases made, had the european banks done a DUE DILIGENCE on how the govt intends to use the funds? If it continues to be corruptedly
used, then it is a waste of good money.
And had the Greeks, the ones who will be paying for it through their taxes in income and daily use, been consulted, explained and convince of the
political will to correct wrongs of corruption, siding with corporations, etc - better accountability for the bailout funds used?
If not, and the govt continue on its spendthrift course, it will not only doom the lovely island of Greece and its people, but the EU as well. No
hardworking EU member citizen will want their savings and taxes burn up in profiligate spending.
[edit on 12-2-2010 by SeekerofTruth101]